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The evolution of modern warfare and postmodern warfare
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War was and remains one of the main instruments for the practice of international relations, and has always been a major focus of the study of international relations. War, such as diplomacy, propaganda, etc., is an instrument of national politics. States have used wars to achieve their goals and aspirations and achieve their national interests. War and peace issues are essential to understanding international relations. They are questions that involve the problem of survival.

Today the term "war" is used in many different ways. We talk about Cold War, Hot War, Limited War, Total War, Conventional War, Unconventional War, Civil War, Gang War, Preventive War etc. However, the war continued to exist, and took various forms.

In the modern period, war between developed countries took a certain form, characterized by a symbiotic relationship between well-organized countries, and practiced the industrializing of war in the way it was fought. However, by the end of the twentieth century, there was some evidence that the era of "modern" industrial war may have ended up with a new beginning. Since the end of the Cold War there has been a wide debate among war scientists about the transformation of war, as many specialists have argued that we need to deal with many of the wars that we see today differently and see them through a new perspective where globalization is included in order to understand it and deepen our knowledge of it.

After studying the many wars and armed conflicts that have erupted since the 1990s, some analysts have rushed to suggest that these wars and conflicts have become a new form of war and that such wars will be a feature of the post-Cold War and post-modern world, and that an era of the industrial superpowers war has been overlooked.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Tourist development of heritage in Algeria: case of the Hypone site -ANNABA-
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Abstract<p>In a world where tourism has become the leading industry on the market, sustainable tourism has found its place and is becoming a major player in the network of traveling Internet users. Hospitality, solidarity and conviviality are essential are giving meaning to sharing. This “extra soul” has the capacity to enrich moments, places, attractions and heritage. Archaeological heritage sites constitute an important factor for the economic and social life of a large number of countries, the development policy came to emphasize the safeguard and the preservation of landscapes and natural or man-made sites, against the attacks which have impoverished the cultural heritage, this heritage </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Efficacy of (810 Nm) Diode Laser in Treatment of Idiopathic Epistaxis
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There are many causes for epistaxis but it is mainly idiopathic in type. In Management of epistaxis there are different modality either medical or cautery(chemical or galvanic) recently laser is used in management of epistaxis. The type of laser used in current study was 810 nm diode laser. The aim of the study is to evaluate its efficiency in control of active and non active idiopathic epistaxis; The design of the study is interventional therapeutic trial. The study was performed from December 2011 to December 2012 in Al Yarmouk teaching hospital at otorhinolaryngology department. In current study the diode laser is used in different power with same exposure time in all application; The power density is measured and choose the best one

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
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Histological assessment of the efficiency of rabbit serum in healing skin wounds
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Aim: This study aimed to investigate the impact of rabbit serum on skin wound healing with the help of histological examination. Materials and Methods: A total of ten indigenous rabbits were used in this study. The animals were divided into two groups: control and serum- treated. The histological assessment was done with a paraffin embedding technique and the histological sections were stained with H&E stain. Results: Severe infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes with severe fibrin deposits were seen in serum treated group at 2 days post-injury; at 7 days post-injury the changes revealed moderate fibroplasia, fibrin deposit and severe infiltration of both mononuclear and polymorphonuclear leukocytes; at 14 days post-inju

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimation of the Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution under Different Priors
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In this paper, some estimators for the reliability function R(t) of Basic Gompertz (BG) distribution have been obtained, such as Maximum likelihood estimator, and Bayesian estimators under General Entropy loss function by assuming non-informative prior by using Jefferys prior and informative prior represented by Gamma and inverted Levy priors. Monte-Carlo simulation is conducted to compare the performance of all estimates of the R(t), based on integrated mean squared.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect Of Curing Types On Compressive Strength Of High Performance Concrete
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The present investigation considers the effect of curing temperatures (30, 40, and 50˚C) and curing compound method on compressive strength development of high performance concrete, and compares the results with concrete cured at standard conditions and curing temperature (21˚C). The experimental results showed that at early ages, the rate of strength development at high curing temperature is greater than at lower curing temperature, the maximum increasing percentage in compressive strength is 10.83% at 50C˚ compared with 21C˚ in 7days curing age. However, at later ages, the strength achieved at higher curing temperature has been less, and the maximum percentage of reduction has been 5.70% at curing temperature 50C˚ compared with 21

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Nanocomposites TiO2 addition on the Dielectric Properties of Epoxy resin
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Sheets of Epoxy (EP) resin with addition of TiO2 of grain size (1.5μm, and 50nm) and weight percentage (1%, 3%, and 5%) were prepared. Discs of 20mm diameter and 3mm thickness were cut for dielectric measurements. Dielectric properties (dielectric constant, dispassion factor and electrical conductivity) over the frequency range 102 -106 Hz were measured.
Comparison was made between the effect of micro and nano particles of TiO2 on the dielectric properties of EP composites with different weight percentage. Epoxy composites with micro sized particles of TiO2 were observed to have the better values of dielectric properties.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (jmess)
The Effect Of Thickness On Some Physical Properties Of CdSe Thin Films
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 22 2012
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
The effect of NPK fertilize on some physiological characters of Apium graveolens
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The experiment was carried out to study the effect oftwo concentration of NPK 0.25 and 0.50g/kg soil on some physiological characters of Apium graveolens. The results showed that the both concentration increased percentage of germination, plant height, Length of roots, roots diameter, absolute growth rate (AGR), relative growth rate (RGR) and percentage of N, P and K in plants

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Porosity of Certain Iraqi Clay Deposits by Mercury Porosimeter
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Pore volume, pore diameter, and pore volume distribution of three of Iraqi natural clay deposites were measured using mercury intrusion porosimetry .The clays are white kaolin, colored kaolin, and bentonite .The results showed that the variation of the pore area of the clay deposites followed the following order :- Coloured Kaolin > White Kaolin > Bentonite While the pore volume may be arranged as in the following sequence:- White Kaolin > Coloured Kaolin >Bentonite Also , Bentonite exhibits the narrow range pore size distribution than the white and coloured kaolin.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The micronucleated erythrocytes in speeies of Iraqi fish as indieator of dilution
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The micronucleated erythrocytes in fish was used to detect water pollution by genotoxic agents. Fish belonging to different species were collected from three regions from Baghdad during three months (December/2000,January and February/2001 ).The micronucleated erythrocytes was observed in all the specimens. It was concluded that the genotoxic activity' in one region was less than in die other two regions.?

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