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The morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "Astonishment" by the novelist Aharon Applefield, Morphological study.: מבנה שמות עצם והפעלים ברומן תימהון לסופר אהרון אפלפלד עיון מורפולוגי
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This research sheds light on the morphological structure of nouns and verbs in the novel "ASTONISHMENT" by the novelist Aharon Applefield by analysing selected models from the novel in a morphological analysis in order to identify the most important morphological features of this structure according to a statistical analytical approach.

 The morphological structure is the main pillar of the linguistic structure of the literary text. Morphology is the science that studies the word, by which its structure and original letters are known, and the change that has occurred to it.  The aesthetics of the fictional text is reflected in this structure, through which the writer conveys his ideas and narrations to the reader.  The research focused on important issues in the structure of nouns, such as definition and invocation, singular, dual and plural. It also touched on the structure of the verb in terms of weight and temporal significance.

 The research concluded that the morphological structure of nouns and verbs is characterized by clarity and abundance of expression and significance. The novelist Aaron Applefield employed defined nouns in a large proportion compared to nouns, due to the connotations it gave to remove ambiguity and ambiguity from the text, as well as more than the use of active verbs and moved some thing away from built verbs to the unknown in order to deliver his message easily and conveniently.  He also concluded that the writer was using verbs with a single structure in order to maintain the dynamics of events.


המאמר הזה שופך על המבנה המורפולוגי של השמות והפעלים ברומן "תימהון" של הסופר "אהרון אפלפלד" על ידי ניתוח דוגמאות נבחרות ניתוח מורפולוגי כדי לעמוד על המאפיינים המורפולוגיים של המבנה הזה לפי השיטה האנליטית – סטטיסטיקאית.

המבנה המורפולוגי הוא אחד מעמודי התווך של המבנה הלשוני של הטקסט הספרותי, המורפולוגיה היא המדע החוקר את המילה, ובה ניתן לדעת את מבניה והאתיות המקוריות שלה ומה שעברה משינוי. האסתטיקה של הטקסט הספרות מתגלה בו ומתוכו הסופר מעביר את רעיונותיו לקורא. המאמר מתמקד בנושאים חשובים במבנה השמות כגון: היידוע, היחיד, הזוגי והרבים, גם כן עיינו במבנה הפועל מבחינת הבניין והזמן.

מאמר זה הראה שמבנה המורפולוגי של השמות והפעלים מתאפיין בבהירות ובדיוק ההבעה. הסופר אהרון אפלפלד השתמש בשמות מיודעים יותר משמות לא מיודעים בגלל תפקידה בהסרת העמימות ואי בהירות מהטקסט, גם כן הרבה מהשימוש בפעלים פעילים והתרחק מהפעלים הסבילים כדי להעביר את המסר שלו בקלות. גם כן הסופר השתמש בפעלים בעלי בניין אחד כדי לשמור על הדינמיקה של האירועים.  

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Sun Jul 25 2021
Journal Name
Natural Resources Research
Effect of Water Flooding on Oil Reservoir Permeability: Saturation Index Prediction Model for Giant Oil Reservoirs, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Terramechanics
Interaction of a rigid beam resting on a strong granular layer overlying weak granular soil: Multi-methodological investigations
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In the geotechnical and terramechanical engineering applications, precise understandings are yet to be established on the off-road structures interacting with complex soil profiles. Several theoretical and experimental approaches have been used to measure the ultimate bearing capacity of the layered soil, but with a significant level of differences depending on the failure mechanisms assumed. Furthermore, local displacement fields in layered soils are not yet studied well. Here, the bearing capacity of a dense sand layer overlying loose sand beneath a rigid beam is studied under the plain-strain condition. The study employs using digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) and finite element method (FEM) simulations. In the FEM, an experiment

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Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
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This study was designed to compare the effect of two types of viral hepatitis A and E (HAV
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associated with hepatitis.
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subjects. The measured biochemical tests include total serum bilirubin, serum transminases (ALT
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Sun Mar 28 2021
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Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Crimp’s Piece “Advice to Iraqi Women”: عفراء عبد الحسين ناصر , سراب خليل
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Language is a vehicle for social values and ideologies that a man intends or attempts to express. Dramatic texts are one of the discursive practices that embody values and ideologies. What is expressed in dramatic text is deliberate because it is meant to affect other’s values, trends and ideologies in one way or another. Such ideologies and values are not explicit. To bring them out requires putting language under scrutiny to unveil what is implied. The present study attempts to analyze a dramatic script entitled Advice to Iraqi Women by the British playwright Martin Crimp in an attempt to unveil the intended political ideologies underlying the text. The title reflects a political aspect embedded in the word “Iraqi” that

