Preferred Language
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The paper deals with the language of Russian folklore. Folklore is a unique sphere of existence of the language, the most vivid expression of the national mentality. The folklore word embodied the perception and evaluation of the surrounding world. “What did the word in general mean for the life of the people? The word was equated ... with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was ... the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. The folklore text is studied by literary critics, ethnographers, historians, culturologists, and art historians. In the twentieth century, a new science emerged - linguo-folkloristics, the goals and objectives of which were formulated by A.T. Khrolenko only in the seventies. Some of the most frequently used words in folklore texts among other words such as "friend" were analyzed. It has been proven that some vocabulary spreads in one region over another, depending on the geographical and climatic environment.

В работе рассматривается язык русского фольклора. Фольклор – это уникальная сфера существования языка, наиболее яркое выражение национальной ментальности. В фольклорном слове воплотились восприятие и оценка окружающего мира. «Что значило для народной жизни слово вообще? Слово приравнивалось… к самой жизни. Слово порождало и объясняло жизнь, оно было… хранителем памяти и залогом бесконечности будущего». Фольклорный текст исследуется литературоведами, этнографами, историками, культурологами, искусствоведами. В ХХ веке сложилась новая наука – лингвофольклористика, цели и задачи которой были сформулированы А.Т. Хроленко только в семидесятые годы.

Received on 12/9/2023 

Accepted on 2/11/2023

Published on 2/1/2024

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Study on Transportation Models in Their Minimum and Maximum Values with Applications of Real Data
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The purpose of this paper is to apply different transportation models in their minimum and maximum values by finding starting basic feasible solution and finding the optimal solution. The requirements of transportation models were presented with one of their applications in the case of minimizing the objective function, which was conducted by the researcher as real data, which took place one month in 2015, in one of the poultry farms for the production of eggs

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The study aimed to determine the impact of energy for the north and south magnetic poles on the the growth of bacteria isolated from cases of tooth decay, 68 swabs were collected from surfaces of faulty tooth, the detected of Staphylococcus aureus

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accounting disclosure in granting bank financing A field study ona sample of banks operating in the state of Gezira 2022 AD: (دراسة ميدانية على عينة من المصارف العاملة في ولاية الجزيرة 2022م)
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                 The aim of the research is to identify the adequacy of accounting disclosure in granting bank financing in explaining the role of accounting disclosure in granting bank financing by linking the concepts of full, comprehensive and adequate disclosure to bank financing. The impact of full accounting disclosure on granting bank financing, the existence of an impact of comprehensive accounting disclosure on granting bank financing, the existence of an impact of adequate accounting disclosure on granting bank financing, and the research relied on the descriptive approach, the deductive and inductive approach, the inferential analytical approach, a

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Structure of Test-Wiseness Scale: A Field Study on a Sample of Students in Hama University
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The current research aims to recognize the exploratory and confirmatory factorial structure of the test-wiseness scale on a sample of Hama University students, using the descriptive method. Thus, the sample consists of (472) male and female students from the faculties of the University of Hama. Besides, Abu Hashem’s 50 item test-wiseness scale (2008) has been used. The validity and reliability of the items of the scale have also been verified, and six items have been deleted accordingly. The results of the exploratory factor analysis of the first degree have shown the presence of the following five acceptable factors: (exam preparation, test time management, question paper handling, answer sheet handling, and revision).  Moreover,

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 06 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role Talents Management in Consolidating Organizational Learning Process: An Applied Study at the Yemeni General Telecommunications Corporation
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This study aimed at accounting for the role of talents management in consolidating organizational learning process at the Yemeni General Corporation For telecommunication. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire and administered it. The sample of the study consisted of (166) employees (General Manager, Manager and Department Head). They were selected randomly out of a total Population of (291) employees during the Year 2019. The descriptive analytic approach was used t reach conclusions.

The finding of the study revealed existence of effect of talents management dimensions, all together and alone, (talents polarization, talents development, talents maintenance and ma

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Evidence for monotheism in Islam and the Qur’an and the meaning of the names and attributes and their unification
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This topic is considered to be of a high degree of importance to every Muslim, and its importance is due to the fact that monotheism is:

Prove that God Almighty is the God who created everything and everything opposite to monotheism is polytheism, and it is taking other than God Almighty as a deity.

Therefore, we have to know the concept of God. If he is known, then he knows the concept of monotheism and the concept of polytheism

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Self and the Other in the Dogmatic Discourse: The Cognitive and Emotional Structure of the Authoritarian and Destructive Personality
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The philosopher and social psychologist Erich Fromm (1900-1980), in his book "Escape from Freedom" highlighted the distinction between the "I" of the authoritarian personality and the "I" of the destructive personality based on their stance towards "the other." The former (the authoritarian self) relies on a submissive, enslaving formula, where the "I" is the master/dominator/controller/strong, while "the other" is the servant/submissive/controlled/weak, essential for perpetuating this formula. In contrast, the latter (the destructive self) relies on an annihilating, negating formula, where the "I" is existence/killer/destroyer/pe

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Contemporary experimental currents and its impact on the structure of the contemporary Iraqi theatrical text "The epic theater as a model": هيثم حمزة سلمان الحمداني
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  In this research study, I tried to trace the epic effect to learn how it was understood and how it was used. Following the descriptive and analytical approach in the research, the first chapter dealt with a presentation of the methodological framework of the problem, the goal, the limits of the research, the importance and the need for it and the definition of terms, as well as the theoretical framework which consisted of two topics, including the impact of the epic theater on the world theater and the second the effect of the epic theater on the Arab theater, This came by tracing the epic impact on the world stage of the Greeks, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Arab theater of the twentieth century.
As for the second

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Term Delay and its Jurisprudences in the Section of Punishments and Felonies
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Different Arabic and Islamic societies are free of evil instincts. Therefore, certain provisions of legitimacy came to stress the importance of the intentions of sharia to achieve the interests of all people that involve several aspects, including the five fundamental things: religion, oneself, offspring, mind and money. Almighty Allah has specified certain punishments on those who violate these things by imposing punishments on the part of the criminal to preserve souls. He imposes the penalty of theft to preserve property, the Hadd punishment for adultery to preserve the symptoms, the punishment on the drunk to preserve the mind, and the Hadd punishment for the apostate to preserve the religion. By the adherence to these punishments li

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Dimensions Of Banking Service Quality and Its Rule On Customer's Satisfaction: Applied Study On Al- Rasheed Bank
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The purpose of this research is to recognize the relationship between the dimensions of  banking service quality and customer's satisfaction , through customer's evaluation of the level of service quality offered to them by Al – Rasheed bank. Also to determine the proportional importance of different dimensions of service quality. In addition to examine the relationship between banking service quality in its dimensions  and customer's satisfaction. (150 ) samples were distributed among the bank customers , only (130 ) samples were collected and good for analysis.

The results were analyzed and examined the hypothesis through a group of statistical methods. The most important results is the positive evaluation of the ba

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