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The Chinese vision of US rapprochement with Taiwan in the administration of President Joe Biden
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The recent escalation in Southeast Asia showed that the region is on the verge of political and economic crises through the United States and its allies imposing economic sanctions against China, and a military escalation that may begin with China’s invasion of Taiwan, especially since two-thirds of the American forces in the world are located in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

The United States claims that it is ready to defend the island of Taiwan in the event of the start of Chinese military operations, but the reality shows that the United States supports Taiwan militarily by equipping it with modern weapons to defend itself. Supporting Taiwan economically by engaging it in trade agreements with US allies in the region, such as Japan, South Korea and Australia, to deter Chinese strategic trends in the region. Politically, Congress passed a law to restore contacts with Taiwan, and the evidence is the visit of US House Speaker (Nancy Pelosi), which almost ignited military confrontations between the United States and China.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
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مجلة العلوم السياسية
الرؤية الصينية للتقارب الأمريكي مع تايوان في إدارة الرئيس جو بايدن
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Israeli vision of Iran's nuclear program Under Iranian - US rapprochement
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Israel is one of the countries most interested in Iran's nuclear program file, and the progress of negotiations between Iran and the six countries and will end it, as well as the nature of the relationship between Iran and the United States of America. Is determined by the Israeli vision of the nature of Iran's nuclear program Iran's policy toward Israel orientations, which does not recognize the existence of Israel. Israel, therefore, one of the countries pushing to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear technology. However, those Israeli efforts did not succeed in achieving its objectives, the United States of America and European countries is well aware of the risk of stenosis on Iran, as well as the risks and the consequences of militar

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
International Public Relations (An Analytical Study of the Speeches of US President Barack Obama Addressed to the Arab Countries in Crisis)
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In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.

The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.

The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US-Iranian relations under President Obama
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تنتاب العلاقةَ الأمريكية الإيرانية تجاذباتٌ ومشاحنات أدخلت العالم في حالة من الغموض السياسي، وجعلت بعض المراقبين والمحللين السياسيين لا يستبعدون توجيه الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو إسرائيل ضربة عسكرية لإيران، إذ يرى المدقق في واقع تلك العلاقة المضطربة: أن الأمور كلما بلغت حافة الهاوية عادت من جديد إلى ساحة الحوار والمفاوضات، ويبدو: أن الإستراتيجية الأمريكية التي يتبعها الرئيس (باراك أو

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The security environment in Northeast Asia between American authority and Chinese influence
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The security environment for Northeast Asia is extremely important, as it includes most of the international actors (United States of America, China, Russian Federation and Japan), which gives the nature of the interactions of these forces a special importance for the region.

Because of the multiplicity of policies and interests of the active forces in the region, the result has been an unstable regional environment where the interests of the major powers often clash repeatedly on many related issues, which is coupled with the growing efforts of many powers to adopt policies that differ from what they did in the past This resulted in different patterns of relations, which were mainly characterized by competition over regional lea

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Chinese power challenge of becoming historical sites in the course
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China occupies an area of 906 million square km. and lies east Asia. Its population approximately 1,388 people, according to census 2010. China was a global great power for centuries , then shrank its jurisdiction and occupied by European countries and Japan in the 19th century. It regained its strength and independence under the leadership and rule of the Chinese Communist Party since 1949. In the 21st century , the Chinese positions has risen universally due to its achievements in the economic and trade affairs . Nowadays, China became a largest exporting state in the world and a second economic power after USA.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Foreign policy of the Trump Administration Toward the United Nations
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The Trump administration asserts that the actions of the United States are neither constrained by international organizations nor international controls, as they strive to seek a leadership position in a competitive manner, advance the reform of the United Nations in order to gain strength and support for US interests, and promote conservative social values. This negative policy is the result of the influence and mutual influence of long-term isolationism, the "American exception" and popular trends in the United States, as well as the result of the Trump administration's attempt to employ powerful means to revitalize the United States' strong position in the United Nations. However, the Trump administration’s policy toward the United

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political and economic repercussions of the Chinese Marshall Plan on the Arab world
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China is moving towards building the largest economic power in the world, so what does this mean economically and politically for Europe, America, the Middle East and the Arab world? This project is called the expansionist Chinese Marshall Plan which is a revival of the old Silk Road in a new way. It represents the aspirations of the Chinese people and their president, Xi Jinping, to build a transport route from Asia to Europe and a railway plan to transport goods. The purpose of this is to develop the economic growth model, expand into new markets, promote the Chinese currency, and expand economic and political influence in the areas covered by the Chinese initiative. Equal opportunities in distributing investments to these countries, a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
American strategic performance towards Middle East in the era of president Trump - A future study
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Abstract The strategic performance of the United States depends on dealing with the Middle East countries and its variants on several bases and motives that enabled them to achieve American hegemony and invest its interests at the expense of the region countries. Within this performance, the administration of the United State President Donald Trump presented the Strategic Document on December 18, 2017, which focused on the principle of "America First", to determine the direction of future US strategic performance in the formulation of means of cooperation and intersections or hostility in addition to interests and threats.The future vision of the Arab region and the Middle East as a whole, this strategy is based on the fact that

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq
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The American vision of the Non-governmental Organizations in Iraq the topic area of that’s paper dealing with Civil Society as concept and practice, its already consider as Western concept and associated with liberalism and political development, they are many definitions of its but most significantly is all organizations, agencies, trade unions and non-governmental institutions, that’s agencies were established after 2003 and received funds from United States and UN development agencies. The non- governments organizations played a significant role as support and develop many cultural, healthy, educational, and social projects, also that’s organizations try to reduction the effects of terrorists actions especially after ISI

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