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Israeli vision of Iran's nuclear program Under Iranian - US rapprochement
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Israel is one of the countries most interested in Iran's nuclear program file, and the progress of negotiations between Iran and the six countries and will end it, as well as the nature of the relationship between Iran and the United States of America. Is determined by the Israeli vision of the nature of Iran's nuclear program Iran's policy toward Israel orientations, which does not recognize the existence of Israel. Israel, therefore, one of the countries pushing to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear technology. However, those Israeli efforts did not succeed in achieving its objectives, the United States of America and European countries is well aware of the risk of stenosis on Iran, as well as the risks and the consequences of military action against it. On the other hand, those countries realize the importance of a dialogue with Iran option. It represents the convergence of the Iranian - American and the signing of the agreement between Iran and the six countries and the end of the year 2013.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of the US military variable in reality Security in the Arab Gulf region after 2003
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The military presence in the Gulf region after the British withdrawal from it in 1971 was one of the most important pillars of the American strategy to climb the ladder of global leadership, as the geostrategic features that the region enjoyed provided factors of controlling energy sources and global trade routes. The United States of America guarantees Western Europe and Japan the process of access to energy sources and the exclusion of its opponents from the region, especially the Soviet Union, and the growing American military presence in the Gulf after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. On the other hand, the region experiences many contradictions, some of which threaten its security, such as the exacerbation of disputes between its count

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Directive Vision Transformations in Iraqi Political Theatre: محمد عبدالرضا حسين-سهى طه سالم
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  The creative arts in general and the theatre in specific represent man's rushing and carving for freedom, goodness and beauty, and the relation between creativity and freedom has always been fluctuating following the censorship pressures of all types and shapes the political, religious and social. Since the theatre is the closest and more touching creative art to the problems of the society of numerous types and levels and it was and has always been playing an enlightening role in shedding light on what the societies experiencing with crises and problems in all directions. The theatre, thus, derives the essence of existence from life, through topics concerned with what the human being is. It seeks to be the real witness and partne

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mono-Multi Vision and Its Relationship to Psychological Rebellion and Personality Traits of University Students
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The current research seeks to identify mono-multi Vision and its relation to the psychological rebellion and personality traits of university students. To achieve this aim, the researcher has followed all the procedures of the descriptive correlational approach, as it is the closest approach to the objectives of the current research. The researcher has determined his research community for Baghdad University students for the academic year 2019-2020. As for the research sample, it was chosen by the random stratified method with a sample of (500) male and female students. In order to collect data from the research sample, the researcher adopted a mono-multi-dimensional scale

(Othman, 2007), the researcher designed a psychological r

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 03 2022
Journal Name
International Education And Culture Studies
A Future Vision of Mathematics Teacher Preparation Program at the Universities
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Even-Even Ca Isotopes Using the Microscopic Theory
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The root-mean square-radius of proton, neutron, matter and charge radii, energy level, inelastic longitudinal form factors, reduced transition probability from the ground state to first-excited 2+ state of even-even isotopes, quadrupole moments, quadrupole deformation parameter, and the occupation numbers for some calcium isotopes for A=42,44,46,48,50 are computed using fp-model space and FPBM interaction. 40Ca nucleus is regarded as the inert core for all isotopes under this model space with valence nucleons are moving throughout the fp-shell model space involving 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, and 2p1/2 orbits. Model space is used to present calculations using FPBM intera

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News framing of the Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2021 on i24 Israeli channel.
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The study aimed to identify the news framing on the Israeli Arabic-speaking i24 channel of the Israeli aggression on Gaza -2021 by analyzing the channel’s Program “this evening”. The study used the media survey method, and in its framework, it relied on the content analysis method for the program’s episodes from May 5, 2021 AD until June 4, 2021 AD, with 22 episodes. The study showed the program’s interest in launching the Palestinian resistance’s rockets significantly, followed by the Israeli military operations, and the program’s reliance on correspondents largely as a source of news material related to the aggression. It also proved that a news report and a reporter's report was the most important form of presenting news

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The directing vision and two display technologies in the Iraqi Child Theater: عباس قاسم كاظم
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  The current research contains four chapters. The first topic included the methodological framework that included the problem of research and the need for it, and then the importance of the research, and then the aim of the research, its limits and the definition of terms linguistically, conventionally and procedurally. The second chapter (the theoretical framework) contained two topics, the topic The first is titled: The Outward Vision in Child Theater Performances, while the second topic was titled: Presentation Technology in Child Theater, Chapter Four (Research Procedures), which organized the research community and analyzed its sample, and the fourth chapter contained research results, conclusions and recommendations. The prop

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology
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The Arab-Israeli conflict passed through several stages before reaching the final stage of normalization, namely conflict, conflict and public normalization. Thus, the UAE became the third country to establish official relations with Israel after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. With the announcement of the normalization agreement, opinions varied between supporters and opponents of the idea of normalization with Israel, and some countries expressed their acceptance of establishing official relations between the Emirates and Israel, while others warned of the consequences of normalization, which they described as treachery. Although the UAE confirmed that the normalization agreement between the two sides was credited with stopping Israel's

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Bourgeois ascendancy under Fatimids
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The bourgeoisie groups derived great advantages from the system upon which the Fatimids built up their Regime out the land-tax and other taxes against a fixed sum . The surpulus revenue was the prophet of the farmers . A striking feature of the Fatimid was freedom of enterprise .All sectors of economic life were free-crafts , industry and trade . The government interfered in the trade in victuals only so far to in order to guarantee the supply of wheat to the big towns
The Egyptian Bourgeoisie enjoyed also the great prosperity which was produced among other reasons by the inflationary system of Fatimid economy .
The maintenance of gold dinar being almost pure and of full weight was only possible because Egypt steadily received cons

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the Nuclear Structure of Some Ni and Zn Isotopes with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Interaction
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The inelastic C2 form factors and the charge density distribution (CDD) for 58,60,62Ni and 64,66,68Zn nuclei has been investigated by employing the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method with (Sk35-Skzs*) parametrization. The inelastic C2 form factor is calculated by using the shape of Tassie and Bohr-Mottelson models with appropriate proton and neutron effective charges to account for the core-polarization effects contribution. The comparison of the predicted theoretical values was conducted with the available measured data for C2 and CDD form factors and showed very good agreement.

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