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The role of relational general policies in achieving the aims of sustainable development
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شهدت العالم منذ نهايات القرن الماضي وبدايات القرن الواحد والعشرين تطورات دراماتيكية على صعيد الادبيات التنموية ، اذ تحولت التنمية من المفهوم التقليدي الذي اهتم بالنمو الاقتصادي الى رؤية جديدة هي رؤية التنمية البشرية ومن ثم الى التنمية المستدامة التي اعطت للتنمية البعد الانساني وجعلت من مشكلات واحتياجات البشر منطلق لها لتحويل الفرد والمجتمع الى مرحلة جديدة تضمن له العيش الكريم وتحقق معه نسب مهمه من الحرية والثقافة والتعليم والصحة والنظافة والاكتفاء وغيرها هذا التطور ادى الى اعادة النظر بمفهوم التنمية ليكون مفهوما يندمج فيه الجانب الاقتصادي والاجتماعي وحتى الجانب السياسي.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Figure role in highlighting and content in the technical poster
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The poster is one of the means which can be communicate with others through it, to transfer ideas that the designer want to focus on, for its importance to accomplish the poster. It’s a visual mean contact aim to submit an idea to the audience to get a clear idea, and that would be through the shapes and subject to submit the idea. Depend on that our goal in this study is to find out, what follows:1-Finding the relationship between the shape and the idea.And the study comes up with several results, like:1-The drawings that contain themes connected with what the designer want to achieve, through the clearness of idea and to make those elements clear by putting more elements to surround the main shape.2-To assure that the strong connecti

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy tools in stimulating local investments in Algeria
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The various countries seek to encourage their local investments through the various policies they follow. The most important of these is the monetary policy, which is a means and procedures taken by the monetary authority to control the supply of money and maintain its stability of its financial impact on economic activity.
       The effect of monetary policy is to stimulate domestic investment through money supply that is inversely related to the interest rate and a direct relationship with domestic investment. When money supply increases, interest rates fall and local investment growth rates rise, but when the rise in money supply is high, Inflationary measure

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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 This study dealt with the basics of financial inclusion in terms of concept, importance and objectives, The empowerment of women financially and bank,and then the relationship between financial inclusion and women, and determine the requirements of inclusion Financial resources for women. The analytical descriptive method was used for data, which included reviewing and analyzing information And data in economic and financial literature. The study: reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which are Financial inclusion contributes to women's financial and banking support, as there is a positive relationship between financial institutions Banking and women's access to financial and banking services, thus playing a role i

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Economic Reform in attracting Direct Foreign Investment in EYGPT
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  Developing countries have depended since long time on the developed countries to increase the levels of development and improving rates of growth direction to the  best way where taking this dependence many shapes influenced by the evolution  form of international relations and this dependence shows how the great deficiencies in sources of local financing, which called  developing countries to increase their reliance on external funding sources, represented in the form of grants, subsidies, loans and foreign investment, pursuing States in that the application of economic reform policies in pursuit of faster economic growth and restructure its economy and achieve economic stability. In the early eighties of the last

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of the Teacher in Facing Intellectual Extremism among High School Students
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The study aimed to identify the role of the teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in high school students, and identify the differences of statistical significance in the role of teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in secondary school students according to gender variable (males, females) and the duration of service (less than 5 years more than 5 years), the sample was consisted of (100) teachers with (50) male  and (50) female in the city of Bayaa, Dora and Sadiya, the measure of intellectual extremism was applied by the researcher, and the study reached a role of the teacher in facing the intellectual extremism at Secondary school students, and the existence of differences of statistical significance in the role

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Family’s Role in Inculcating the Moral Values of Voluntary Work among Adults
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The study aims to identify the role of family in inculcating the moral values of voluntary work among adults, as it constitutes the basic social institution that is responsible for raising and control children. It has regarded as the first phase of constituting societies, where family plays a significant role in changing the behavior of individuals positively or negatively through provided patterns. The moral values act as organizer of human relationship in which misusing of these values would affect the interaction between people. This study focuses on how to employ the moral values in voluntary work as a civilized behavior helps in developing and strengthening societies. The researcher adopted the analytical-descriptive approach as mor

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in achieving Ambidextrous Performance A case study in a sample of private banks
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The research aims to shed light on the role of artificial intelligence in achieving Ambidexterity performance, as banks work to take advantage of modern technologies, artificial intelligence is an innovation that is expected to have a long-term impact, as well as banks can improve the quality of their services and analyze data to ensure that customers' future needs are understood. . The Bank of Baghdad and the Middle East Bank were chosen as a community for the study because they had a role in the economic development of the country as well as their active role in the banking market. A sample of department managers was highlighted in collecting data and extracting results based on the checklist, which is the main tool for the stu

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Following the adoption of the annual tax controls in settling accounts for the owners Mmakhr medicines: Applied Research in the General Authority for taxes
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It highlights the importance of research through its focus on the assessment of tax for settling accounts Mmakhr medicines and annual statement controls and its role in determining the taxable income of the real tax Mmakhr drugs and achieve tax equity through tax settling accounts. The tax authority relies annual controls laid down by the tax settling accounts for Mmakhr medicines despite their inclusion bookkeeping business No. 2 system for the year 1985 average .ually this basis formulated hypothesis (that the adoption of the tax authority on annual controls in the tax settling accounts for Mmakhr medicine does not contribute in determining income taxable real tax for this Almmakr). the resulting search for a number of conclusions and

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of ERP In Enhancing the Accuracy of Financial Reporting
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Nowadays, the adoption of economic unity on the accuracy of financial reporting is very important. Economic units need accurate financial reporting to be more competitive and to improve the performance. Management can also achieve financial information in real time through the application of ERP systems. This system will facilitate management to access the most up-to-date information such as planning, monitoring and evaluating the business processes of the organization to be more effective.

On the practical side, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system was applied to the General Company for Vegetable Oils to demonstrate a course in enhancing the accuracy of financial reporting.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax exemption in attracting foreign investment and the possibility of activation in the Iraqi economy
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The tax exemption, whether wholly or partially, and for an unlimited duration of the investment or for a limited period of few years, is one of the encouraging things to the flow of foreign capital. And if necessary, impose tax on the profits of the invested capital, the promotion requires that not be discriminatory taxes or payments in the amount of money with the need to avoid double taxation. The tax exemption is granted by the government and the feature according to the law of a natural person or legal entity seeking from the government purports to achieve a set of political goals, economic and  social development. The reduction of taxes or grants partial exemption is one of the factors that encourage attract of direct foreign i

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