Preferred Language
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The paper deals with the language of Russian folklore. Folklore is a unique sphere of existence of the language, the most vivid expression of the national mentality. The folklore word embodied the perception and evaluation of the surrounding world. “What did the word in general mean for the life of the people? The word was equated ... with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was ... the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. The folklore text is studied by literary critics, ethnographers, historians, culturologists, and art historians. In the twentieth century, a new science emerged - linguo-folkloristics, the goals and objectives of which were formulated by A.T. Khrolenko only in the seventies. Some of the most frequently used words in folklore texts among other words such as "friend" were analyzed. It has been proven that some vocabulary spreads in one region over another, depending on the geographical and climatic environment.

В работе рассматривается язык русского фольклора. Фольклор – это уникальная сфера существования языка, наиболее яркое выражение национальной ментальности. В фольклорном слове воплотились восприятие и оценка окружающего мира. «Что значило для народной жизни слово вообще? Слово приравнивалось… к самой жизни. Слово порождало и объясняло жизнь, оно было… хранителем памяти и залогом бесконечности будущего». Фольклорный текст исследуется литературоведами, этнографами, историками, культурологами, искусствоведами. В ХХ веке сложилась новая наука – лингвофольклористика, цели и задачи которой были сформулированы А.Т. Хроленко только в семидесятые годы.

Received on 12/9/2023 

Accepted on 2/11/2023

Published on 2/1/2024

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the role of marketing intelligence in promoting new product policies.a sample survey of workers in a number of mineral water plants in dohuk governorate
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Marketing Intelligence is one of the important methods of collecting information about competitors ' products and changes in customers ' tastes and needs that contribute to determining the policies to be followed in product development.

The problem of research, which seeks to be answered by the extent to which the companies in question have the appropriate and effective mechanisms to develop their products, and the nature of the relationship between the components of marketing intelligence and new product development policies. The importance of research is determined by the importance of obtaining important and necessary information to make the appropriate decision on the development of the new product an

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Workplace Respect on Employee Performance: A Survey Study in Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory
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This paper aims to explain the effect of workplace respect on employee performance at Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory (AGDF). For achieving the research aim, the analytical and descriptive approach was chosen using a questionnaire tool for collecting data.  It covers 22 items; ten of them for the workplace respect variable and twelve items for the employee performance variable. The research population involved human resources who work at AGDF in Baghdad within two administrative levels (top and middle). We conducted a purposive stratified sample approach. It was distributed 70 questionnaire forms, and 65 forms were received. However, six of them had missing data and did not include in the final data analysis. The main results are t

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Human Capital on Stratigic agility " Field Study in Jordan tourist companies"
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The research aims to identify the degree of the availability of knowledge, skill and ability as components of human capital, in addition to stand at the level of strategic agility upon tourism and travel agencies company of Jordan, the impact of human capital on strategic agility has been tested through distribution of a questionnaire on a Randomly Sample from Workers in Jordan tourist Companies of (349),a number of statistics techinces have been used simple liner Regrision and Multiplayer regession, it has shown that the degree of knowledge, ability and skill availability was high, and the same applies on strategic agility components, and shown out that there is a statistically significant impact between human capital and strate

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The extent of responsibility - the seller of Alcohol or the provider – the civil towards the drug addicts and their victims "A comparative study"
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There are many harmful acts that occur from drunkards in this case, especially those resulting from car accidents. The world is witnessing dozens or even hundreds of car accidents due to alcohol consumption. These accidents often result in serious injuries that could lead to the death of the drunk driver and those in the car As well as other persons present in the other vehicles with which the incident occurred or pedestrians on the street, as well as damage to private or public property, and if the order of return of the affected persons on the pretext of civil liability (tort) is made as a direct cause of the harmful act, Is entitled Do they like this refer to the liquor seller or their provider as the culprit? Or are they not related to

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Pragmatic Study of Racism as Conceptualized in the Glorious Quran
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Racism changes its meaning, shape, purpose or function according to various factors such as time, place, motives, and backgrounds; among others. It seems, however, to have deep roots back in the history of mankind. Such a concept stems from a perceived difference with the other. It is fed by the feeling of being hierarchically superior in opposition to another party that is depicted as inferior. Since ancient times, racism is disguised in different forms and manifests itself on various levels. It is a truism that this ideology can be best presented via language.

Due to its negative implication, racism lends itself to a critical kind of research.  As such, this paper is a critical pragmatic investigation for this phenomenon a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Investigation of Effecting Parameters in a Turning Operation
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        In this study multi objective optimization is utilized to optimize a turning operation to reveal the appropriate level of process features. The goal of this work is to evaluate the optimal combination of cutting parameters like feed, spindle speed, inclination angle and workpiece material to have a best surface quality Taguchi technique L9 mixed orthogonal array, has been adopted to optimize the roughness of surface. Three rods of length around (200 mm) for the three metals are used for this work. Each rod is divided into three parts with 50 mm length. For brass the optimum parametric mix for minimum Ra is A1, B1 and C3, i.e., at tool inclination angle (5), feedrate of 0.01, spindle speed of 120

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of managing employees' performance in building intellectual capital Analytical study of the views of a sample of heads of scientific departments At the University of Kirkuk
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The research aims to identify the impact of managing performance's employees in building intellectual capital, Because employing the practice of managing the performance of employees may acquire familiar skills to improve their performance and reflect on the construction of intellectual capital in the surveyed area, Especially that the independent dimension represented by the management of the performance of employees is one of the important topics that has received attention in the world of management in general and human resource management in particular.  While the adopted dimension was represented by Intellectual capital in the important practice of human resource management in the increasing of  their knowledge, to

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Publication Date
Sun May 06 2012
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal For Sport Sciences
Analysis study (Guessing and techntion of self consistent degree) in choosing the perfect way from different method for two kinds rotation (orthogonal & oblique) in factore
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The factorial analysis method consider a advanced statistical way concern in different ways like physical education field and the purpose to analyze the results that we want to test it or measure or for knowing the dimensions of some correlations between common variables that formed the phenomenon in less number of factors that effect on explanation , so we must depend use the self consistent that achieved for reaching that basic request. The goal of this search that depending on techntion of self consistent degree guessing for choosing perfect way from different methods for (orthogonal & oblique) kinds in physical education factor studies and we select some of references for ( master & doctoral) and also the scientific magazine and confere

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Security and confidentiality of information and its impact on the competitive performance of insurance companies: A prospective study for the Iraq insurance company and ALhamraa Insurance company (private)
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The security of information represent the available  protection of  information and its component and guaranty the its safety and confidentiality. The absent or lack or stop of security of information and without maximum benefit may lead to lose confidence and make it burden on the company. So we must protect the company and information from the damages which may lead to the frailer of performance and loses of the company and its workers. So the security of information considered one of the potential  and controlling basis to protect individuals and companies from the damages. To insure the security  and confidentiality of information there are delicate,  proper and trusted ways, like FIRE WALL, PASS WORD, SYPHAR

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The purpose of this study is to determine the useful of Schiff bases derivatives containing (oxazepine, tetrazole) rings with biological activity which can be used as drug and antimicrobial, the present work is started from [Binary (2,5(4,'4-diaminophenyl) – 1,3,4 – oxadiazole]. A variety of Schiff bases and heterocyclic (oxazepine, tetrazole) have been synthesis, and confirm that structures by physical properties , FTIR , 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, elemental analysis, [Microbial study against three type of bacteria (staphylococcus aurea and klebsiella pneumonia) and (Canadida albncans) fungi].All analyzation performed in center of consulatation University of Jordan.

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