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The evolution of modern warfare and postmodern warfare

War was and remains one of the main instruments for the practice of international relations, and has always been a major focus of the study of international relations. War, such as diplomacy, propaganda, etc., is an instrument of national politics. States have used wars to achieve their goals and aspirations and achieve their national interests. War and peace issues are essential to understanding international relations. They are questions that involve the problem of survival.

Today the term "war" is used in many different ways. We talk about Cold War, Hot War, Limited War, Total War, Conventional War, Unconventional War, Civil War, Gang War, Preventive War etc. However, the war continued to exist, and took various forms.

In the modern period, war between developed countries took a certain form, characterized by a symbiotic relationship between well-organized countries, and practiced the industrializing of war in the way it was fought. However, by the end of the twentieth century, there was some evidence that the era of "modern" industrial war may have ended up with a new beginning. Since the end of the Cold War there has been a wide debate among war scientists about the transformation of war, as many specialists have argued that we need to deal with many of the wars that we see today differently and see them through a new perspective where globalization is included in order to understand it and deepen our knowledge of it.

After studying the many wars and armed conflicts that have erupted since the 1990s, some analysts have rushed to suggest that these wars and conflicts have become a new form of war and that such wars will be a feature of the post-Cold War and post-modern world, and that an era of the industrial superpowers war has been overlooked.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 19 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology 25 (6), 10203-10208‏
Effect of Boron Spray and Pollination Methods on “Zahdi” Date Palm Yield and Fruits Quality‏

Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Copper and Lead and Study their Poisonous Effects in Drinking Water in Baghdad

The objective of this study is to determine the concentration of copper and lead (mg/L) in drinking water by using absorption spectrophotometic and Atomic Absorption spectrophotometric method from different area in Baghdad and with different intervals , The results show that the concentration of copper and Lead ( mgL) in tap water which remains motionless in plumbing system for following periods one hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 7 days and 14 days are (1 , 2.2 , 4 , 5.3 , 7.5 , 10 and 16 mgL copper ) & ( 0.3, 0.5 , 0.8 , 1 , 2.5 , 3 , 3.8 mg /L lead ) respectively .from these results its clear that high levels of copper & Lead occur if tap water comes in contact with copper - lead plumbing and copper lead -containing fix

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design and Development of Smart List: A Mobile App for Creating and Managing Grocery Lists

Research in consumer science has proven that grocery shopping is a complex and distressing process. Further, the task of generating the grocery lists for the grocery shopping is always undervalued as the effort and time took to create and manage the grocery lists are unseen and unrecognized. Even though grocery lists represent consumers’ purchase intention, research pertaining the grocery lists does not get much attention from researchers; therefore, limited studies about the topic are found in the literature. Hence, this study aims at bridging the gap by designing and developing a mobile app (application) for creating and managing grocery lists using modern smartphones. Smartphones are pervasive and become a necessity for everyone tod

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of an Airlift Pump with Conventional and Modified Air Injection Device

The effect of air injection device on the performance of airlift pump used for water pumping has been studied numerically and experimentally. An airlift pump of dimensions 42mm diameter and 2200 mm length with conventional and modified air injection device was considered. A modification on conventional injection device (normal air-jacket type) was carried out by changing injection angle from 90  (for conventional) to 22.5  (for modified). Continuity and Navier-Stokes equations in turbulent regime with an appropriate two-phase flow model (VOF) and turbulent model (   ) in two dimensions axisymmetry flow were formulated and solved by using the known package FLUENT version (14.5). The numerical and experimental investiga

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Removal of copper by Azolla filiculoides and Lemna minor: phytoremediation potential, adsorption kinetics and isotherms

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
The Egyptian Rheumatologist
Predictive significance of CXCL8, CXCL10 and CXCL16 in juvenile idiopathic and rheumatoid arthritis Iraqi patients

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detection of Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) Concentrations and Hazards in Some Baby Food Samples

This study was conducted to detect the concentration of lead and cadmium in baby foods, (18) samples were examined, which are the most available from various local markets in the city of Baghdad (at a rate of (9) samples of baby food consisting of cereals and (9) samples of baby foods consisting of vegetables). All samples were examined using an atomic flame absorptiometry (AAS-7000), all results showed the presence of lead and cadmium and the highest concentration value of lead in baby foods consisting of cereals (1.0986) and cadmium in baby foods consisting of vegetables (0.0015) ppm. Lead exceeded 100% limitations and cadmium did not exceed that. The results reported on the risks of contamination, as the mean daily intake (g/kg/d) for

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal And Chemical Sciences
Organo-Clay Composites of Intercalated 4-Methylaniline and Its Schiff Base Derivative: Preparation and Characterization

4-methylaniline and its Schiff base derivative were intercalated into the Bentonite clay interlayers in a solid state reaction followed by a condensation reaction to produce two organo-clay composites. X-ray diffraction was used to identify the changes in basal spacing of montmorillonite layers which exhibited noticeable alteration before and after the formation of the composites. FT-IR spectra, on the other hand, were utilized for identifying the structural compositions of the prepared materials as well as the formation of the intercalated Schiff base derivative. The surface morphology of the composites was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM and Atomic Force Microscope AFM, which reflected some differences in the surface of prepa

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical and Numerical Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA) of Standard and Modified Involute Profile Spur Gear

Among all the common mechanical transmission elements, gears still playing the most dominant role especially in the heavy duty works offering extraordinary performance under extreme conditions and that the cause behind the extensive researches concentrating on the enhancement of its durability to do its job as well as possible. Contact stress distribution within the teeth domain is considered as one of the most effective parameters characterizing gear life, performance, efficiency, and application so that it has been well sought for formal gear profiles and paid a lot of attention for moderate tooth shapes. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of pressure angle, speed ratio, and correction factor on the maxi

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis , Spectroscopic and Antibacterial Studies of Zinc(II) Complexes Derived from Salicylaldehyde, Leucylalanine and Glycylglycine

Two Schiff base ligands L1 and L2 have been obtained by condensation of salicylaldehyde respectively with leucylalanine and glycylglycine then their complexes with Zn(II)were prepared and characterized by elemental analyses , conductivity measurement , IR and UV-Vis .The molar conductance measurement indicated that the Zn(II) complexes are 1:1 non-electrolytes. The IR data demonstrated that the tetradentate binding of the ligands L1 and L2 . The in vitro biological screening effect of the investigated compounds have been tested against the bacterial species Staphlococcus aureus, Escherichia coil , Klebsiella pneumaniae, Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by the disc diffusion method . A comparative study of inhibition values of

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