بصمات الذاكرة التاريخية في الحياة الوطنية العراقية
در قرآن کريم آياتي وجود دارد که يک يا چند بار به صورت کاملا مشابه در يک سوره و يا چند سوره، تکرار شده است. يکي از مسائل مهم در ترجمه قرآن کريم، ترجمه اينگونه آيات است، از آنجا که مشابه بودن اين آيات از روي حکمت الهي است، مترجمان نيز بايد در ترجمه خود اين مسأله را رعايت کرده و براي آيات مشابه ترجمهاييکسان ارائه کنند. از طرفي ممکن است تفاوت در ترجمه، مفهوم آيه را نيز تحت تأثير قرار دهد و براييک آيه مشابه دو مفهوم
... Show MoreInterval lies at rest in the speech; so as to improve to speak out, which is how Evaln Koran by other speech, called separators; for the secession of Alkalaman then, as the last verse separation between it and its aftermath in the Al-Jinn had a comma significant impact on the statement of the case of gin, as portrayed interval Gin and like the distraught after hearing of the Koran
This Sura carried various types of repetition represent wordy repeat itself and repeat some of the votes as well as the repeated sound of a thousand who remained in Sura breaks Bhaa also repeat the voice of the shredder breaks
Linguistic sounds of Koranic breaks played a significant role in a statement carried by the linguistic meaning of these interludes
لعلنان نق اأ اّاد أَ ثرالشم تَ ام يلثهاتس يل هامني ا يل ب نال س ييننانن ب د اّاد ين ا يلنال ني نا ي
تنن عل ينني مَ ينط يئني، يلقد قنقج ع طمنق ي ق ن ب ييننن ثع يلأحليث على اّأ يلحنلاي يل و هاع مأني يلقاد
نضعُ ن ش ن نّهن عنلثن نُرأ مُ يلأحلي ش ث دّ ذ ن طمنقيٍ نل ني.
حلُ يلعل م ييننننني يلقد قهقبم ل ي مناي يل ب نال س يلش هامت ققالنم يلش نانئد يلأل ي يلقاد ى قُعناى ق ننام
يل ش نال س يل و نال د لاى يين ان د شّ حناب، اد نىمق
The decoration structure in calligraphy painting is one of the variables that characterized the structure of the calligraphic composition due to the artistic, aesthetic and expressive properties of the letters of the Arabic calligraphy, which are represented by flexibility, compliance and the ability to form. Therefore, the researcher defined his problem by asking the following question: What is the decorative structure in the calligraphic painting? The study aimed to reveal the structure of the ornamentation in the calligraphy painting, while the researcher dealt with in the second chapter three sections, the first (the ornamental concept and meaning) and the second topic (the structural characteristics of the Arabic letter in the calli
... Show MoreThe essence of the new work in the satellite TV channels is to provide news coverage of news that will inform the people of what is going on around them in order to increase their political, social, economic and cultural awareness and this drives them to take positions or certain behaviors on according to what the communicator in these channels wants. News and news reports are generally used as a psychological variable to influence public opinion and does not offer interestingness and information. Therefore, satellite TV channels have assumed special attention towards their correspondents desiring to achieve scoop in news coverage and to have the final word in reading events and install it
... Show MoreThe study tries to answer several questions posed by the subject, one of the important: How the Internet promotes rumor? And what are the most Internet applications that promote rumor? And the practical ways to reduce these negative? Using the process of in vestige and reading theoretical heritage available in this field, and inferred the numbers and statistics marked the uses of the Internet and its applications over recent years, and the characteristics of each these tools in the field of collection, processing, and dissemination of information
God has honored the man with life and decent living and warned against attacking anything that violates his sanctity without a legitimate right. Our Islamic Shari'ah has the rights to preserve the right of a Muslim in the event of any harm.
Stubbornness is of the nature of the mean, we do not see it in the character of a person whose heart God filled with faith, wisdom and knowledge. And stubbornness does not fall into it except hearts that are arrogant, envious and objectionable, hearts that do not admit mistakes, and are not satisfied with the truth. Rather, you see humiliation,humiliation and shortcomings in returning to Him. He loves corruption * Except in humiliation, humiliation and shortcomings, the stubborn fall, even if they are proud when it is said to him, "Beware of God", pride takes him for sin, so his count is Hell, and his misery.
traces of stubbornness :key wor
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