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Doctrinal monotheistic modeling of religion: the impact of the political aspect on Islamic sources and books
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There are Islamic sources and books that deal with the different doctrinal and differential framework of the Islamic religion with a monistic approach, describing them with embarrassing jurisprudential titles such as: excommunication and expiation, and epithets that carry the characteristics of hatred and rejection, in addition to removing them from the sect and religion, and the reason for that is that the doctrine (A) or (b) considers itself the doctrine that represents only the Islamic religion, and other doctrines are misguided and disbelieving. the reasons behind this - besides the attempt to establish doctrinal and fiqih rooting in claiming truth and escaping from within the foundational differential doctrinal system – is the political aspect which has had and is still a great influence on the rise of the trend of modeling In the Arab and Islamic world since the inception of sects; where the political authority and circles supporting them have become sectarian biased. The authority believes that it provides it with advocacy in the face of its opponents from other sects, and that this authority provides support to advocates of doctrines and their theorists, which provided an exclusive doctrinal environment consisting of hundreds of sources. Those sources and books within the framework of the Islamic system are the research attempt to diagnose the disease of sectarianism resulting from the monolithic reading of the Islamic religion, and treat it because of its great negative impact on citizenship and peaceful civil coexistence between the people of the same country, and between countries as well, especially since the feature of diversity is prominent in Arab Islamic societies. So, doctrines and teams must re-read each other in a way that provide a permanent climate of coexistence unaffected by the concerned political aspects.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of brainstorming in linguistically grow of garten child
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The study aimed to identification the effect of brainstorming in linguistically grow of garten child the sample of study is composed from (48)male and female children have been distributed for two groups,one of them is experimental and another is disciplined for every  per of garten and pre education,and they have been awarded in a number of variations. For measuring the subordinate variation(linguistically grow)the researcher prepared ascale for this purpose that consist of two parts:the first part the scale of linguistically grow of garten child(4-5 years)and the second part the scale of linguistically grow of pre education child (5-6 years).Consist of every one from (20)shapes of linguistically grow shapes for garten chil

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Study of the Drying of Ethanol using Zeolite Molecular Sieves
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study Of Factors Affecting The Thermal Conductivity Of Iraqi Bentonite
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Thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite is one of the most important properties where this type of clay is proposed for use as a buffer material. In this study, Lee's disc method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite specimens. The experimental results have been analyzed to observe the three major factors affecting the thermal conductivity of bentonite buffer material. While the clay density reaches to a target value, the measurement is taken to evaluate the thermal conductivity. By repeating this procedure, a relationship between clay dry density and thermal conductivity has been established in specimens after adjusting the water contents of the bentonite by placing its specimens in a drying oven for diffe

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Gsc Biological And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Anatomical study of the 3rd metacarpal bone of some mammals
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The current study included the anatomical structure of the metatarsal bone in sheep in terms of the traditional structural description of the bone, as it was found that the metatarsal bone in the fore and hind limbs of adult sheep had no visible differences between it and animals, especially ruminants. The metacarpal \tarsal bone No. 3 was cylindrical in shape, with the presence of the metacarpal \tarsal bones 2 and 4 declines, articulated from the proximal end with the metacarpal and metatarsal bones whereas from the distal part with the fetlock joint and the first phalanx bone. The aim of the study is to determine whether the environment and its changes in Iraq have affected the animals and their bones in terms of length, thicknes

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
The Antimicrobial Activity of Melanin-Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles
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Background: Nowadays, the environmentally friendly procedures must be developed to avoid using harmful compounds in synthesis methods. Their increase interest in creating and researching silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) because of their numerous applications in many fields especially medical fields such as burn, wound healing, dental and bone implants, antibacterial, viral, fungal, and arthropodal activities. Biosynthesis of nanoparticles mediated pigments have been widely used as antimicrobial agent against microorganisms. Silver nanoparticles had synthesized by using melanin from locally isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and used as antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms. Aim of the study: Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Application of Weyl Module In The Case Of Two Rows
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Technology Reports Of Kansai University
Complex of Lascoux in the General Case of Three Rows
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Factors affecting the future of Iraq's production of crude oil
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As the major role of oil sector in financing and development of Iraqi economy this study tried to research on the factors which influencing the future of oil production in Iraq and for that study addressed the hypothesis (the production and export of crude oil in Iraq , influenced by many factors divided into internal and external factors this factors shared the effect varies in the size of their participation and runs from different sectors economic , political and social , in order to test the study hypothesis study addressed the subject of three axes(an overview of the history and facts of crude oil production in Iraq and factors internal Affecting the future of oil production in Iraq and external factors affecting the future

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of the Optical Properties of CuBr Thin Film
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In this paper we have studied the optical properties of CuBr thin

films.  Different  sample  thicknesses  have  been  prepared  by  using thermal evaporation  technique with 14.4 runlsec as the average deposition rate and 1 00°C as the substrate temperature.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Importance of S-point in the Management of Severe Epistaxis
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Although severe epistaxis is uncommon, it is serious. The systematic endoscopic nasal examination is an essential step in identifying the bleeding point and aiding electrocauterization. Currently, the S-point, which is located in the superior part of the nasal septum behind the septal body and corresponding to the axilla of the middle concha, is identified in about 30% of cases with severe epistaxis. Cauterization of this point has an excellent rate of controlling the bleeding and preventing its recurrence. We aimed to highlight the significance of the S-point in the management of severe cases of epistaxis.

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