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الابعاد السلبية لعسكرة المجتمع العراقي
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الابعاد السلبية لعسكرة المجتمع العراقي

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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the indication of the scene as a symbolic system in the Iraqi theatrical
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The theatrical view reflects various connotations and intellectual and aesthetic implications, as the view includes a symbolic geometric, architectural and archetypal connotation suggestive of reality and nature, as theatrical art is the woman that reflects reality, specifically the significance of the theatrical view that reveals to us the philosophical, aesthetic and cognitive dimensions of theatrical trends, so the research came with the methodological framework, which It included the research problem (what is the significance of the scene as a symbolic system in the Iraqi theatrical performance), the importance of the research and the need for it, the research objective, the limits of the research and the most important terms.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Point of View in Women Curriculum Vitae in Modern Iraqi Literature
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Throughout what mentioned above, It is obvious that the aware narrator in these biography models was the strongest tool in presenting the content, especially the biographies under study were written by feminine hands, striving to prove her identity by all means and ways. In addition, we can suppose that the hiding of she writer behind the character is no more than a mask, by which she want to mask herself so that she can express herself frankly and freely, especially when she talks about subjects that are inconsistent with the society, customs and traditions. It is important to refer that the existence of the participant narrator in the biographies under study does not prevent the presence of another narrator such as external or aware na

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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The deliberative dimension of the visual sign in the contemporary Iraqi poster
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The current research dealt with (the deliberative dimension of the visual sign in the contemporary Iraqi poster) in an attempt to identify the importance of the contemporary poster and the role of the international dimension of the visual sign of exceptional importance.
What is the international dimension of the visual mark?
- What is the effect of the visual label on the contemporary Iraqi poster?

The current research aims to identify the pragmatic dimension in the contemporary Iraqi poster.
Across the temporal and spatial research boundaries of the year (2000-2020) in Iraq. The limits of the objective research The limits of this study on the pragmatics in the visual sign and the determination of the relationship betwee

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
Iraq Sophism Recitation "luIIaby as example": أنمار علي حسين
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The research consists of four chapters, and the research aims to uncover the melodic and rhythmic aspects of the Iraqi Sufi chanting (Thalilah as a model) as one of the models of Sufi chanting in Iraq that is held at the tomb of Sheikh "Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani". As for the temporal limit of the research, it is from 2011 to 2012.
The researcher selected two samples for the research sample:
1. Separation of the Thalilah of the Prophet Al Adnani
2. Separate the chanting of prayers
According to the musical analysis, the researcher prepared the search tool, which consisted of eight paragraphs, for a special standard system in line with the research objectives. The validity and reliability of the instrument was verified by experts to

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The responsibility of the maritime agent in Iraqi legislation: A comparative study
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The study of civil liability is one of the most important issues of interest in all jurisprudential, judicial and legislative direction, because of the problems and difficulties it requires. the solution requires a focused effort that sets its source, basis, scope, and control with extreme care and accuracy to achieve the right and enable the injured party to obtain fair compensation both with scope of the contractual or tort liability.

In fact, the contract of the maritime agency is what is called the comparative jurisprudence (the contract of the ship's agency) connecting between the terminals of the maritime carrier on the on hand and the maritime agent on the other hand. It is the source of responsibility of each party to the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Risalat Al-huquq Journal
Legal protection for producers of phonograms in Iraqi law
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Piracy on phonograms is now, rightly, the crime of the electronic age. Despite the protection sought by States to provide for such registrations, whether at the level of national legislation or international agreements and conventions, but piracy has been and continues to pose a significant threat to the rights of the producers of those recordings, especially as it is a profitable way for hackers to get a lot of money in a way Illegal, which is contrary to the rules of legitimate competition. Hence, this research highlights the legal protection of producers of phonograms in light of the Iraqi Copyright Protection Act No. (3) of 1971, as amended.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Money supply and the factors that affect it together with role central Bank of Iraq in controlling it Applicatory research of the Iraqi central bank for the period (2003- 2014)
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This research deals with the two item namely, the monetary policy central Bank of Iraqi and money supply . that contribute in up the problem of the paper that is concerned with the fact that to what extent the effectiveness of monetary policy conducted by the central Bank of Iraqi is valid in controlling money supply as well as the possibility of applying it in practical environment restricted to the scope of financial in stitiutions particularly in research population represented by central Bank of Iraqi .

For the purpose of a practical contribution for monetary and financial institutions . To achieve this , A hypothesis has been carried out and it suggested that the mon

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة الامام جعفر الصادق للدراسات القانونية
الاحكام الجديدة للشركة القابضة في القانون العراقي (دراسة مقارنة)
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عرفت النظم القانونية انواعا مختلفة من الشركات اذ تعتبر الشركة الوعاء القانوني الاكثر ملائمة لغرض توظيف اموال المستثمرين في مشاريع ذات اهمية والذي يحقق نفا لاصحاب رؤوس الاموال المستثمرة فضلا عن اثرها البالغ على اقتصاد الدول وقد كان للشركة القابضة نصيب من هذا الاهتمام منذ القدم لدى العديد من الدول ووضعت لها احكاما تفصيلية تتناسب مع الاهمية التي يحظى بها هذا النوع من الشركات كونها تجمع لعدة شركات فرعية تسيطر ع

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(Novelist character in the Iraqi press criticism – Fadhil Thamir as a model))
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Novel has recently  received the attention of readers and writers greatly, because of the role they play, and this indicates an important rule, which is whenever there is an art or creativity, there must be a respective criticism, and this criticism is certainly not less important than the author. So there are critics who have a prestigious literary position in the follow-up story development, and trying to describe the transformation of its elements. One of these critics is professor Fadhel Thamer, and who wants to approach one of the elements of the novel exploring, must stop on the visions of this critic about it , and that’s why we take the (character) element following the most important opinions of this critic about

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
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حولیات کلیة الآداب جامعة عین شمس
اعتماد الجمهور العراقي على الصحف وعلاقته بمستوى معرفته العامة
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يدرس هذا البحث مشكلة اعتماد الجمهور العراقي على الصحف، باعتبارها إحدى وسائل الإعلام التقليدية، في تكوين معلوماته ومعرفته العامة. وهي دراسة وصفية اعتمدت المنهج الوصفي المسحي الذي يصور الظروف أو الاتجاهات الحالية للظاهرة قيد الدراسة ويحاول تفسيرها. استخدم الباحث الاستبانة في المقام الأول كأداة بحث، حيث تم تصميمها وتوزيعها على عينة مكونة من 150 باحثا قصديا من قراء وقراء الصحف. وينتهي الباحث بالنتائج التالية: إ

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