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The Future of Palestinian identity under occupation and resistance
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The conflict between Arab and Zionist movement before 1948 was not normal dispute about certain issue or quarrel on borders, it is comprehensive conflict, this research intraduce analytical and outlook future reading about Palestine identity in time of occupation and resistance in the first studying we take the concept of identity and the fundamental relationship identity history and geography. Our research treated the contents of palest Iain and Isralian identsunder. The political, cultural and military conflict between Israil and Palestine. The research introduce analytic study of research introduce analytic study of intellectual orientation of Zionist state in order to determine the exact meaning of this identity, because new national state need confirmed its identity at first stage. This research study the Isralian thought in two parts secularity and fundamentalist and the role of cultural resistance in keeping Palestine national identity we elaborate the role of armed resistance in main tenancy on Palestine identity we conclude that the Palestinians in side Palestin don’t influenced on their identities over the past decades while Palestinians abroad suffered from identify cation.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Post-interactive communication A study to build a model for the flow of communication in social networking sites
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The issue of the research lies in the non-representation of the models developed for the communication process in the interaction and networking processes through social media, as the research sought to build a network model of communication according to the specific data and features of social media platforms in order to reach a special generalization to understand how the process of networking operates in cyberspace.

The researcher followed the analytical survey approach as she described the communication models outwardly in order to be able to build a networked communication model that represents the flow of post-reactive communication. Therefore, it has been named "Nebula - Sadeem" after the concept of post-space and cosmic g

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this paper, a relationship between the liquid limit and the coefficient of consolidation of Iraqi soils are studied. The samples of soil used in study are undisturbed silty clay. These samples are taken from different locations and depths of Middle and South of Iraq by cooperation with Consulting Engineering Bureau- University of Baghdad- College of Engineering. The depth reached about 20 meters. The experimental work is made to calculate the liquid limit and the coefficient of consolidation. From these sites, 280 points are obtained. The relationship between the liquid limit and the coefficient of consolidation is drawn as a curve. This curve is studied and compared with the curve that obtained from other studies. From these curves, it

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Artistic Integration of Aesthetic Manifestations in the Andalusian Islamic Style into the Interior Architecture (Mansour Laalaj's Door / Meknes a Case Study): شهريار عبد القادر محمود -سعد جرجيس
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The Islamic architectural heritage constitutes a civilized fortune that has to be preserved and protected and work should be done to maintain its development to be more convenient for the circumstances of the age and the civilization transformations. Due to the fact that architecture represents the civilization pot and cultural identity, its originality has to be preserved and work has to be done to prevent the strange architectural invasion that changes its character and make it lose the identity and the character and detached from its roots and environment.    

Decoration, in the interior design, as a concept is connected to ornamentation process of interior spaces, which is a process of adding certain items

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraq Journal Of Agricultural Research
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The experiment was conducted in Baghdad for study effect using mold board and disc plows as main factor , and second factor was three speeds 1.85 , 3.75 and 5.62 km / hr , and sub-second factor was three levels of soil moisture 21,18 and 14 % to determined data fuel consumption and economy costs machine unit in silt clay loam with depth 22cm. The experiment was a split – split plot arrangement in a randomized complete block design with three replications and statistical analysis using Least Significant Design 0.05 was used to compare the means of treatments. Mold board recorded least fuel consumption and cast fixed and variable and management and total costs of tractor and plow costs and total cost. Increasing forward speeds of the t

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 27 2024
Journal Name
Scientific Journal Of Sport And Performance
effect of a laser device on some biomechanical variables of the rotational phase in the achievement of 100 m freestyle swimming for the Iraqi team (16-18 years old)
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The researchers have discovered weaknesses in the rotational phase of the 100-meter freestyle event, including a lack of proper movement direction and control of biomechanical variables necessary for swimmers to achieve high rotational accuracy, which leads to outperforming competitors. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of using a laser device on improving the performance of the rotational phase among swimmers on the Iraqi national team. The experimental approach was conducted on a sample of 6 swimmers, representing 100% of the target population. The researchers concluded that the utilization of a proposed laser device in the rotational phase resulted in positive differences in biomechanical variables, contri

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Inhibitory Effect of Aqueous Extract of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Leaves on the Activity of Male Reproductive System of Albino Mice
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The aim of present study to investigate the effect of Coraindrum sativum leaves extract on reproductive activity of male albino mice .Thirty male mice with age of 80-100 day and weight between 25-30 g were divided into three groups: group 1 (untreated), group 2 and 3 were administrated orally for 30 days with aqueous extract of Coraindrum sativum leaves at dose 125 and 250mg/kg.b.w. respectively. The following parameters were evaluated: serum testosterone levels, testes weights, sperm characteristics [motility, viability, spermatozoa, morphology and concentration] and histology changes of the testis. The results showed that the treatment caused highly significant degrease (P<0.01) in testosterone levels and the weight of testes assoc

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In Vitro Comparative Assessment of the Effect of Gutta-Fusion Obturation on the Push Out Bond Strength of Three Types of Sealers
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Background: The bond strength of the root canal sealers to dentin is very important property for maintaining the integrity and the seal of root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the push-out bond strength of root filled with total fill Bioceramic, AH Plus and Gutta-flow®2 sealers using GuttaFusion®obturation system versus single cone obturation technique. Materials and method: sixty of mandibular premolars teeth with straight roots were used in this study, these roots were instrumented using Reciproc system, instrumentation were done with copious irrigation of 3 mL 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) during all the steps of preparation, and smear layer will be removed with 1 ml of 17% EDTA kept in

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectral Study of the Pollutants ( Gelbstoff) in Water Liquefaction of Some areas of Baghdad Province by Using the Technique of Raman, Flora
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  In this research we study one of the pollutants(Gelbstoff ) such as Humic  and Fulvic Acids  in tap waters by using the technique of  Raman, Flora to some regions of Baghdad , the results appear that the tap waters  were pollutants which know yellow substance or Gelbstoff instant of suspending waters, which appear through the scattering of the incident light to same the wave length of Raman ,also calculate Raman shift which was 3640 cm-1 and force constant to band (O – H ) was 743 N/m, where the peak of Raman was at the wave length 441 nm after used the excitation wave length 380 nm . The results were in an agreement with lectures [8][9][10].

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 27 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Economic Perspectives
The impact of strategic leadership on the building of intelligent organizations: A field study of a group of economic institutions in Algeria
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This study aims to highlight the role of strategic leadership in adopting the intelligent organization model. The study was conducted on 7 economic organizations in Algeria. The study population consisted of 354 leaders, of whom a random sample of 176 leaders (managers, department heads, division heads, engineers) was selected. The researcher used a questionnaire as the main tool of the study. Statistical analysis and hypothesis testing were conducted using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with the aid of SPSS.v26 and AMOS.v24 software. The study concluded with a set of results, most notably: there is a statistically significant direct positive effect between strategic leadership and building intelligent organizations at a significance le

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