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US-Russian Interventions in the Caspian-Caucasus Basin Countries after 2001: (Strategies to Re-Impose Control and Influence as a Model)
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Today, the five Caspian riparian states on the shores of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran) have become a front for ambitions and international and regional competition, especially in light of the features and characteristics that natural geography has endowed them with and their enjoyment of a group of economic and mineral wealth that are not optimally exploited so far which made it a strategic attraction area for international trends and interventions, especially Western ones. It is a battleground for major international companies aiming to monopolize promising industrial investments in order to impose control and influence on the region’s resources and economic wealth and thus impose their foreign policies and military and security arrangements on the countries of the Caspian Sea region – the Caucasus and the countries of the Basin region. more broadly.

Accordingly, this region occupy a distinguished position on the agenda of major international policy planners, especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the intensification of international and regional competition in the region, not only for the sake of controlling the rich energy resources (such as oil and natural gas), but to achieve long-term geopolitical and strategic gains. The United States of America is not able to see the region away from its political orientations that coincides with its announcement of the establishment of the (New World Order), and the Russian Federation has been seeking to restore its international position again since President Vladimir Putin came to power in early 2000. This forced Russia to restore its geopolitical position and influence on the countries of the near abroad (Central Asia and the Caucasus), as well as the international competition of the emerging powers shown by China, India, Iran and Turkey, which formed a heated international competition and conflict in the region. As the confined geographical location for the republics of the region, it generated a double political-economic problem, represented by the inability of the countries of the region to benefit directly from their mineral and hydrocarbon resources unless they resort to using the lands and ports of the neighboring countries, most of which suffer from the phenomenon of political and social instability. This imposes the emergence of a set of challenges based on the specificity of the US-Russian interventions in the Caspian-Caucasus Basin countries after 2001 within the framework of conglomeration and enhancing the sustainability of strategies for imposing control and influence by each of the states The United States of America and the Russian Federation regarding this region.


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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2024
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Известия Юго-Западного государственного университета. Серия: Лингвистика и педагогика
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Abstract Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts. Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered, and cultural f

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
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Lxxvi Международная научно-практическая конференция «Научный форум: филология, искусствоведение и культурология»
Comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Abstract: This article is a comparative analysis of the concept and types of homonyms in Russian and Arabic. Homonyms are lexical units that have the same sound but different meanings. The study of homonymy in different languages can help reveal the features of the semantic structure and syntactic rules of each language. The article discusses the main aspects of homonymy in Russian and Arabic, as well as a comparative analysis of the types of homonyms that exist in both languages. The study includes an analysis of the semantic meanings of homonyms, their use in context, and possible differences in syntactic features that may affect their interpretation and perception by native speakers of these languages. The purpose of the article is to id

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2024
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics And Pedagogy
Acomparative Analysis of the Concept and Types of Homonyms in Russian and Arabic
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Purpose of research: The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the concept and types of puns in the Russian and Arabic languages. The main focus is on identifying similarities and differences in the definition of a pun, as well as analyzing its various types in both languages. The purpose of the study is to understand how puns are used to achieve comic or semantic effect in different cultural contexts.

Methods: The study includes an analysis of literature providing information about puns in Russian and Arabic. For comparative analysis, methods were used to compare concepts, definitions and types of puns in both languages. The phonetic, semantic and syntactic aspects of the pun are considered,

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Posttraumatic cognitions and its Relationship with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of Traumatized Individuals
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Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are associated with various variables such as the exposure to traumatic events, sex and age. Such events could lead to negative cognitions towards self and the world. These cognitions, in turn, may lead to traumatic related disorders.

The present study aims to identify the percentage of traumatised individuals according to sex and age category variables. It also aims to assess the average of spreading symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder of traumatised individuals according to sex and age category variables. Likewise, it aims to test variables significance in cognitions towards the world and the self according to the level of the spread of posttraumatic stre

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2024
Journal Name
Bmc Medical Education
Demographic factors, knowledge, attitude and perception and their association with nursing students’ intention to use artificial intelligence (AI): a multicentre survey across 10 Arab countries
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese-Russian role towards the Iranian nuclear program)An analytical study of formation and development according to international variables and future prospects(
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The Iranian nuclear program was one of the most prominent issues in the international arena, in light of Iran's insistence on using it in various ways, and according to international changes, it came under pressure from the American side to impose packages of sanctions, which continued to our time, as it went to Russia and China to gain support in developing its nuclear activities. And, by virtue of the common interests that are linked between them, Iran has received great support from the last two countries in all fields to reach the final agreement in 2015, regarding asserting the peace of these activities, in addition to lifting all restrictions represented in the previous sanctions according to the Security Council resolutions, Aldo

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Identity Attributes and Strategies in Industrial Product Design: وليد محمد مهدي عيسى
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The research discussed the role of interrelationships between the product attributes and the individual identity of the brand and the user, starting from reviewing the identity concepts in the general design propositions and the identity from the industrial design perspective, and highlighting the role of the attributes in identifying the individual identity of the product, which would enable the user to adopt them to be representative of his identity, starting from identifying the importance of the identity being characterized by three major elements: innovating products in the user's viewpoint, viewing the user's environment, the methodology of the design language, and identifying the identity attributes in the industrial product start

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Music and Singing in The Heritage of Baghdadi The 1930s is a Model
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Music and singing are always associated with the movement of society and the emergence of cultural and artistic activities other.
The social and political transformations of the 1930s helped to disseminate the study Music and music in the city of Baghdad and across Iraq This is the beginning of a new era of musical art alongside other arts.
While achieving musical arts A new step was advanced by publishing a technical study among the younger generation they were looking for to contribute to the musical field On the other hand, the city of Baghdad during the period of research many musical and musical performances Egyptian teams have provided many artistic activities and events which have had a significant impact on the development

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Sustainable Empowerment as a Tool to Activate Brownfield
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The redevelopment of brownfields participate to sustainable urban development, it can make cities more valuable worth for community and more attractive for companies to settle down their projects through investment, and it can help to reduce expenditures for the construction of infrastructures and other services. Recent studies in brownfield redevelopment and investment have shown great interest in urban planning studies because of their negative effects on cities, they promoted sprawl, pollution, social and economic problems. There is a general agreement among researchers and experts that brownfield sites can be reused as green spaces, commerce centers, and residential projects. To promote sustainable urban development the role of the c

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International variables and their impact on the flow of foreign direct investment in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
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The six Arab Gulf states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE) play a vital role, especially with its geographical location and natural  resources (oil and gas) as well as other cultural and civilizational elements, in achieving  global economic balance and more specifically global energy security, naturally  because of  these countries have a comparative advantage in the field of fossil energy (oil and gas), thus this sector becomes more attractive for local and international investments alike. Being  the energy sector a leader sector in the economic development process, and the basic factor to achieve savings and financial surpluses in thes

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