عرض كتاب على خط النار مذكرات الرئيس الباكستاني
The phenomenon of substitution is one of the morphological phenomena mentioned in the Qur'an, where the researcher defined this phenomenon from the morphological and linguistic points of view and mentioned examples of it by citing references and sources
This study takes its importance in the area of systemic and historical
studies because it stands on presenting such aspects from the systematic
respect and now Ibn AL-Jouzy dealt with the text of this subject and how he
was exact in telling them.
Therefore, this study sheds light on the important aspects of this
method in his book through reading and studying such texts whether they had
direct or indirect relationship with this subject.
This study is not an easy task since it is based on contriving the
intellectual aspects in the methods of lbn AL-Jouzy and how he deals with the
text of this subject in its hygienic, natural and geographical aspects in
constructing a historical method in most scripts, the gen
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين أبي القاسم محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) وعلى آله الأطهار الميامين ، وصحبه الأبرار المنتجبين إلى يوم الدين 0
وبعد : فإن أجلّ ما بأيدي أبناء هذه الأمة القرآن كتاب ربّها ، الناطق بمصالح دينها ودنياها ، الذي جعله الله تعالى هدىً ورحمةً للعالمين ، وأنزله على خير خلقه من عباده محمّد الصادق الأمين ، وحث المسلمين على أتباعه ، وأمرهم على ل
... Show MoreThe Arab woman expressed the life of oppression that she suffers from in her masculine environment, as she expressed her linguistic abilities with eloquence and intelligence, as she did not neglect philosophy, wisdom,
Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master and Prophet Muhammad and those who follow him, and may God be pleased with him
Taha is my guardian and whoever follows their path until the Day of Judgment. And after... The book (The Treasure in the Ten Recitations), written by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abd al-Wasiti, who died in the year 710 AH, is considered one of the important books in recitations: because it included the universal custom that it contained in the books Al-Taysir by Al-Dani and Al-Irshad by Al-Falanisi, as the first of them was specialized.
Satisfy the second with the ten readings
May God bless my time, through His grace and generosity, to achieve this treasure and to publish it
... Show Moreيهدف هذا البحث الى تصميم قائمة بمؤشرات القيم العلمية والاخلاقية التي ينبغي توافرها في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب للصف الثاني المتوسط، وتحليل محتوى الكتاب المذكور آنفاً وفقاً لها، وذلك عن طريق الإجابة عن السؤال الآتي: ما نسبة توافر القيم العلمية والأخلاقية في محتوى كتاب الحاسوب المُعد لطلبة الصف الثاني المتوسط الصادر من وزارة التربية العراقية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج في العام الدراسي ( 2017-2018) م؟ ولتحقيق هدفا البحث أ
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