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Qur'anic rhetorical nuances in Persian literature: تاثيردقایق و لطایف بلاغی قرآن كريم در ادب فارسی
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Abstract: Persian literature, after the spread of Islam in Pars, received a lot of influence from the subtle and rhetorical details of the Holy Quran. This effect is more in poetry than in prose because the weights of Persian poetry are closer to the melody of the Qur'an and its weights.The effectiveness of most of the prose works is only in the Quranic themes and words. Persian poetry that has benefited from various sciences of rhetoric, including semantics, eloquence and rhetoric. The degree and manner of influence of each of the didactic, lyrical, epic and travelogue literary types is different from the rhetorical points of the Quran. The instructions under educational literature have benefited the least from Quranic rhetoric. The maxim under educational literature have benefited the least from Quranic rhetoric. The travelogues share this as well as the admonitions, but in Ghanaian prose, we see the greatest use of Qur'anic rhetorical points by poets and writers.The travelogues share this as well as the maxim, but in lyrical prose we see the most use of Quranic rhetorical points by poets and writers. Hafez and Saadi have been more successful than others in this regard. Shahnameh is the best book of classical sustainability literature. Ferdowsi paid more attention to the translation of verses and words due to his sense of patriotism and adherence to the national language. But Ahmad Azizi borrows words and interpretations from the Qur'an with high frequency in his poems in contrast to Ferdowsi in contemporary sustainability literature.

چکیده :

       ادبیات فارسی در پی گسترش دین اسلام در پارس از لطایف و دقایق بلاغی قرآن کریم تأثیر بسیاری پذیرفت . این تأثیر در نظم بیش از نثر است زیرا اوزان شعر فارسی به آهنگ کلام قرآن و وزنهای آن نزدیکی بیشتری دارد . از این‌ رو اثر پذیری اکثر آثار منثور صرفاً در مضامین و واژگان قرآنی است برخلاف شعر فارسی که از علوم مختلف بلاغت اعم از معانی، بیان و بدیع بهره گرفته است . میزان ونحوه ی تأثیر پذیری هر کدام از انواع ادبی تعلیمی ، غنائی ، پایداری و سفرنامه از نکات بلاغی قرآن متفاوت است . اندرزنامه ها تحت ادبیات تعلیمی کمترین بهره را از بلاغت قرآنی برده‌ اند . سفرنامه ها نیز مانند   اندرزنامه ها در این امر اشتراک دارند اما در نثر غنائی شاهد بیشترین استفاده شعرا و نویسندگان از نکات بلاغی قرآنی هستیم . حافظ وسعدی نسبت به سایرین در این امر موفقتر بوده ‌اند . فردوسی در شاهنامه برترین کتاب ادبیات پایداری کلاسیک به دلیل داشتن حس وطن ‌دوستی و پایبندی به زبان ملی؛ بیشتر به ترجمه آیات و واژگان توجه داشته است اما احمد عزیزی در ادبیات پایداری معاصر برخلاف فردوسی از واژگان وتعبیرات قرآنی با بسامد بالا در اشعارش وام‌ گیری میکند .

Received on 25/6/2023

Accepted on 20/8/2023

Published on 2/1/2024

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قيود الختام او حرود المتن دراسة تطبيقية بالاستناد على نماذج مختارة من المخطوطات الاسلامية من القرن(10-13هـ/ 16-19م) في المكتبة المركزية بأربيل:
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     Islamic manuscripts are considered an identity for the civilizational, cognitive and cultural development of nations and the Islamic world as a whole, and to identify this identity, the closing statement usually written at the end of the manuscript helps us with this, meaning that the closing entries serve as the identity document of the manuscript

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Sun Jan 13 2019
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Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص عامل التلزن ( اللكتين ) من بكتريا لخلايا Enterococcus faecalis EM1 وتأثير العوامل البيئية المختلفة عليه ودوره في تلزن أنواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام
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استخلص عامل التلزن من E. faecalis EM1 بعد تكسير الخلايا بعدة طرق واختيار الطريقة التي تعطي اعلى قيمة تلزن والترسيب بالكحول الاثيلي , واجري فحص التلزن وقياسه للمستخلص  مع انواع من البكتريا السالبة لملون غرام تضمنت     Escherichia coli  و Klebsiella  pneumoniae  و Serratia

