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MCD (LOS MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS) The pragmatic analysis of discourse markers (The argumentative texts of the ABC newspaper as a model): El análisis pragmático de los marcadores discursivos (Los textos argumentativos del periódico ABC como modelo)
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When writing a text, such as a newspaper article, various types of discourse markers are frequently used to group sentences into paragraphs and parts in order to establish a discourse with certain functions, such as coordination, orientation, emphasizing the concepts presented, etc. It should also be noted that this type of mark exists in both written and spoken language. Therefore, it is convenient to dedicate a chapter to these linguistic elements to clarify their use and their classification, which is mainly based on Jose Portolés (2001), as well as the main features, specifically their features (prosodic, morphological, semantic and pragmatic).


Al redactar un texto، como un artículo de periódicos، se utilizan con frecuencia varios tipos de MCD (los marcadores discursivos) para agrupar las oraciones en párrafos y secciones con el fin de establecer un discurso con discuencia varios tipos de MCD (los marcadores discursivos) para agrupar las oraciones en párrafos y secciones con el fin de establecer un discurso con selectaro or funciones، com. المفاهيم الحالية ، وما إلى ذلك. Por tanto، conviene dedicar un capítulo a estos elementos lingüísticos para aclarar su uso y su clasificación que se basa Principmente en Portolés (2001)، ademas los rasgos Principales، en concreto sus rasgos (prosódicos، morfolótic yos). Palabras claves : los marcadores discursivos ، analisis pragmatico ، texto مناقشة

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
ألوان - للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع
الاحصاء المالي - الطبعة الثانية
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لقد لاقت مواضيع استعمال التحليل الاحصاء المالي رواجاً كبيراً في الآونة الأخيرة سواء على مستوى الافراد والشركات العامة والخاصة مروراً بأسواق الاسهم والاوراق المالية (البورصات) وصولاً الى اقتصاديات الدول والبلدان. وذلك بعد وصول الباحثين والدارسين للظواهر الاقتصادية والمالية بكل أنماطها الى إدراك أهمية التحليل الكميّ عموماً والتحليل الاحصائي على وجه الخصوص، مما دفعنا لتأليف الطبعة الأولى من هذا الكتاب بالع

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum leptin and 25 Hydroxyvitamin D levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus
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Background: Vitamin D and Leptin appears to play a range of roles in beta cell growth and insulin secretion and most importantly interaction with other hormonal mediators and regulators of energy and metabolism. Objective: The aim of this study was to measure serum leptin and vitamin D levels and to investigate their relationships with vitamin D and other clinical laboratory parameters in patients with type II diabetes. Subjects and Methods: Blood samples were taken from 80 patients with type II diabetes mellitus encountered during their attending the Internal Medicine clinic consultancy in Ramadi Teaching Hospital and the National Diabetes Center for Treatment and Research at Al-Mustansiriya University and 60 healthy subject. From Decem

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Caregivers’ Satisfaction toward Under-Five Health Care Services Provided at Primary Health Care Centers in Al Karkh, Baghdad, 2020
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Background: Satisfied caregivers are more likely to return for further care and to recommend the primary health care center services to others. Satisfied caregivers usually are compliant with the medical provider advice and the recommended treatment plan. Compliance will eventually lead to better health outcomes.

: A cross-sectional study with an analytic element was conducted during the period from the beginning of July to the end of September 2020. A convenient sample was collected from six primary health care centers in Al-Karkh side of Baghdad city where caregivers who attend those centers with their children for under

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