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Diffusion of Italian language through literary texts: Diffusione dell’italiano attraverso i testi letterari
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  This work intends to illustrate the methods of using the authentic literary text in the process of spreading Italian, especially in Baghdad where there is a strong propensity to learn the Italian language. The concept of the language that arises from literature is an idea closely linked to the mentality of the Arab learner towards Italian culture: an idea also created by the first Arabisations of literary texts in the early years of the previous century. The research was carried out in Baghdad by two researchers, an Italianist from Baghdad and an Italian mother language linguist, with the aim of bringing together the two sectors in favor of the diffusion of the Italian language. The study also aims to clarify the models from Italian literature most welcomed by those who study Italian in Iraq. In addition to making clear the conceptual phases of what is meant by a literary text in the process of dissemination of a language, and how to expand the literary canon by referring to the corpus of the language of the different genres of Italian literature.

Il presente lavoro intende illustrare le modalità d’impiego del testo letterario autentico nel processo di diffusione dell’italiano, soprattutto a Baghdad dove si sta assistendo ad una forte propensione all’apprendimento della lingua italiana. Il concetto della lingua che nasce dalla letteratura è un’idea molto legata alla mentalità dell’apprendente arabo nei confronti della cultura italiana: idea creata anche dalle prime arabizzazioni dei testi letterari ai primi anni del secolo precedente. La ricerca è stata eseguita a Baghdad da due ricercatori, un italianista di Baghdad ed un linguista italiano, allo scopo di riunire i due settori a favore della diffusione della lingua italiana. Lo studio vorrà anche chiarire i modelli dalla letteratura italiana più accolti da chi studia l’italiano in Iraq. Oltre a rendere evidenti le fasi concettuali di che cosa si intende per testo letterario nella disseminazione di una lingua, e come ampliare il canone letterario facendo riferimento al corpus del linguaggio dei diversi generi della letteratura italiana.

Received on 26/7/2023

Accepted on 20/8/2023

Published on 2/1/2024

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Intelligent Dust Monitoring System Based on IoT
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Dust is a frequent contributor to health risks and changes in the climate, one of the most dangerous issues facing people today. Desertification, drought, agricultural practices, and sand and dust storms from neighboring regions bring on this issue. Deep learning (DL) long short-term memory (LSTM) based regression was a proposed solution to increase the forecasting accuracy of dust and monitoring. The proposed system has two parts to detect and monitor the dust; at the first step, the LSTM and dense layers are used to build a system using to detect the dust, while at the second step, the proposed Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) model is used as a forecasting and monitoring model. The experiment DL system

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Almost and Strongly Almost Approximately Nearly Quasi Compactly Packed Modules
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In this paper, we present the almost approximately nearly quasi compactly packed (submodules) modules as an application of the almost approximately nearly quasiprime submodule. We give some examples, remarks, and properties of this concept. Also, as the strong form of this concept, we introduce the strongly, almost approximately nearly quasi compactly packed (submodules) modules. Moreover, we present the definitions of almost approximately nearly quasiprime radical submodules and almost approximately nearly quasiprime radical submodules and give some basic properties of these concepts that will be needed in section four of this research. We study these two concepts extensively.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On the Connection between the Dynamical System and the Ellis Compactification with Transitive Pointed System
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In this paper, some relations between the flows and the Enveloping Semi-group were studied. It allows to associate some properties on the topological compactification to any pointed flows. These relations enable us to study a number of the properties of the principles of flows corresponding with using algebric properties. Also in this paper proofs to some theorems of these relations are given.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Investigating Adverbs' in Vatan yahut Silistre by Namik Kemal: Namık Kemal'ın ''Vatan Yahut Silistre'' Başlıklı Tiyatrosu'nda Geçen Zarfların İncelenmesi
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       It is a common Knowledge that adverbs in Turkish languages can modify verbs, adjectives, nouns or other adverbs. Moreover, adverbs can determine the meanings of nouns and verbs in a sentence as far as time, place, manner, quantity and interrogative are concerned. The present study debates adverbs’ functions in Namiq Kamal’s play Vatan yahut Silistre.

