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The evolution of modern warfare and postmodern warfare
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War was and remains one of the main instruments for the practice of international relations, and has always been a major focus of the study of international relations. War, such as diplomacy, propaganda, etc., is an instrument of national politics. States have used wars to achieve their goals and aspirations and achieve their national interests. War and peace issues are essential to understanding international relations. They are questions that involve the problem of survival.

Today the term "war" is used in many different ways. We talk about Cold War, Hot War, Limited War, Total War, Conventional War, Unconventional War, Civil War, Gang War, Preventive War etc. However, the war continued to exist, and took various forms.

In the modern period, war between developed countries took a certain form, characterized by a symbiotic relationship between well-organized countries, and practiced the industrializing of war in the way it was fought. However, by the end of the twentieth century, there was some evidence that the era of "modern" industrial war may have ended up with a new beginning. Since the end of the Cold War there has been a wide debate among war scientists about the transformation of war, as many specialists have argued that we need to deal with many of the wars that we see today differently and see them through a new perspective where globalization is included in order to understand it and deepen our knowledge of it.

After studying the many wars and armed conflicts that have erupted since the 1990s, some analysts have rushed to suggest that these wars and conflicts have become a new form of war and that such wars will be a feature of the post-Cold War and post-modern world, and that an era of the industrial superpowers war has been overlooked.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The Familiarity of Preparatory Stage Arabic Language Teachers of Higher-Order Thinking Skills
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The study aimed to find out the degree of practicing Arabic language teachers in the preparatory stage of higher-order thinking skills from their point of view in the first, second and third Baghdad Rusafa directorates of education. The descriptive survey method was used. The study population consisted of teachers of the Arabic language in the directorates of Baghdad, Rusafa, First, Second and Third, and the sample number was (284) teachers. A questionnaire was built on higher-order thinking skills. The validity and reliability of the tool were verified, after which the scale was applied to the research sample of (116) schools and (168) teachers who were randomly selected from the schools affiliated to the Baghdad Education Directorates Rus

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Environmental assessment of land use in the city of Samawah using spatial techniques
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Abstract<p>The city of Samawah is one of the most important cities which emerged in the poverty area within the poverty map produced by the Ministry of Planning, despite being an important provincial centre. Although it has great development potentials, it was neglected for more than 50 years,. This dereliction has caused a series of negative accumulations at the urban levels (environmental, social and economic). Therefore, the basic idea of this research is to detect part of these challenges that are preventing growth and development of the city. The methodology of the research is to extrapolate the reality with the analysis of the results, data and environmental impact assessment of the projec</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of maternal risk factors on the outcome of pregnancy in Baghdad city
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To find out the impact of maternal risk factors on the outcome of pregnancy in Baghdad city. A descriptive purposive study was carried out on 100 postpartum women who had delivered for 1 hr. to 24 hrs. ago . the study sample was selected from three hospitals in Baghdad city ( Baghdad teaching hospital ,Fatima Al-Zahra'a maternity and pediatric teaching hospital and Al-Yarmook teaching hospital),during the period from 25 Jan. to 25 Feb. 2006. The data were collected through the use of questionnaire format reviewing pregnants' records and personal interview and were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical approaches. The finding revealed that maternal pregnancy complications had weak effects on pregnancy outcome , while mate

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Transverse Base Width Restraint on the Cracking Behavior of Massive Concrete
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The effect of considering the third dimension in mass concrete members on its cracking behavior is investigated in this study. The investigation includes thermal and structural analyses of mass concrete structures. From thermal analysis, the actual temperature distribution throughout the mass concrete body was obtained due to the generation of heat as a result of cement hydration in
addition to the ambient circumstances. This was performed via solving the differential equations of heat conduction and convection using the finite element method. The finite element method was also implemented in the structural analysis adopting the concept of initial strain problem. Drying shrinkage volume changes were calculated using the procedure sug

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Evaluation of the quality of potable water in Al-Rusafa side, Baghdad, Iraq
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Safe drinking water is essential for the present and future generations' health. This study aims to assess drinking water quality in Baghdad's Al-Rusafa neighborhood. Water samples were taken from 32 neighborhoods on this side. The quality of the examined potable water samples differed depending on the water source. This investigation's pH, chlorine, EC, TDS, TSS, Cd, and Pb levels were below acceptable ranges. TDS levels in Al-Mada'in are more significant than acceptable (>600ppm) water levels. Bacteria have polluted six communities (Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella). Bacterial quality of drinking water and gram-negative bacteria resistant to chlorine in Baghdad's municipal water supply. Regarding pH, the w

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Effect of Using Porcelanite on Compressive Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete
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Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a zero-slump concrete, with no forms, no reinforcing steel, no finishing and is wet enough to support compaction by vibratory rollers. Because the effectiveness of curing on properties and durability, the primary scope of this research is to study the effect of various curing methods (air curing, emulsified asphalt(flan coat) curing, 7 days water curing and permanent water curing) and different porcelanite (local material used as an Internal Curing agent) replacement percentages (volumetric replacement) of fine aggregate on some properties of RCC and to explore the possibility of introducing more practical RCC for road pavement with minimum requirement of curing. Cubes specimens were sawed from the slab

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Monitoring the Water Quality of Tigris River by Applied Overall Index of Pollution
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Abstract<p>The alteration in the hydrological regime in Iraq and the anthropogenic increasing effect on water quality of a lotic ecosystems needs to continuous monitoring. This work is done to assess the water quality of Tigris River within Baghdad City. Five sites were selected along the river and ten physicochemical parameters and Overall Index of Pollution (OIP) were applied to assess the water quality for the period between November 2020 and May 2021, the studied period were divided into dry and wet seasons. These parameters were water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), total hardness, alkalinity, turbidity, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, electrical co</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics
Effects of Human Sulfotransferase 2A1 Genetic Polymorphisms 3 on the Sulfation of Tibolone
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Field tests of grouted ground anchors in the sandy soil of Najaf, Iraq
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Abstract<p>This article presents test results documentation for four grouted ground anchors embedded in sandy soil. Three anchors were trial, while one was a working anchor. One trial anchor is instrumented with eight resistance-type strain gauges glued on the corrugated pipe and embedded within the grouted body. An acceptance test was made for all anchors to determine the working load. Acceptance criteria suggested by the Post-Tensioning Institute were applied, and the working anchor did not pass the creep criterion, so it was taken out of service. The strain measurements indicated that the compression stresses were generated along the free length, while the tension stresses were generated alon</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
the effect of organic solvent extracts of callistemon citrinns leaves on some biological
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In this study, evaluate the impact of organic extracts of leaf butterfly Albzl in some aspects of life has been affected performance ratio destruction of eggs increased by 0.8% extract Alorat ethanol solvent, ethyl acetate and hexane, respectively ..

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