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العقيدة الدينية وأثرها على منهج التفكير السياسي للولايات المتحدة الامريكية
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العقيدة الدينية وأثرها على منهج التفكير السياسي للولايات المتحدة الامريكية

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Priorities for the reconstruction of religious buildings in the old city of Mosul using Expert Choice program
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This paper attempts to shed light on the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings were destroyed because of the recent war due to the control of terrorist gangs of ISIS over the city of Mosul, and to prioritize their reconstruction and their role in reviving the historical center of Mosul.

The research’s problem emerged in the lack of knowledge about the identifying the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings and utilizing them to prioritize their reconstruction. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the importance of religious buildings using the Expert Choice software through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to reach an analysis of their weights and propose p

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Revitalizing Interior Designs in Religious Shrines: رؤى صلاح الدين حامد فريد-فاتن عباس الاسدي
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  The current research is interested in the objective study of revitalizing the religious sites and the extent to which they achieve the pragmatic and semantic ends, because they are derived from history and civilization and have a clear impact over the recipient. The research question is (what are the techniques of developing the spaces of the religious shrines in accordance with revitalizing the interior spaces within them?).
The research aims at determining the weak and strong points in the process of revitalizing the interior spaces in the religious shrines.
The theoretical framework consists of two parts: the first addressed the revitalization in the interior design, and the second addressed the religious shrines and th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استخدام قبعات التفكير الست على اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية واستبقائها لدى طالبات الصف الرابع الادبي في مادة التاريخ
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Problem: Find dimensions of the problem by answering the following question: what the effect of using the Six Thinking Hats strategy to acquire the historical concepts and retain the fourth-grade students in the subject of literary history. Importance of research: current research is gaining importance in many ways, including: 1. Keep pace with the new in the field of education and modern educational strategies. 2. Shed light on innovative education strategy in the teaching of history, which is one of the materials that need to renew the tragedy of instruction methods for students. 3. Out of the monotony and traditional way of teaching to a method and a new strategy to develop the teacher and the learners thinking skills through various

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 22 2022
Journal Name
Fine Art Journal
Spatial relationships and their impact on monumental sculptures (arab capitals as a model)
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The current research deals with spatial relations as a tool to link urban landmarks in a homogeneous composition with monumental sculptures, by identifying these landmarks and the extent of their impact on them, which constitutes an urgent need to evaluate the appropriate place and its effects on them, so that this analytical study is a critical approach adopted in artistic studies of monumental models in Arabcapitals .The current research came in four chapters, the first chapter of which dealt with the research problem, its importance and the need for it, then its objectives that were determined in revealing the spatial relations and their impact on

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
إلرشادات النبوية في إستخدام أواني الطعام والشراب وأثرها الصحي
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The research included the statement of some prophetic
guidelines for preserving food and drink from contamination that
causes diseases, which originate either viruses and microbes, or
insects and vermin spread in the air,

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاستاذة الدكتورة سمسل محمد العاني وأثرها في التراث العراقي
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تزخر ذاكرة بغداد ب سماء العديد من الشخصيا ث في الناشطة والبارزة والتردي
لهذا الاثر البارز والمثير في ميدان الابداع و

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Illiteracy and its Impact on the Reality of Iraqi Youth between Heritage and Contemporary
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Illiteracy has spread in the last years, although it was eliminated in the 1980s. The return of illiteracy brings ignorance, illness, backwardness and regression among nations. It has taken many types, mainly alphabetical, scientific and computer illiteracy. Hence, the increasing nature of illiteracy has attracted the attention of governments and societies alike. This may touch the reality of societies starting with their youth unless those, who are in charge, will find workable solutions for the existing problems. The results of the study revealed that there is a real disaster awaiting the next generation after years of stray, and ignorance of the people in charge who are too engaged in getting their privileges to care about this proble

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The battle of Dumat al-Jandal And its impact on the era of prophecy And the righteous caliphate
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The research in Islamic history is considered a title for the glory of the nation and a mirror for the intellectual and mental maturity of the men of the Islamic state who played an important role in saving humanity from darkness to light and from ignorance to knowledge and to show their position in building the Islamic state, and to highlight the importance of their conquests of neighboring cities and the expansion of Islam, and for this reason they appear The importance of writing on the topic (The Battle of Dumat al-Jandal and its impact on the era of the Prophethood and the Rightly Guided Caliphate). The reason for choosing this topic was to show the status of Dumat al-Jandal and its importance in the Islamic state and its great role

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Hanbali's approach to building long and short travel provisions with issues attached to their provisions
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The problem with research lies in hiding the Hanbali approach in building long and short travel provisions, as well as hiding some provisions relating to short travel that are not provided for by the jurists of Hanbali (in their books).

The research aims to demonstrate the approach and standards on which they based the long and short travel provisions, as well as to reflect the provisions of some of the issues that are silent on long and short travel, with evidence and significance.

The research included a preface and two researches, the researcher in the preface talked about the reality of long and short travel, in the first research on the approach of ha

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مستوى التفكير ما وراء المعرفي لطلبة جامعة بغداد
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   Metacognitive thinking supports the ability of the individual to built asuitable strategy to bring information he needs and the full awareness of this strategy leads to develop the mental processes and the cognitive skills with the learning. cognitive achievement to the ability of acquiring cognitive by self research . This study aimed to identifying the level of metacognitive thinking among the students of the Baghdad university according to ( gender , specialization (scientific , human ),and the grade (the 1st and the 4th) variables . The results show that the students have metacognitive thinking where the most of the sample are within the average becomes of their acquiring to the information leading to develop the

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