 The study sheds light on the author’s use of the adverbs to describe the required theatrical actions of the play  and to convey his reflections and thoughts easily to the auidence. One of the main hindrances encountered in conducting the study is the shortage of the  upto date academic resources necessary for

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fuzzy Convergence Sequence and Fuzzy Compact Operators on Standard Fuzzy Normed Spaces
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The main purpose of this work is to introduce some types of fuzzy convergence sequences of operators defined on a standard fuzzy normed space (SFN-spaces) and investigate some properties and relationships between these concepts. Firstly, the definition of weak fuzzy convergence sequence in terms of fuzzy bounded linear functional is given. Then the notions of weakly and strongly fuzzy convergence sequences of operators  are introduced and essential theorems related to these concepts are proved. In particular, if ( ) is a strongly fuzzy convergent sequence with a limit  where linear operator from complete standard fuzzy normed space  into a standard fuzzy normed space  then  belongs to the set of all fuzzy bounded linear operators

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximaitly Semi-Prime Submodules and Some Related Concepts
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    We introduce in this paper the concept of approximaitly semi-prime submodules of unitary left -module  over a commutative ring  with identity as a generalization of a prime submodules and semi-prime submodules, also generalization of quasi-prime submodules and approximaitly prime submodules. Various basic properties of an approximaitly semi-prime submodules are discussed, where a proper submodule  of an -module  is called an approximaitly semi-prime submodule of  , if whenever , where ,  and , implies that . Furthermore the behaviors of approximaitly semi-prime submodule in some classes of modules are studied. On the other hand several characterizations of this concept are

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Cluster Analysis by Using Nonparametric Cubic B-Spline Modeling for Longitudinal Data
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Longitudinal data is becoming increasingly common, especially in the medical and economic fields, and various methods have been analyzed and developed to analyze this type of data.

In this research, the focus was on compiling and analyzing this data, as cluster analysis plays an important role in identifying and grouping co-expressed subfiles over time and employing them on the nonparametric smoothing cubic B-spline model, which is characterized by providing continuous first and second derivatives, resulting in a smoother curve with fewer abrupt changes in slope. It is also more flexible and can pick up on more complex patterns and fluctuations in the data.

The longitudinal balanced data profile was compiled into subgroup

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
الوضع الجيو سياسي وانعكاساته على قطاع الإسكان في محافظة القدس (حالة دراسية بلدة العيزرية)
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تهدف هذه الدراسة للتعرف على السياسات اإلاسرائيلية المتبعة على الارض والمتمثلة في االاستيطان
الاستعماري والطرق التفافية، ومصادرة الاراضي وجدار الضم والتوسع العنصري، بالاضافة إلى التصنيف
الاداري للمناطق في الضفة الغربية حسب ما جاء في اتفاقية أوسلو، والتي من شأنها التأثير على تلك
المناطق، وال سيما قطاع اإلسكان الذي يعد من أهم القطاعات التي تتر كب وبالتحديد في منطقة الدراسة،
وسوف تحاول هذه الدراسة تس

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weak Pseudo – 2 – Absorbing Submodules And Related Concepts
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      Let  R  be a commutative ring  with identity  and  E  be a unitary left  R – module .We introduce  and study the concept Weak Pseudo – 2 – Absorbing submodules as  generalization of weakle – 2 – Absorbing submodules , where a proper submodule  A of  an  R – module  E is  called  Weak Pseudo – 2 – Absorbing  if   0 ≠ rsx   A   for  r, s  R , x  E , implies that  rx   A + soc ( E ) or  sx  A + soc (E)  or   rs  [ A + soc ( E ) E ]. Many basic  properties, char

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Pre-Topology Generated by the Short Path Problems
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Let G be a graph, each edge e of which is given a weight w(e). The shortest path problem is a path of minimum weight connecting two specified vertices a and b, and from it we have a pre-topology. Furthermore, we study the restriction and separators in pre-topology generated by the shortest path problems. Finally, we study the rate of liaison in pre-topology between two subgraphs. It is formally shown that the new distance measure is a metric

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