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The European Union and the Extremist Right Phenomenon: Brexit as a Model
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The European Unit has never been affected by a serious phenomena as the phenomena of the advancing of the far right parties. Though these parties vary in their impact in their original countries, they agree on one important issue which is the deconstruction of the European unit and limiting its supernational powers. These increasing popular parties aim at more national independence in decision making away from the decisions taken by Brussels. Moreover, they criticize the financial and administrative corruption accompanied many of the rescuing procedures directed for example towards countries like Greece and Spain during the international economic crisis. This failure nourishes many of the negative feelings against the European unit which have been exploited by the far right parties to call for the demolition of this institution because it is no more serving people as it comes to serve particular political leaderships. The influence of the far right parties   find some real achievements in some European counties like the referendum in Britain which has confirmed Britain's exit from the Unit, or some other separatist attempt in other countries. All in all, the far right phenomena is challenging the effectiveness of the European unit and it builds the basis for its deconstruction.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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The aesthetic work of theatrical rehearsal and its directing applications "Taqasim on Al-Hayat Play as a model"
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This research reviews the aesthetic variables that were founded according to (theatrical rehearsal) as one of the most important pillars on which the theatrical process is based, because of its necessity in developing theatrical art on several levels that helped the theatrical director in organizing his work, and this became clear through the research chapters represented in the first chapter (methodological framework) and the second chapter, which consisted of the first topic (the duality of watching / rehearsal) and the second topic (the applications of theatrical rehearsal in theatrical experiences), all the way to the third chapter (research procedures), which included the analysis of theatrical rehearsals (sharing on life), and the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
مجلة نسق
Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying
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The study was enriched by examining (Islamic Sharia’s position on the phenomenon of bullying) becausee bullying is a recurring aggressive behavior that Is one of the types of violence directed by a person or group of prsons; With the intent of deliberately harming and offending anotherr person or group of persons, It has several verbal, physical, electronIc or other formsforms Bullies may follow a policy of Ientimidation or intimidation, as well as ridicule; In order to belittle the victim .The study aims to know the Islamic Sharia ruling on bullying as a modern term for a content that Is as old as man, and the study reached several results, Including: Islam’s affirmation of the prohibition of this phenomenon In word, deed and gesture,

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The Technicality and Spontaneity Paradoxes in the Art of the Playwright -Examples of Improvisation in Modern European Theater
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The research deals with the problems of improvisation in two basic subjects and applied a samples  and conclusion. The first topic focuses on the concept of improvisation and spontaneity and clarifies the confusion between them. The second topic deals with the foundations and principles on which the actor is based in his artistic preparation for the purpose of developing his improvisational abilities.

The research focuses on clarifying the dimensions of improvisational techniques and its multiplicity in the modern theater. It analyzes the method of improvisation and its use in the construction and composition of the theatrical performance. It deals with two important experiments, such as the experience of the Russian directo

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 04 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Home Science
The phenomenon of drugs in Iraq and its international and national impacts
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Abstract Drug addiction is considered a criminal behavior, which led the Iraqi legislator to prohibit and criminalize it, imposing penalties on those who use or even approach it. This aims to limit its presence in Iraq and reduce unethical behaviors, leveraging the divine prohibition to curb it. The legislator also encourages media organizations to raise awareness about the dangers of this substance, which has contributed to reducing the phenomenon of drugs in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends of journalists and consumers about the phenomenon of food fraud
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Food comes after air and water in terms of importance in the survival of human beings, In addition, it is the support and strength of health and support, if lost or destroyed man would die or get sick and become a heavy burden on himself and his society. Food, like other sources of life, is subject to various risks and corruption comes from countless sources. Among these dangers is the result of spontaneousness, lack of knowledge or compulsion due to the interaction of variables beyond the will of the producer and the consumer, such as pollution of water, air and environment and their reflection on food consumed by people. However, we can’t deny that some reasons of corruption are intentional and resulting from a planning in advance in

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
supervisory authorities role in protection the financial system " conservatorship model: an applied research in Albaraka investment bank
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The conservatorship is a legal action to protect troubled banks from credit risk and bankruptcy risk that banks cannot hedge them .The Central Bank role has to protect the financial system from these risks by controlling and supervising. This research studied these risks and explained the role of The Central Bank. This research presented and analyzed the legal framework for supervision and the imposition of conservatorship bank to address the effects that have been achieved as a result of poor management and weak internal controls. Baraka Bank for Investment and Finance was a research sample to measure the financial ratios for the troubled bank, and analysis the results that led to put the conservatorship. The research depends on the hyp

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Corporate Reputation Review
The Absorptive Capacity of Knowledge as an Approach for Building Strategic Reliability in the Sponge Organizations/Small Organizations in Kirkuk Governorate as a Model
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Adab Al Rafidayn
Measuring the quality of office services using (LibQUAL + ®): the central library of the University of Baghdad as a model
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Libraries, information centers, and everything related to organizing and preparing information need to be periodically re-evaluated in order to stand on the level of quality, which means improving the general reality of these institutions to ensure sufficient satisfaction from beneficiaries of the services provided. This is what was worked on in this research, as one of the most important quality standards in libraries and information centers, LibQUAL+®, was applied in one of the most important and oldest central university libraries, namely the Central Library of the University of Baghdad at its two locations, Al-Jadriya and Al-Waziriya. The sample of beneficiaries to whom the questionnaire was distributed reached 75 beneficiaries distrib

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Terrorism and its impact on the right of Human in development - A study case of ISIS (Daesh) in Iraq
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       Iraq is one of the most important countries in the world that has received its share of terrorist acts by the terrorist organization the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which has caused instability, especially during the period of ISIS's control of seven Iraqi provinces (2014-2017). This stage has caused a decline in the levels of human and economic development and its inconsistency with the capabilities and needs of the Iraqi population. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that there is a close relationship between the decline in development in Iraq and the brutal practices of ISIS that it committed during his period of control over many Iraqi cities and regions. This study used several method

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Slurring Phenomenon And Throat Voices
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Slurring Phenomenon And Throat Voices

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