وثيقة المدنية الدولة طبيعتها ووظائفها
مفهوم الدولة ونشوءها عند ابن خلدون
The Islamic religion is a religion of tolerance and is pleased with worship and other legislation and the idea of peace is an authentic and profound idea related to the call for coexistence with all religions. The Prophet (PBUH) was keen to organize his relations with non-Muslims on the basis of cohabitation, On the basis of love and intolerance, God Almighty says: "If your Lord wants to make people one nation and they are still backward." Surah Hud: 118 Islam has taken care of the people and made them tolerant brothers who sympathize with their different beliefs. Which means that everyone has the right to live, believe and believe what he sees right and have the freedom to perform the acts of worship and beliefs he deems correct. The di
... Show MoreAgriculture is one of the important job in the human life. Since the first beginning of humanity life, agriculture was the basis property in order to get individual foods. The Holy Quran and Hadith were supplied agriculture and all Muslims were followed this field especially after Islamic state expansion and its possessive many lands which developed directly our Islamic civilization.
الدولة الفاطمية التي قامت في بلاد المغرب الأدنى وتوسعت إلى المشرق وحتى إلى جنوب أوربا في الأندلس إي إسبانيا والبرتغال وجزر البحر المتوسط وأصبحت دولة مترامية الأطراف بفضل الجهد الذي قام به الخلفاء الفاطميين من نشر مذهب أهل البيت العلوي . مما حدا بتلك الدولة أن تصبح في أقل من قرن واحد إمبراطورية كبيرة امتدت جذورها إلى أطراف من ممتلكات الخلافة العباسية القائمة في الشرق الإسلامي ، وكان ذلك الانتشار الكبير ناتج م
... Show MoreThis research set to indicate the role of the opportunity cost in the overall economic development (human and social development) by selecting the most appropriate alternative for the growth of the country in exchange for sacrificing profit limits to achieve this growth and development of the country, especially in the present circumstances of the country and after studying the reality of the economic case for him, as the problem lies with don't selecting the best alternative that enhances the gross domestic product, which extends to promote overall economic development and revive the industrial and agricultural sectors, productivity is more like Impotent, versus sacrifice alternative consumption may bring more financially lucrative than
... Show MoreFreedom of opinion is one of the freedoms that constitutions and laws have guaranteed to protect and is exercised through the media. However, this freedom must be exercised within certain limits, which include respecting a person’s right to preserve his privacy, image and reputation. Just as the media has the freedom to exercise its right to publish and express its opinion with complete frankness, it is in return obligated to respect the rights of others and avoid defaming them and violating their privacy. If the media does this, the injured party has the right to demand compensation for the damage he has suffered as a result.
We have found through research , that administrative institutions on the outskirts of Kufa and their management is not as important as administrative institution in place that were associated with it and subject to its control ,as it often was express power , or poor ( if true ) expression , directors of the center for the suburbs , as it became clear to our diversity of those administrative institutions and prominent role in the interest of the affairs of the people and society in all aspects of life , and are the functions and different staff from the highest authority the suburbs represented by house of representatives ( the workers ) ,then workers abscess and Al-dhaqan and not to mention for other jobs came the actions of Bhaltsier a
... Show MoreAt a time when any tourist in the world wants a trip to reload his energy and enjoy peace and quiet and engage in adventures in a safe environment, terrorism comes to disturb him on that journey through operations aimed at the tourist and entertainment destinations, such as shops, restaurants, cafes and hotels Is the orbit of research) for many reasons. The security measures taken by hotels play an important and fundamental role in preventing or limiting these terrorist operations. At the same time, while some hotel administrations are constantly seeking to improve these measures to preserve the safety of their guests and visitors, In spite of the high number of attacks on hotels since 2001 and today. This research is intended to highlight
... Show Moreالطائفية وتداعياتها على بناء الدولة العراقية المعاصرة