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تحديدات مفاهيمية في التحليل السياسي
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تحديدات مفاهيمية في التحليل السياسي

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
المجلة السياسية والدولية
استراتيجية اللعبة غير الصفرية في الخطاب السياسي الخارجي العراقي رؤية لضرورات التفعيل
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Select the optimal project by using two methods of analytic hierarchy and goal programming
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      The aim of this research is to solve a real problem in the Department of Economy and Investment in the Martyrs establishment, which is the selection of the optimal project through specific criteria by experts in the same department using a combined mathematical model for the two methods of analytic hierarchy process and goal programming, where a mathematical model for goal programming was built that takes into consideration the priorities of the goal criteria by the decision-maker to reach the best solution that meets all the objectives, whose importance was determined by the hierarchical analysis process. The most important result of this research is the selection of the second pro

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التحليل الاستراتيجي للدخل التشغيلي "مدخل تحليل الموارد" دراسة تطبيقية
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This study dealt with " The Strategic analysis of Operating Income". The study Concerned with two main variables, they are: Strategic analysis and operating income and used one of the total  strategic analysis tools, it is "resources analysis method" through analysing the change in operating income in the years that taken in comparing in three components: growth, price recovery and productivity.

To achieve the goal of the research, the study depended upon a hypothesis, "The strategic analysis of operating income leads to supply the appropriate information for the management to make sure of executing its definite strategies".

There is agroup o

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Finite Element Analysis for the Damaged Rotating Composite Blade
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In this paper, the finite element method is used to study the dynamic behavior of the damaged rotating composite blade. Three dimensional, finite element programs were developed using a nine node laminated shell as a discretization element for the blade structure (the same element type is used for damaged and non-damaged structure). In this analysis the initial stress effect (geometric stiffness) and other rotational effects except the carioles acceleration effect are included.  The investigation covers the effect speed of rotation, aspect ratio, skew angle, pre-twist angle, radius to length, layer lamination and fiber orientation of composite blade. After modeling a non-damaged rotating composite blade, the work procedure was to ap

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Tagmemic Analysis of English and Arabic Praise Poetry: A Contrastive Study
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 This research provides a new method to study praise poetry that can be used as a course to teach English and Arabic to students in the College of Education. This research answers two questions:

  1. Is it possible to examine praise poetry as a tagmeme?
  2. Is this analysis of great help in teaching English and Arabic to students in the College of Education?

           The data that will be chosen for the purpose of analysis are two of Shakespeare's sonnets and two of AL Mulik's poems. The sonnets selected for this purpose are 17 and 18. AL Mulik's poems selected for the same purpose are 8 and 9.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’analyse structurale en stylistique Caractéristiques, et tentative d’application sur un poème de Verlaine
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La stylistique, héritière de la rhétorique, est ‘la science du style’. La stylistique

qui a commencé, dès son apparition, par être divisée en stylistique de l’expression et

stylistique génétique s’est vu connaître d’autres classements en stylistique idéaliste,

structuraliste, fonctionnaliste ; générativiste….etc.

Cette évolution continuelle reflète la richesse de cette discipline. La diversité des

courants et écoles dans ce domaine se traduit sur le champ par une variété de méthodes

d’analyse stylistique.

L’enjeu principal dans la plupart de ces méthodes d’analyse est la manière selon la

quelle la relation entre langue et parole, langu

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical Analysis of Non-parametric Tests Using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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أن الطرق اللامعلمية هي نوع من الطرق الاحصائية الاستدلالية التي يمكن استخدامها للتوصل إلى أستنتاجات لذا كان حرص المؤلف على أصدار هذا الكتاب والذي يعمل على توضيح ( لماذا ؟ ومتى ؟ وكيف ؟ ) تستخدم كل طريقة إحصائية . وبإمكان القاريء سواء أكان أستاذا ً جامعيا ً أو باحثا ً أو طالبا ً في الدراسات العليا ( الماجستير والدكتوراه ) أو طالبا ً في الدراسات الأولية أن يتتبع جميع الخطوات لحساب كل قانون إحصائي وبدءا ً من عملية إدخ

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Under the title "ideas to demonstrate and prove some new insight into the measurement of psychological and educational assessment"Paragraphs of the psychometric analysis between the logical and virtual (for arbitrators experts and specialists) and the sta
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   Thsst researcher problem of delays faced by researchers are all waiting to evaluate their standards by the experts who must take their views to extract the truth Virtual important step first step in building standards whatsoever, then the difference of opinion among experts about the paragraphs Whatever the scope of their functions, leading to confusion in maintaining these paragraphs or delete? Or ignore the views and opinion of the researcher to maintain the same? Or as agreed upon with the supervisor if he was a student? Especially if the concepts of a modern new building.
   Therefore, the researcher sought to try to find a solution to her problem to conduct an experiment to test building steps

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimations of Cluster Analysis: Practical Application in Administrative and Financial Corruption
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Cluster analysis (clustering) is mainly concerned with dividing a number of data elements into clusters. The paper applies this method to create a gathering of symmetrical government agencies with the aim to classify them and understand how far they are close to each other in terms of administrative and financial corruption by means of five variables representing the prevalent administrative and financial corruption in the state institutions. Cluster analysis has been applied to each of these variables to understand the extent to which these agencies are close to other in each of the cases related to the administrative and financial corruption.           

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“Using the Statistical Analysis for deduction the childhood status in Iraq during 2006-2010”
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   To deduct the childhood status in Iraq, it was important manner to use statistical tools and approaches concerned with interpreting the causal relationships and their attitudes and use classification method for the important effects (variables) to draw an obvious picture of the phenomena under study in order to make it useful through investing, updating and improving it in by demographic studies in the future. Two statistical methods had been used in the field of analyzing data of multivariate analysis namely, Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis.  

The present study focuses on four fundamental axes .The nutrition axis, health axis, Educational axis, and the social axis. The study has ca

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