تعددت آراء المفكرين الاسلاميين المعاصرين حول الدولة الاسلامية بعد سقوط الخلافة العثمانية بصورة خاصة نتيجة لتأثر هؤلاء المفكرين بالمفاهيم التي سادت في الثقافة الغربية ، ومنها مفهوم الدولة ، حيث لم يتطرق الفكر الاسلامي الى مناقشة مفهوم الدولة الاسلامية قبل هذه الفترة ، لان اهتمامهم كان منصبا بالتظير حول موضوع السلطة . وسيتم التطرق في هذا البحث لمفهوم الدولة لدى المفكرين الاسلاميين المعاصرين وتوضيح الاختلاف بين ما يتبناه الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر حول مفهوم الدولة وبين مفهوم الدولة لدى الغربيين والماركسيين، فضلا عن اركانها ومدى مقاربة هذه الاركان مع ما طرحه الفكر الغربي في
وثيقة المدنية الدولة طبيعتها ووظائفها
This study aimed to research the problematic of state and society according to Al-Farabi, or what he called "civil science" or "civil politics", including the subject of political and social philosophy
Evaluation of accounting Guide for State Accounts
The concept of accounting guide for state accounts is to develop government accounting system in Iraq so as meet government wishes, needs and to find an approach of a united accounting. The basic idea of accounting guide for state accounts is to achieve a completion of accounting circulation of a governmental unit which doesn’t have a full accounting circulation. The governmental unit has satisfied with preparing monthly budget reviews, then sending them to the Ministry of finance, and the Ministry on its turn has conducted final calculation preparations on the country's level as a whole. Thus the concept of this research appears. It is an e
... Show MoreGod has honored the man with life and decent living and warned against attacking anything that violates his sanctity without a legitimate right. Our Islamic Shari'ah has the rights to preserve the right of a Muslim in the event of any harm.
In terms of each party's contribution to the common venture, partnership felt in several categories. It would be a complete partnership, that is, one in which all partnership, both capital and service; It could be an arrangement like the commenda (Arabic : Mudãraba , muqãraba , girãd) in which one party supplied the capital and the other service .
In Malikite and Hanaifite Law, It would take the form of a labor partnership, that is, one in which the only investment on the part of all its members was their skill or labor. In this last category of partnership, the captil itself considered solely or primarily of the labor of the partners.
This research is concerned with the study of (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography), and it consists of four chapters.
If you dealt with the problem of the research subject (the dialectic of the familiar and the unfamiliar in Islamic photography, as it appeared realistic, familiar forms and strange and strange unfamiliar forms represented in many of the main schools of Islamic photography that emerged in Iraq and Persia and then the Ottomans and the However, Islamic painting still retains those previously witnessed and unseen images, which pose themselves forcibly in the form of many questions that must be faced and studied by investigation, observation, extrapolation and conclusion through scientifi
Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence
Provisions related to nails in Islamic Fiqh
The economical Freedom is consider one of the issues that took great deal of attention in the Islamic economy for its importance in achieving the economical development by granting the acquiring freedom for the individuals in gaining and getting the fruits of their efforts of work and studying where the goal of this freedom is put on end for poverties, unemployment and erect the foundation of social justice .
As for the curriculum which was suitable for this study, it was flying descriptive curriculum and the comparative curriculum, for searching in this subject and by depending on the related resources .
The scientific necessity divided this subject in three inquiries: the first the identification of the economical freedom and its
اني ئاوات صالح عبد الله مواليد 1980 السليمانية حامل شهادة الدكتوراه في جامعة بغداد كلية العلوم الاسلامية قسم الشريعة تخصص الفقه مدرس في جامعة حلبجة