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جدلية الحرية والقانون في فكر فردريك هيجل

Western political philosophy is one of the philosophies that dealt with many ideas and proposals that include concepts born in ancient times, where Greek philosophy represents the basic roots of the development of political thought and the study of political phenomena and a starting point for political thought, and if the matter is completed with the Romans, and schools of thought that represented a model for building the state And up to the modern era, the absolute and the relative were the subject of discussion by most philosophers, the transition of thought was with Descartes, and the intellectual transformation from the absolute to the relative was with Nietzsche, and the basic root of all of that is represented by the German philosopher Hegel.

Hegel's thought was purely theoretical and philosophical in his proposition, as he sees that dialectics represents the spirit of history by proposing the dialectical triangle, and that the process of history's growth and development depends in itself on basic determinants, which are freedom, which means the spirit of history, development and growth, as Hegel sees that The identity of thought and existence is represented in a duality that cannot be separated from each other, for the content of the identity of a thing is its existence and the latter represents the identity of the thing, as he sees that every intellectual proposal is full of contradictions, differences and partial facts, where all these differences can unite according to a specific mental system, as Hegel He sees history from three different angles: the original, theoretical, and philosophical history, and all of this can achieve freedom according to a specific system that weaves the development of states.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of financial reporting for non-current assets impairment in enhancing the relevance accounting information

  This research deals with the financial reporting for the non-current assets impairment from the viewpoint of international accounting standards, especially IAS 36 "Impairment of assets”. The research problem focused on the non-compliance with the requirements of IAS 36 which would negatively affect the accounting information quality, and its characteristics, especially the relevance of accounting information, that confirms the necessity of having such information for the three sub-characteristics in order to be useful for the decisions of users represented

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article The problem of nuclear proliferation and its impact on the formula of strategic balance in the Middle East after the events of September 11, 2001

The issue of nuclear proliferation is one of the most vital issues as it reflects a form of dealing in the field of international relations. Therefore, the Middle East region has taken great interest in reducing the levels of nuclear armament and acquiring nuclear power within the strategic framework of the international and regional powers. The establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East region is currently one of the most important international and regional arrangements for controlling the levels of nuclear proliferation and attempting to build a state of stability and balance. In the Middle East and the world. The importance of the research comes from the fact that it deals with an important and vital issue

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Green Regulatory Tapes and Their Reflections on the Job Development - A Study for the Sample of Employees in the Nineveh Directorate for Bridges & Roads

The performance of job effectively requires narrowing the meaningful routine activities and attempting employing the job procedures in favor of public welfare through adding the green impact as well as removing them from the red tapes which reflect the firmness of procedures, to enable the job parties to make their job independently, and pushing them to gain priority in the competition layer. This is not attaining easily amidst the regulatory problems expressed by the complication of procedures, the thing which make identifying the problem of the study through the following question:

Should we make the complex of procedures and their firmness a way to adopt the idea of the green regulatory tapes supportin

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Building the optimal portfolio for stock using multi-objective genetic algorithm - comparative analytical research in the Iraqi stock market


The main objective of the research is to build an optimal investment portfolio of stocks’ listed at the Iraqi Stock Exchange after employing the multi-objective genetic algorithm within the period of time between 1/1/2006 and 1/6/2018 in the light of closing prices (43) companies after the completion of their data and met the conditions of the inspection, as the literature review has supported the diagnosis of the knowledge gap and the identification of deficiencies in the level of experimentation was the current direction of research was to reflect the aspects of the unseen and untreated by other researchers in particular, the missing data and non-reversed pieces the reality of trading at the level of compani

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of COVID-19 on the Role of Renin Enzyme and ACE2 and Hormones in PCOS Females

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most endocrine problem in women of regenerative age. PCOS women typically belong to an age and sex group which is at higher risk for severe coronavirus disease (COVID-19). COVID-19 targets cells through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor presents on cells in veins, lungs, heart, digestion tracts, and kidneys. Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) over activity has likewise been described in metabolic disorders; type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and conditions shared by women with polycystic ovary condition. The point of this study is to know the job of renin and ACE2 in PCOS and coronavirus and its relationship with hormones and other metabolic parameters related. The study groups consist of 1

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Polyethylene Terephthalate Degrading Bacteria from Shatt Al-Arab and Sewage Water of Basrah City

Biodegradation is utilizing microorganisms to degrade materials into products that are safe for the
environment, such as carbon dioxide, water, and biomass. The current study aims to isolate and characterize
bacteria with polyethylene terephthalate (PET) degradation ability isolated from Shatt al-Arab water and
sewage from Basra, the bacteria were identified as Klebsiella pneumonia. According to the findings, the
isolates showed a highly significant difference in degradation of PET (24% during 7 days) and the percent of
degradation increased to 46% at 4 weeks compared to the control. The study also involved determining the
optimum temperature of K. pneumonia growth, which was 37°C, while the preferred

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Aerodynamic Surface Roughness Length over Baghdad City Utilizing Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

This study calculated the surface roughness length (Zo), zero-displacement length (Zd) and height of the roughness elements (ZH) using GIS applications. The practical benefit of this study is to classify the development of Baghdad, choose the appropriate places for installing wind turbines, improve urban planning, find rates of turbulence, pollution and others. The surface roughness length (Zo) of Baghdad city was estimated based on the data of the wind speed obtained from an automatic weather station installed at Al-Mustansiriyah University, the data of the satellite images digital elevation model (DEM), and the digital surface model (DSM), utilizing Remote Sensing Techniques. The study area w

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Some Heavy Metals, Their Fate and Transportation in Water, Sediment, and Some Biota within AL-Musayyib River, Babylon Governorate, Iraq

This study estimated seven heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr) in water (dissolved and particulate phase), sediments and some aquatic organisms including two species from aquatic plants (Ceratophyllum demersum&Phragmites australis); one species of clam (Psedontopeses euphratics) and two species from fish (Oreochromis aureus& Leuciscus vorax)in four sites within Mashroo AL- Musayyib channel project/ branch  of Euphrates river, Babylon , medial of Iraq . This aims to show the concentration of these elements, their fate and the mechanisms of their transmission through the food chain in this lotic aquatic system ; also in addition to examining  some physicochemical properties of ri

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between human investment and economic growth in Iraq(1985-2010) and measuring return of investment of human


Investment in human capital of renewable energy can be relied upon to get to achieve the goals of development is important for Iraq through the intellectual community cards creative able to innovate and develop what is so is study the effect of human investment on economic growth through the adoption of the index of national income as a function of variables independent ( human capital, physical capital) and this is built on the premise that the relationship direct correlation between economic growth and human investment, and it can measure the return on human investment, which is an incentive to increase human capital through education and the development of the economy in general have shown th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric and Reverse Flow Injection Method Determination of Nitrazepam in Pharmaceuticals Using O-Coumaric Acid as a New Chromogenic Reagent

            A spectrophotometric- reverse flow injection analysis (rFIA) method has been proposed for the   determination of Nitrazepam (NIT) in pure and pharmaceutical preparations. The method is based upon the coupling reaction of NIT with a new reagent O-Coumaric acid (OCA) in the presence of sodium periodate in an aqueous solution. The blue color product was measured at 632 nm. The variation (chemical and physical parameters) related with reverse flow system were estimated. The linearity was over the range 15 - 450 µg/mL of NIT with detection limits and limit of quantification of 3.425 and 11.417 µg mL-1 NIT,respectively. The sample throughput of 28 samples

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