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Wed Sep 30 2020
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Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adoption of the IFRS11 Financial Reporting Standard for Oil Service Contracts Costs and its Reflection on Measurement and Disclosure for National Oil Companies: بحث تطبيق في شركة نفط ميسان (ش . ع)
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The research seeks to clarify the problems related to the aspects of the financial and accounting process resulting from entering into contractual arrangements with a period of more than 20 years, among which is the research problem represented by the lack of clarity of the foundations and procedures for the recognition of oil costs and additional costs borne by foreign invested companies, which led to a weakening of their credibility and reflection. Negatively "on the measurement and accounting disclosure of financial reports prepared by oil companies, and the research aims to lay down sound procedures for measuring and classifying oil costs and additional costs paid to foreign companies, and recognizing and recording them in th

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Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Full Text Book Of Minar Congress10
مستوى الافصاح عن المعلومات المالية المتعلقة بالاستدامة على وفق معيار (IFRS-S1) وتأثير على أداء الشركة - بحث تطبيقي في عينة عن المصارف الاسلامية العراقية
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Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Al-Junaid al-Baghdadi's theory of happines
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The reasons for happiness, include knowledge, love, and providence, and happiness itself is the return of man or spirit to the source from which it originated.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Academic Research In Progressive Education And Development
The Effects of Problem-Based Learning on Self-Directed Learning Skills among Physics Undergraduates
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The aim of this study is to compare the effects of three methods: problem-based learning (PBL), PBL with lecture method, and conventional teaching on self-directed learning skills among physics undergraduates. The actual sample size comprises of 122 students, who were selected randomly from the Physics Department, College of Education in Iraq. In this study, the pre- and post-test were done and the instruments were administered to the students for data collection. The data was analyzed and statistical results rejected null hypothesis of this study. This study revealed that there are no signifigant differences between PBL and PBL with lecture method, thus the PBL without or with lecture method enhances the self-directed learning skills bette

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Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Applied Research
Optical study of effect of thiourea on CdS thin films
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Abstract: This paper presents the results of the structural and optical analysis of CdS thin films prepared by Spray of Pyrolysis (SP) technique. The deposited CdS films were characterized using spectrophotometer and the effect of Sulfide on the structural properties of the films was investigated through the analysis of X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD). The growth of crystal became stronger and more oriented as seen in the X-ray diffraction pattern. The studying of X-ray diffraction showed that; all the films have the hexagonal structure with lattice constants a=b=4.1358 and c=6.7156A°, the crystallite size of the CdS thin films increases and strain (ε) as well as the dislocation density (δ) decreases. Also, the optical properties of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The mucilage was isolated from mustard seeds and identification by some different methods like, thermo gravimetric, FTlR., X-ray powdered, proton NMR, FTIR spectra of the three gums contain different functional group in the gums, major peaks  bands noticed were belong to OH (3410.15 – 3010.88) group from hydroxyl group, CH aliphatic (2925-2343.51), C-O (1072.42-1060.85) group and C=O 1743.65, Thermo chemical parameters of mucilage was evaluated  and compared with the standard gums, Results indicated the mucilage was decomposed in 392°C and mass loss 55%, The X ray process found the mucilage had single not sharp peak

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Direction Finding Using GHA Neural Networks
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 This paper adapted the neural network for the estimating of the direction of arrival (DOA). It uses an unsupervised adaptive neural network with GHA algorithm to extract the principal components that in turn, are used by Capon method to estimate the DOA, where by the PCA neural network we take signal subspace only and use it in Capon (i.e. we will ignore the noise subspace, and take the signal subspace only).



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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improvement of Microhardness and Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel by Nanocomposite Coating
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Stainless steel (AISI 304) has good electrical and thermal conductivities, good corrosion resistance at ambient temperature, apart from these it is cheap and abundantly available; but has good mechanical properties such as hardness. To improve the  hardness and corrosion resistance of stainless steel its surface can be modified by developing nanocomposite coatings applied on its surface. The main objective of this paper is to study effect of electroco-deposition method on microhardness and corrosion resistance of stainless steel, and to analyze effect of nanoparticles (Al2O3, ZrO2 , and SiC)  on properties of composite coatings. I

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