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Doctrinal monotheistic modeling of religion: the impact of the political aspect on Islamic sources and books

There are Islamic sources and books that deal with the different doctrinal and differential framework of the Islamic religion with a monistic approach, describing them with embarrassing jurisprudential titles such as: excommunication and expiation, and epithets that carry the characteristics of hatred and rejection, in addition to removing them from the sect and religion, and the reason for that is that the doctrine (A) or (b) considers itself the doctrine that represents only the Islamic religion, and other doctrines are misguided and disbelieving. the reasons behind this - besides the attempt to establish doctrinal and fiqih rooting in claiming truth and escaping from within the foundational differential doctrinal system – is the political aspect which has had and is still a great influence on the rise of the trend of modeling In the Arab and Islamic world since the inception of sects; where the political authority and circles supporting them have become sectarian biased. The authority believes that it provides it with advocacy in the face of its opponents from other sects, and that this authority provides support to advocates of doctrines and their theorists, which provided an exclusive doctrinal environment consisting of hundreds of sources. Those sources and books within the framework of the Islamic system are the research attempt to diagnose the disease of sectarianism resulting from the monolithic reading of the Islamic religion, and treat it because of its great negative impact on citizenship and peaceful civil coexistence between the people of the same country, and between countries as well, especially since the feature of diversity is prominent in Arab Islamic societies. So, doctrines and teams must re-read each other in a way that provide a permanent climate of coexistence unaffected by the concerned political aspects.


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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Optical Communications
Analyzing of UVLC system considering the effect of water depth
Abstract<p>This paper presents a new approach to discover the effect of depth water for underwater visible light communications (UVLC). The quality of the optical link was investigated with varying water depth under coastal water types. The performance of the UVLC with multiple input–multiple output (MIMO) techniques was examined in terms of bit error rate (BER) and data rate. The theoretical result explains that there is a good performance for UVLC system under coastal water.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 14 2022
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Determination of the Accuracy of Salivary Biomarkers for Periodontal Diagnosis

Background: We aimed to investigate the accuracy of salivary matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-8 and -9, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 in diagnosing periodontitis and in distinguishing periodontitis stages (S)1 to S3. Methods: This study was a case–control study that included patients with periodontitis S1 to S3 and subjects with healthy periodontia (controls). Saliva was collected, and then, clinical parameters were recorded, including plaque index, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth, and clinical attachment level. Diagnosis was confirmed by assessing the alveolar bone level using radiography. Salivary biomarkers were assayed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: A total of 45 patients (15

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of International Monetary Fund in Planning monetary policy for Developing the Iraqi economy: An Applied Research for the Period (2004-2013)

The developing countries, like our country Iraq suffer from deep comprehensive structural crisis, manifestations and a clear imbalance between the demand and the supply sides. The overall imbalance in the external balance. As a consequence, this caused the accumulation of foreign debts or failure in the implementation of economic development programs. The countries which are forced to resort to the International Monitoring Funds, and the World Bank for assistance and to express an opinion on policies that include restrictions controls that belong to the monetary, and fiscal side group, imposed on the economies crisis, as a condition for returning to normal which called reform programs. The organize of the events of radical changes in the

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Measurement of uranium concentration in the water samples collected from the areas surrounding in Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site using the CR-39 detector

Abstract. In this research, the uranium concentration in (16) water samples collected from some agricultural areas surrounded with AlTuwitha nuclear site in Baghdad-Iraq was measured by using a CR-39 detector. The concentration of uranium in this study was from (0.6 ± 0.33mg/l) to (2.51 ± 0.49 mg/l), and the weighted average for the concentrations (1.262 ± 0.402 mg/l). The results showed it is a concentration of uranium level in water samples studied is higher than the allowed limit recommended by WHO and ICRP.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The proportionality of decision taken to sign the AL-Ayadi residential investment project within the Hittin neighborhood in Baghdad by Urban filling style

This research will deal in a simple way with the concept of urban expansion and taking the decision to sign the spatial signature of residential investment projects in order to reach through them in a real way to the extent of the proportionality of the decision taken, in light of the fulfillment of the conditions that must be met in the matter of making the decision of the spatial signature of the residential investment project and the extent of commitment to them, in which the conditions are: (Ease of access to services and transportation, adequacy of services, commitment to urban land uses) when establishing the investment project represented by the Al-Ayad residential project in the Hittin neighborhood of Al

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Emotional deprivation and its relation with the behavioral and nervous problems for adolescents


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Relationship phonetics and musicology at the Ikhwan Al- Safa and at al – Farabi

Phonetics has close relevance with Musicology; in this study I decided explaining the interlinkages and harmony between Phonetics and Musicology. Linguists preceded philosophers in an attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology; the 1st serious attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology was done by Ibn Jeny (Dead 392 IC), but the real attempt is found with Farabi through his book under title Al Musiqa Al Kabeer, he defined music and link it with tune and relation between melody and tone, This is the same as pointed out by Ikhwan Al Safa who followed the doctrine of al-Farabi, their attention was with music and link it with phoneme, as they made music independent science, and they created special mathematics rules for it. Melody in music can

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Finite Element Neural Network And Its Applications To Forward And Inverse Problems

In this paper, first we   refom1Ulated   the finite   element  model

(FEM)   into   a   neural   network   structure   using   a   simple   two   - dimensional problem. The structure of this neural network is described

, followed  by its   application   to   solving  the forward    and  inverse problems. This model is then extended to the general case and the advantages and  di sadvantages  of  this  approach  are  descri bed  along with an analysis  of  the sensi tivity   of

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectroscopic Study for Resonance Effects on the Carbonyl Double Bond Order in Urea Schiff Bases Which Contain Conjugated System

In this work we prepared some schiff bases by condensation urea and benzaldehyde or its derevative ( bromo benzaldehyde or hydroxy benzaldehyde ) as ( 1 : 1 ) mole ( urea : benzaldehyde or its substitution ) to prepare compounds ( A1 , B1 , C1 , D1 , E1 , F1 , G1 ) and ( 1 : 2 ) mole ( urea : benzaldehyde or its substitution ) to prepare compounds ( A2 , B2 , C2 , D2 , E1 , F2 , G2 ) . The prepared compounds identified spectroscopic by infrared spectroscopy FT-IR and Thin layer chromotography T.L.C . The force constant calculated from the wave number for the carbonyl stretching from FT-IR chart and by using the following equation K = 4?2C2?'2? The change in double bond order for carbonyl deteremined in according with some past re

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
HRM Management Approaches, With a Focus on Employee Centric Approach: A Case Study In The Rafidain Bank In Iraq

This research attempts to shed light on a topic that is considered one of the most important topics of HRMs management, which is the Employee centric approach by examining its philosophy and understanding . To achieve the goal, the research relied on the philosophical analytical method, which is one of the approaches used in theoretical studies. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are the theoretical studies that addressed this entry in the English language and the lack of it in the Arabic language, according to the researcher's knowledge. The research reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which was that this approach needs more research, analysis and study at the practical and th

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