تنتاب العلاقةَ الأمريكية الإيرانية تجاذباتٌ ومشاحنات أدخلت العالم في حالة من الغموض السياسي، وجعلت بعض المراقبين والمحللين السياسيين لا يستبعدون توجيه الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو إسرائيل ضربة عسكرية لإيران، إذ يرى المدقق في واقع تلك العلاقة المضطربة: أن الأمور كلما بلغت حافة الهاوية عادت من جديد إلى ساحة الحوار والمفاوضات، ويبدو: أن الإستراتيجية الأمريكية التي يتبعها الرئيس (باراك أوباما) تقوم على: "التعايش" مع إيران الإسلامية، والاعتراف بها بوصفها قوة إقليمية، ما دامت قد أزالت "الغموض" بخصوص برنامجها النووي، وما دام التزمت بـ"الخطوط الحمراء" الأمريكية الخاصة بعدم امتلاك السلاح النووي. وهذه الدراسة محاولة لقراءة طبيعة العلاقات الأمريكية_الإيرانية في عهد الرئيس اوباما، والإجابة عن بعض التساؤلات فيما يخص ذلك في المحاور الثلاثة الآتية: - الإطار العام للعلاقات الأمريكية_الإيرانية منذ العام 1979م. - قضايا الأمن القومي المرتبطة بإيران بالنسبة للرئيس اوباما. - الإدراك الإيراني للمخاطر في البيئة الدولية الجديدة بعد انتهاء الحرب الباردة.
من أجل فهم دور سلطنة عُمان في المفاوضات الإقليمية والوساطة وحل النزاعات يجب تقدير سياستها الخارجية، والتي سيتم تقييمها من أجل فهم كيفية نشأتها وتشكلها وأثر ذلك على مواقفها السياسية طوال سنوات حكم السلطان الراحل قابوس بن سعيد. وتقع عُمان في منطقة مضطربة، وقد طُلب منها في عدة مناسبات أن تعمل كمفاوض أو وسيط في الصراعات الإقليمية. سيبحث هذا البحث في كيفية قيام السلطنة بالوساطة الدولية، خاصة في الصراع الأمريكي
... Show MoreReceipt date: 8/8/2020 acceptance date: 9/11/2020 Publication date: 31/12/2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The American-Iranian relations have been characterized by tensions since the arrival of the guardian jurist regime in Iran to leadership in 1979, as it was considered a turning point not only in the cont
... Show MoreThe neo – realism school confirms the using of soft instruments in foreign policy which replaced martial means . this is the age of economies that based on in formatting and interdependence which overpass the national boundaries . The power becomes less trans fer able and trans fordable. It becomes tangible and less coercive . The former American minister Henry Kissinger , despite his deep belief in the policy of the traditional power balance, argued in 1975 by saying “we are now witnessing a new Ara. The new global patterns are falling apart … we are living in a new world of inter deepen dense in the economy communications and human tartan aspirations” The priority of economy in concern of war was the mean reason behind the winn
... Show MoreThe letter is defined as a message directed by the sender to another party, the future. The aim is to convey, clarify or explain a particular point or subject, and in the form of direct oral communication through speech that contains a set of words and words, The future can discuss the sender directly to exchange ideas with each other, or it may be written and in this case does not require direct interaction between the matchmaker and the recipient. As a result of the different sources and topics of the discourse, and the different types of categories addressed to the speech, and the number, it has been divided into several types.
And schools of discourse analysis emerged in the early eighties of the last century and has spread and ha
with an organized propaganda campaign. This military campaign was helped to formulate its speech by many institutions, research centers, and knowledge and intelligence circles in order to mobilize public opinion gain supporters and face the opponents by different means depending on a variety of styles to achieve its required effects.
After the US occupation of Iraq, US media fighters sought to influence the Iraqi public opinion and making them convinced them of the important presence of US military forces in Iraq which necessitated finding its justification through the use of persuasive techniques in its intensive propaganda campaigns.
This research discusses the most important
The Turkish relations - Israel took its course clearly about the nature and the fact that
these relationships, and their causes and motives of its establishment, its objectives and the
dimensions of the various political, security, military and economic. Orbiter and the relations
of the Turkish-Israeli It is inclusive of all the reasons for the establishment of relations, they
include the interpretation of an interest in international relations, which is why the
establishment of relations between the two countries and on the concept of interdependence
where that both Turkey and Israel depends on the other in several aspects of the most
important military, security, economic, and to understand Turkey's new identity, m
إن موضوع الشرق الأوسط بشكل عام اتخذ أهمية كبيرة في الكتابات والمؤلفات التي صدرت منذ بداية النصف الأول من عقد التسعينات من القرن المنصرم مع بدايات مشاريع السلام التي أعقبت انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي وتغير الخارطة السياسية والاقتصادية والايديولوجية للعالم .وعلى الرغم ان المصطلح ليس بجديد الا ان تعابير المصطلح وددلالاته تتغير مع تغير موازين القوى واتجاهات المصالح. إذ انتقل من مصطلح جغرافي الى
... Show MoreIn the mist of developments in the course of scientific research in general and humanities in particular and the accompanying changes in the visions and policies inspired by the need for these sciences to follow the qualitative methods in dealing with many of the topics or problems that require for their solution to obtain qualitative information which can be provided by resorting to quantitative research. Therefore, a new trend has emerged in many public relations› researchers who believe that qualitative research methods should be used by establishing scientific foundations and methodological classification based on the use of these methods and determining the nature of the subjects applied in them to reach results that are character
... Show MoreIraqi-Saudi Relations have witnessed a state of rapprochement over decades. However, this rapprochement was temporary and could not overcome the differences that formed the core of Iraqi-Saudi relations after 2003, relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia deteriorated with the Iraqi governments that followed the rule of Iraq after 2003, especially the government of Nuri Al-Maliki in which relations reached the end of mutual accusations between the two parties. In order to promote the relationship between the two countries, a culture of moderation has to be propagated especially in the field of religion and the religious institution should be encouraged to open up to other sects and to recognize all sects as prelude to combating the cultur
... Show MoreThe whole world and the Arab world, especially an important part of this international system, is undergoing a radical transformation at all levels. This mosaic of political, economic, social and military relations and alliances, whether based on the special interests of the major Powers or on the basis of mutual interests, The major transformations to social, economic, political and military conflict and these transformations still bear more surprises, at all levels, nothing remains constant, all changed, relations changed and alliances changed and loyalties fell and the principles of the M changed and the spectacular imperial economies collapsed and the will of the masses was no longer fixed.