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The morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "Astonishment" by the novelist Aharon Applefield, Morphological study.: מבנה שמות עצם והפעלים ברומן תימהון לסופר אהרון אפלפלד עיון מורפולוגי
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This research sheds light on the morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "ASTONISHMENT" by the novelist Aharon Applefield by analysing selected models from the novel in a morphological analysis in order to identify the most important morphological features of this structure according to a statistical analytical approach.

 The morphological structure is the main pillar of the linguistic structure of the literary text. Morphology is the science that studies the word, by which its structure and original letters are known, and the change that has occurred to it.  The aesthetics of the fictional text is reflected in this structure, through which the writer conveys his ideas and narrations to the reader.  The research focused on important issues in the structure of nouns, such as definition and invocation, singular, dual and plural. It also touched on the structure of the verb in terms of weight and temporal significance.

 The research concluded that the morphological structure of nouns and verbs is characterized by clarity and abundance of expression and significance. The novelist Aaron Applefield employed defined nouns in a large proportion compared to nouns, due to the connotations it gave to remove ambiguity and ambiguity from the text, as well as more than the use of active verbs and moved some thing away from built verbs to the unknown in order to deliver his message easily and conveniently.  He also concluded that the writer was using verbs with a single structure in order to maintain the dynamics of events.


המאמר הזה שופך על המבנה המורפולוגי של השמות והפעלים ברומן "תימהון" של הסופר "אהרון אפלפלד" על ידי ניתוח דוגמאות נבחרות ניתוח מורפולוגי כדי לעמוד על המאפיינים המורפולוגיים של המבנה הזה לפי השיטה האנליטית – סטטיסטיקאית.

המבנה המורפולוגי הוא אחד מעמודי התווך של המבנה הלשוני של הטקסט הספרותי, המורפולוגיה היא המדע החוקר את המילה, ובה ניתן לדעת את מבניה והאתיות המקוריות שלה ומה שעברה משינוי. האסתטיקה של הטקסט הספרות מתגלה בו ומתוכו הסופר מעביר את רעיונותיו לקורא. המאמר מתמקד בנושאים חשובים במבנה השמות כגון: היידוע, היחיד, הזוגי והרבים, גם כן עיינו במבנה הפועל מבחינת הבניין והזמן.

מאמר זה הראה שמבנה המורפולוגי של השמות והפעלים מתאפיין בבהירות ובדיוק ההבעה. הסופר אהרון אפלפלד השתמש בשמות מיודעים יותר משמות לא מיודעים בגלל תפקידה בהסרת העמימות ואי בהירות מהטקסט, גם כן הרבה מהשימוש בפעלים פעילים והתרחק מהפעלים הסבילים כדי להעביר את המסר שלו בקלות. גם כן הסופר השתמש בפעלים בעלי בניין אחד כדי לשמור על הדינמיקה של האירועים.  

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Sat Aug 01 2020
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Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Using BIM for Optimizing the Upgrading Cost to Convert the Traditional Buildings to Sustainable Buildings in Iraq
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Abstract<p>A high percentage of existing buildings in Iraq are traditional buildings, yet there is approximately no such green building in Baghdad or other governorates. Most of these buildings require urgent upgrading to increase their performance (operationally, economically, and environmentally), also the building owners looking for identifying and implementing many of the green building measures to reduce the operational and maintenance costs of their buildings. The decision-makers need to support the possibility of achieving sustainable measures of existing building rating systems such as LEED or BREEAM, and that would require an optimization model. The goal of this study is to maximize the</p> ... Show More
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Fri Jan 11 2019
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The pre-equilibrium and equilibrium double differential cross sections for the nucleons and light nuclei induce nuclear reactions on 27Al nuclei
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Koonin (FKK) statistical theory. The angular distribution of nucleons
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of mass system, are considered, using the Multistep Compound
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Exercises based on the phosphogenic energy system to develop the ability to perform with precision and accuracy
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Each sport has its own energy requirements that differ from the energy requirements of other sports, and a different method is used in each of them, so the trainer must first rely on the principle of privacy in training first, that is, privacy according to the working energy system, that is, he defines the controlling energy system In that event, and how the muscles use the available energy to perform according to the energy production systems. As we find the serving skill is the first volleyball skill with which the team starts the match in order to be able to gain points directly, through knowledge it turns out that there is a weakness in the skill performance, especially the skill of serving and being The key to victory for volle

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Leadership patterns for university student activities managers according to the Blake and Moton model (The managerial Grid)
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The researcher is one of the workers in university sports student activities, as he noticed that there is a diversity in the use of leadership patterns among managers of student activities in Iraqi universities between one director and another, which leads to the impact of these leadership styles on performance, positive or negative, in the level of human relations and the achievement of results. The researcher adopted the descriptive method in the survey method with relational relationships. The research sample consisted of (184) sports coaches who represent (27) universities and governmental and private colleges. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (Spss). To extract.statisti

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Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
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Sat Oct 28 2023
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Baghdad Science Journal
Phenol Content and Peroxidase Enzyme Activity in Soybean Infected with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv glycines with the Application of Bacillus subtilis JB12 and Bacillus velezensis ST32
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phyllosphere which have previously been known to suppress Xag through an anti

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Thu Jun 30 2011
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Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of the Solution Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Copper Alloy (2024-T3) Using Rolling Process
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The effect of solution heat treatment on the mechanical properties of Aluminum-Copper alloy. (2024-T3) by the rolling process is investigated. The solution heat treatment was implemented by heating the sheets to 480 C° and quenching them by water; then forming by rolling for many passes. And then natural aging is done for one month. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and hardness) are evaluated and the results are compared with the metal without treatment during the rolling process. ANSYS analysis is used to show the stresses distribution in the sheet during the rolling process.  It has been seen that good mechanical properties are evident in the alloy without heat treatment due to the strain hardening and also the mechanical

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The values ​​of environmental sustainability among the student-teacher at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn al-Haytham
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Mon Sep 03 2018
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Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Recovery of Aluminum from Industrial Waste (Slag) by Melting and Electrorefining Processes
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Slag of aluminum is a residue which results during the melting process of primary and secondary aluminum production. Salt slag of aluminum is hazardous solid waste according to the European Catalogue for Hazardous Wastes. Hence, recovery of aluminum not only saves the environment, but also has advantages of financial and economic returns. In this research, aluminum was recovered and purified from the industrial wastes generated as waste from both of State Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries (Baghdad/AlWaziriya) and General Company for Mechanical Industries (Babylon/-Al-Escandria). It was found that these wastes contain tiny proportions of other elements such as iron, copper, nickel, titanium, lead, and potassium. Wastes were

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