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¬The Role of the European Union in Conflicts Resolution in the Eastern Neighborhood: Selected Models

The launch of the EU’s Eastern Partnership in 2009 intended to signal a new, elevated level of EU engagement with its Eastern neighborhood. Yet there remain several long-simmering and potentially destabilizing conflicts in the region, with which EU engagement thus far has been sporadic at best. The Union’s use of its Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) in the region and to help solve these disputes has been particularly ad hoc and inconsistent, wracked by inter-institutional incoherence and undermined by Member States’ inability to agree on a broad strategic vision for engagement with the area.

The three CSDP missions deployed to the region thus far have all suffered from this incoherence to various extents. In particular, all three were tasked with long-term mandates far beyond their real capabilities, largely for symbolic reasons. This reflects a perception, common in Brussels even after the Treaty of Lisbon, that the EU’s instruments are either ‘political’, like the CSDP, or ‘technocratic’, like the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). Yet the CSDP’s role as political symbol has only made Member States reluctant to deploy it in such a politically-sensitive region, and this artificial and unrealistic distinction between the two types of policy instruments has hampered the EU’s ability to use its wide variety of tools in an effective, coherent and long-term way.

This paper argues that the creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS), as well as the relatively positive current climate of Eurasia relations, offer an unrivalled opportunity for the EU to reconsider its approach to using CSDP to help resolve the conflicts in its Eastern neighborhood. First, the EEAS must develop a set of concrete and politically realistic policy aims for each of the three major disputes in the region: in Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh and the two breakaway provinces of Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The EEAS, together with the Directorate General for the ENP, should then plan together to use their various instruments in support of one another, rather than, as has too often been the case until now, merely brief one another on separate but parallel policies.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Temperature and Frequency on the Dielectric Properties of PVC/MnCl2 Composite

       The dielectric properties of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-MnCl2 composite were studied by using the impedance technique. The measurements were carried out as a function of frequency in the range from 10 Hz to 13 MHz and temperature range from 27oC to 55oC. Using a composite of 20 wt. % MnCl2 by weight, it was found that the dielectric constants and the dielectric loss of the prepared films increase with the increasing temperature at law frequency and the enhancement of the ionic conduction which is confirmed by the increase the of AC. conductivity and the decrease of the activation energy of the conduction mechanism at high applied frequency. The observed relaxation and polarization effects of composite a

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics
Effects of Human Sulfotransferase 2A1 Genetic Polymorphisms 3 on the Sulfation of Tibolone

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2003
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

A total of 589 fishes, belonging to 23 species were collected from eight different localities
in north and mid Iraq during 1993. The parasitological inspection of such fishes revealed the
presence of 59 parasite species and two fungi. Among such parasites, five monogenetic
trematodes were recorded on the gills of some fishes for the first time in Iraq. These
included:- Ancyrocephalus vanbenedenii on Liza abu from Tigris river at Al-Zaafaraniya,
south of Baghdad; Dactylogyrus anchoratus on Cyprinus carpio from Tigris river at Al –
Zaafaranya D. minutus on C. carpio from both Tigris river at Al-Zaafaraniya and Euphrates
river at Al-Qadisiya dam lake; Discocotyle sagittata on L. abu from both the drainage system

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of Robust Principal Components Depends on the some methods of Projection-Pursuit

The analysis of the classic principal components are sensitive to the outliers where they are calculated from the characteristic values and characteristic vectors of correlation matrix or variance Non-Robust, which yields an incorrect results in the case of these data contains the outliers values. In order to treat this problem, we resort to use the robust methods where there are many robust methods Will be touched to some of them.

   The robust measurement estimators include the measurement of direct robust estimators for characteristic values by using characteristic vectors without relying on robust estimators for the   variance and covariance matrices. Also the analysis of the princ

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 25 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Determination of the Dissociation Constants of Metformin from a Second Derivative UV Spectrum

An environmentally begnin second derivative spectrometric approach was developed for the estimation of the dissociation constants pKa(s) of metformin, a common anti-diabetic drug.  The ultraviolet spectra of the aqueous solution of metformin were measured at different acidities, then the second derivative of each spectrum was graphed. The overlaid second derivative graphs exhibited two isobestic points at 225.5 nm and 244 nm pointing out to the presence of two dissociation constants for metformin pKa1 and pKa2, respectively. The method was validated by evaluating the reproducibility of the acquired results by comparing the estimated values of the dissociation constants of two different strategies that show excellent matching. As we

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
Mathematical Problems In Engineering
Bayesian Methods for Estimation the Parameters of Finite Mixture of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution

Methods of estimating statistical distribution have attracted many researchers when it comes to fitting a specific distribution to data. However, when the data belong to more than one component, a popular distribution cannot be fitted to such data. To tackle this issue, mixture models are fitted by choosing the correct number of components that represent the data. This can be obvious in lifetime processes that are involved in a wide range of engineering applications as well as biological systems. In this paper, we introduce an application of estimating a finite mixture of Inverse Rayleigh distribution by the use of the Bayesian framework when considering the model as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). We employed the Gibbs sampler and

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of organic solvent extracts of callistemon citrinns leaves on some biological

In this study, evaluate the impact of organic extracts of leaf butterfly Albzl in some aspects of life has been affected performance ratio destruction of eggs increased by 0.8% extract Alorat ethanol solvent, ethyl acetate and hexane, respectively ..

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of the electronic structure of CdS Nanocrystals using density functional theory

Density Functional Theory at the generalized-gradient approximation level coupled with large unit cell method is used to simulate the electronic structure of (II-VI) zinc-blende cadmium sulfide nanocrystals that have dimensions 2-2.5 nm. The calculated properties include lattice constant, conduction and valence bands width, energy of the highest occupied orbital, energy of the lowest unoccupied orbital, energy gap, density of states etc. Results show that lattice constant and energy gap converge to definite values. However, highest occupied orbital, lowest unoccupied orbital fluctuates indefinitely depending on the shape of the nanocrystal.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of different polishing systems on the surface roughness of full-contour zirconia

Background: Adjustment of any premature occlusal contact of any zirconia restoration requires its polishing or glazing in order to restore the smoothness of the restoration. The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of different polishing systems and glazing on the surface roughness of full-contour zirconia. Material and methods: Forty disks (diameter: 8 mm, thickness: 6.4 mm) were prepared from pre-sintered full-contoured zirconia block; they were colored and sintered in a high-temperature furnace at 1500ËšC for 8 hours. The specimens were then leveled and finished using grinding and polishing machine and adjusted using diamond disk. The specimens were then randomly divided into four groups (n=10), group I involves

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Sodium Propionate on Microorganism and Self life of Laboratory Biscuit

This study has been conducted to examin the effect of sodium propionate at different level of 0.03,0.06,0.10% on the number of bacteria and mold and to extend the storage life of laboratory processed biscuit. The results indicated that the use of 0.10% sodium propionate prolonged the storage peroid until the third month, while the use of 0.20% sodium propionate showed no growth of bacteria up to six month of storage, three types of bacteria has been isolated from processed biscuit, namely, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Esherichia coli. using 0.10% sodium propionate showed no growth of mold up to three month of storage ,while using of 0.15 % and 0.20% sodium propionate prevent the growth

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