العراق والوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية 1990-2003
That it is essential to be for us to recognize is that the phenomenon of poverty are addressed most of the doors of Arab countries in general and Iraq in particular, with the contrast between Qatar and another, and that the deteriorating situation of developing countries it is clear that poor people are victims of exploitation and inequality.
That dealing with the phenomenon of poverty should be more present in mind, especially since the Arab world that enters the era of so-called globalization, as more people poor, and the increase of the utilization of materials Arab interests abroad under the competition is unequal and the impoverishment of deliberate environmental and resource Arab
Recently, the theory of Complex Networks gives a modern insight into a variety of applications in our life. Complex Networks are used to form complex phenomena into graph-based models that include nodes and edges connecting them. This representation can be analyzed by using network metrics such as node degree, clustering coefficient, path length, closeness, betweenness, density, and diameter, to mention a few. The topology of the complex interconnections of power grids is considered one of the challenges that can be faced in terms of understanding and analyzing them. Therefore, some countries use Complex Networks concepts to model their power grid networks. In this work, the Iraqi Power Grid network (IPG) has been modeled, visua
... Show Moreانشأت الأمم المتحدة لتحقيق هدف أساسي هو حفظ السلم والأمن الدولي عن طريق منع الحروب بين الدول, وتقوية التعاون الدولي في كافة المجالات, لدعم العلاقات السلمية بين الدول وضمان تحقيق تقدم ورفاهية شعوبها. وحملت الأمم المتحدة على عاتقها مسؤولية المحافظة على السلم والأمن الدوليين, وأصبح مجلس الأمن يتمتع من بين أجهزة الأمم المتحدة بأهمية متميزة نتيجة لاضطلاعه بهذا الدور الذي أنشئت من اجله هذ
... Show MoreThe development issue is considered as one of the most important matters of concern to governments, intellectuals and specialists in the contemporary world, especially in developing countries that are trying hard to move out of the afflicting underdevelopment domain to a brighter future and achieve the aspirations of those countries through organized planning which take advantage of available resources, whether material or humanitarian, in the best way possible.
The development process are taking place at multiple levels ranging from national to regional to local where the community is stimulated and excited for the cooperation, participation and preparation to perform planned change in the methods of thinking, acting and production.<
The Iraqi Government had used all Possible methods of financing the fiscal deficit according to the economic and Political Circumstances at the time. It had borrowed from abroad during the 1980s. Those methods of borrowing led to negative impacts on the Iraqi economy such as increased external dept burden, higher inflation rate, negative interest rate and accumulation of domestic debt.
The "Financial Management and Public Debt" law no 95/ 2004 made a great change in those methods of Financing fiscal deficit in Iraq. Before 2004, the deficit was financed by issuing Treasury Bills and selling them to the Central Bank of Iraq with a prefixed interest rate. Thus, i
... Show MoreThe thirties and the early forties and the at end of the World War II of the last century
witnessed several attempts carried out by the Public Health Directorate and by the Iraqi
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persuade the Rockefeller Foundation to fund Iraq with its
health program which is carried out in several regions in the world to promote the health and
social situations since Iraq during that period in history was badly in need to such plans and
programs because of this lack of financial and technical possibilities necessary for the
advancement of health and social dire situation.
The details of these attempts are deposited in the documents of the diplomatic mail
records of the United States of America , an
يتنامى يوما بعد يوم استخدام السيارات وتتعاضم اعدادها ، فهذا هو عصر السرعة، وخاصة في مجال النقل والمواصلات، والتي تتحقق باستخدام وسائل النقل المختلفة ومن بينها السيارات، وبالتالي اصبحت هذه الوسيلة ضرورية لتحقيق هذه السرعة ومن ضرورات الحياة في انجاز الاعمال.
وتتبارى مصانع السيارات فيما بينها لانتاج انواع السيارات بمواصفات عالية من المتانة والامان والراحة، وفي ذات الوقت اصبحت هندسة الطرق
... Show MoreTransportation network could be considered as a function of the developmental level of the Iraq, that it is representing the sensitive nerve of the economic activity and the corner stone for the implementation of development plans and developing the spatial structure.
The main theme of this search is to show the characteristics of the regional transportation network in Iraq and to determine the most important effective spatial characteristics and the dimension of that effect negatively or positively. Further this search tries to draw an imagination for the connection between network as a spatial phenomenon and the surrounded natural and human variables within the spatial structure. This search aiming also to determine the nat
The importance of this research lies in assessing the current state of media in Iraq based on international indicators and standards set by the Research and Scientific Exchange Council and UNESCO. That is to measure the strength and durability of media after 9 April 2003. These indicators are divided into five objectives that measure and describe each of the five research objectives that we seek to test through the points system.
Based on the foregoing, researchers in Iraqi media find that these conditions may lead to further decline unless measures are taken to help avoid mistakes, provide the requirements for development and progress. In addition, care from the State is needed to support this process, which would
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تعد الخطوة الأولى او خطوة البداية من اهم التحديات التي تواجه الاقتصاديين وصناع القرار في العراق لإعادة تنظيم الاقتصاد العراقي وإعادة اعمار ما دمرته الحروب والسياسات الاقتصادية السابقة على حد سواء، فالتخلف ضارب إطنابه في كل مكان، فهناك تخلف في القطاعات الرئيسية المختلفة كالقطاع الزراعي والصناعي وهناك تدمير في البنية التحتية نتيجة الحرب وما قبلها واختلال في الإنتاج ومعدلات ع
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