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Thu Dec 28 2017
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Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Autocorrelative Approach for EMG Time-Frequency Analysis
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As they are the smallest functional parts of the muscle, motor units (MUs) are considered as the basic building blocks of the neuromuscular system. Monitoring MU recruitment, de-recruitment, and firing rate (by either invasive or surface techniques) leads to the understanding of motor control strategies and of their pathological alterations. EMG signal decomposition is the process of identification and classification of individual motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in the interference pattern detected with either intramuscular or surface electrodes. Signal processing techniques were used in EMG signal decomposition to understand fundamental and physiological issues. Many techniques have been developed to decompose intramuscularly detec

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Fri Mar 21 2014
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International Journal Of Antennas And Propagation
Development of a Compact Wide-Slot Antenna for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection Featuring Circular Array Full-View Geometry
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A novel planar type antenna printed on a high permittivity Rogers’ substrate is proposed for early stage microwave breast cancer detection. The design is based on a p-shaped wide-slot structure with microstrip feeding circuit to eliminate losses of transmission. The design parameters are optimized resulting in a good reflection coefficient at −10 dB from 4.5 to 10.9 GHz. Imaging result using inhomogeneous breast phantom indicates that the proposed antenna is capable of detecting a 5 mm size cancerous tumor embedded inside the fibroglandular region with dielectric contrast between the target and the surrounding materials ranging from 1.7 : 1 to 3.6 : 1.

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Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Autogenous Onlay Graft with Compression Plate for Treatment of Persistent Humeral Shaft Aseptic Non-union with Failed Previous Surgery
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BACKGROUND: The humeral shaft fractures have a good rate of union, despite this fact, still there is a significant rate of nonunion after nonoperative treatment and more often after operative treatment. AIM: The aim of the study is to evaluate the autogenous onlay graft with compression plate for treatment of persistent humeral shaft non-union with failed previous surgery both radiological and functional outcome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study on twenty patients having persistent aseptic non-union age between 20 and 60 years old, after failed surgical treatment of fractures humeral shaft in Al-Zahra teaching and Al-Kindy teaching hospitals, while infected nonunion, diabetes mellitus, secondary metastasis, smoking, a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic studies of AST isoenzymes I,II,III,IV partially purified from patient,s urine with chroinc renal failure
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In this research, the kinetic studies of four isoenzymes of Asprtate aminotransferase, which partially purified from the urine of chronic renal failure patients were carried out .The four isoenzymes were obeyed Michaelis-Menton's equation and the optimum concentration of their substrate (Aspartic acid) was (166.5x10-3) mole/liter,and their Km values were determined. Four isoenzymesI,II,III,IV have shown an optimum pH at 7.4.The four isoenzymes obeyed Arrhenius equation up to 37º C and their Ea and Q10 constants were determined .

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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A Hypothesis of Architectural Environment Exercise for Actor Training (Continuous exercise space workshop – A model): هيثم عبد الرزاق علي
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The peculiarity of the theater does not lie in its dramatic content because many literary genres and other artistic styles share with it in this content. The peculiarity of the theater lies in contemplating the drama through what is architectural, and this architectural axis is what distinguishes its character. It is a spatial poetry which is composed by the laws of physics and chemistry, (Weight, height, distance, rhythm, gravity, impulses and chemical excretions). i.e., what cannot be expressed in words. This is a game of space to exchange and organize energy and communicate in space by the living body, which contains the possibilities of the living drawing in space: in the time and place. This research deals with the importance of the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Survey of Some Parasitic Worms on Three Fish Species from Euphrates River at Al- Haklania District, Al-Anbar Province
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    In the present study, a total of 272 freshwater fishes belonging to three species namely: Cyprinus carpio, Barbus xanthopterus and Aspius vorax, were collected from Euphrates river at Al-Haklania distrct, Al-Anbar province  during the period from August 2008 till the end of July 2009, by using gill nets and cast nets.       Fishes were survyed for intestinal parasitic worms. The investigation revealed the infectation of these fishes with four parasitic species: the digenetic trematode  Aspidogaster limacoides from the intestine of C. carpio, B. xanthopterus and A. vorax, larval nematode Contracaecum spp. from the body cavity of C. carpio and the external surface of intestine of B

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