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Images of ruin in "Throne" and " Water stream" by Maysaloon Hadi and "War" by Glezio: A Compartive Study: Les images du débris dans "Le trône et le ruisseau " de Maysaloon Hadi et "La guerre" de Le Glézio (étude comparative)
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Our research comes to shed light on Iraqi literature as literature that arose in special circumstances alongside foreign literature. Using comparative research methods, we chose to highlight two distinguished writers, who have their mark in the world of literature. The first is the Iraqi writer Maysaloun Hadi, who is considered an icon of Iraqi feminist literature, and the second is the French writer Le Clézieu, who won the Nobel in 2008. We will see through the research how the two authors expressed their views of modernity and urbanism. And how each of them separately portrayed the psychological and moral projections that formed the essence of man today. 


Notre recherche abord un des points inconnus au monde entier, celui de la littérature irakienne.  En utilisant les procédés de la littérature comparée, nous abordons les œuvres de deux écrivains brillants: Maysloon Hadi et J. M. G. Le Glézio. Les deux ont leur propre regard vis-à-vis la modernité et l'acte humain.    

De fait, Maysaloon Hadi représente l'icône de la littérature féminine irakienne. Quant au deuxième écrivain, c'est Le Glézio, l'écrivain qui remporte le noble en 2008.

Nous allons découvrir ci-dessus les idées ainsi que les visions que les deux portent envers leur société.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials And Environmental Science
Study the effect of some chemicals used locally in agricultural processes in Iraq on the DNAof some non-targeted organisms
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Gingival microleakage of composite restorations with different bonding protocol in class II cavity treated with chlorhexidine (an in-vitro study)
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ABSTRACT Background: One of the challenges to use chlorhexidine is its effect on the amount of microleakage after restoration; however, use of the materials with antibacterial properties after tooth preparation and before restoration has been widespread. The objective of this, in-vitro, study was to evaluate the influence of consepsis (chlorhexidine gloconate disinfectant) application on microleakage in class II cavities restored with light cured composite using universal adhesive system; etch and rinse technique –self etch technique. Materials and Methods: Forty class II cavities were prepared on mesial and distal surfaces of 20 non-carious mandibular third molars. The cavities were divided into four groups; (n =10 for each group).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological Study of the Brown Garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) from selected habitats in Jadiriya in Baghdad vicinity.
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The present study is considered a pioneer investigation that deal with the terrestrial brown garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller), in Iraq. Cornu aspersum however is considered an exotic species in many parts of the world ,The species is most probably infiltrates with plants transferred from one place to another. The species has gained importance in many ways. Nutritionally, the species is consumed as food item in many countries, but in other cases it is considered as pest for the damage it causes when feeding on valuable plant shoots. It also has medical importance for its role and ability in healing wounds, burns and remedy of other skin problems. This snail species however may act as a vector for some parasitic nematodes that

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 02 2012
Journal Name
Wasit Journal For Science And Medicine
Field study for the effect of releasing predator Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera:Chrysopidae) in comparison with Deltamethrin in controlling cabbage aphid
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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
The Deliberative Action in the Labor Market of Iraqi Art The Concepts and the Application: شيماء وهيب خضير
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The analysis of the orientations of Iraqi art commodification contributed to the discovery of deliberation, which was founded in the deliberative discourse in the trends towards commodification in the Iraqi art, since the important transformations in social structures and relations produced a dictionary with new vocabulary and tools that replaced the traditions and norms that have been in circulation for a century. Deliberation and commodification have become more prevalent in the mechanics and trends of the art where the pace of change is becoming increasingly frantic towards the market. The general market for art constitutes one of the most effective phenomena within contemporary art, that there has been a proliferation of sales auctio

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Midterm Tests in some Faculties at Shaqra University from Female Students' Views
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The aim of this study is to uncover the views of female students of Shaqra University towards midterm tests.  A survey of  (42) items distributed in three fields. The study has been applied to a random sample of (421) students from two faculties. The results showed that all three fields have achieved an intermediate level. The results also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in students’ views of midterm tests due to the specialization or academic level variables.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of intellectual capital on the Total quality management of higher education and scientific research institutions in Baghdad
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         The purpose and goal of the research revolve around the diagnosis of intellectual capital as the logical indicator to study an effective human resource management practice and its influential role in determining the overall quality management of higher education institutions and scientific research in Baghdad.

       To achieve the purpose of the research, an upgraded standard questionnaire was used to collect data and distribute it to the selected sample in a statistical manner from the study population of (5) institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Resear

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
РОЛЬ СРЕДСТВ НАГЛЯДНОСТИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ КАК ИНОСТРАННОМУ В ИРАСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ The Role of the Use of Visual Aids in the Process Of Learning Russian Language in Lraq as a Foreign Language
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В статье рассматриваются понятие наглядности и ее классификация, эффективное применение принципа наглядности, возможность и преимущество использования наглядности и современные инструменты ее реализации в ираке.


Вследствие глобальных изменений во всем мире изменилась и роль иностранного языка в системе образования. Современный человек, шагающий в ногу со временем, не мыслит себя без зна

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of the Commitment with Accounting Disclosure for Contingent Assets, Liabilities and Provisions in the Shareholding Companies Listed in Iraq Stock Exchange Analytical Entrance
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Accounting changes have taken place in either the local or international level has led to more disclosure from companies, and that many of the economic units in order to attract investors to negotiate on its shares price in the stock market require amendments with respect to the information disclosed, Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze whether companies were research sample disclose contingent assets and liabilities and provisions in their annual financial reports with what brought him International Accounting Standards. It has been used descriptive analysis of annual financial reports for a sample of (50) listed company on the Iraq Stock Exchange were identified companies that disclose contingent assets and liabi

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 03 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the currency sale window in the stability of the dinar exchange rate and its reflection on inflation
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The: currency Auction is one of the monetary policy tools created after 2003, in order to keep pace with the changes that the monetary and financial policies will witness from financial openness and expectations of high levels of liquidity after international economic restrictions. It is necessary to re-evaluate the work of the currency Auction from time to time and observation its efficiency in adjustment the exchange rate And its reflection on the general level of prices as one of the objectives of its inception, and during the analytical aspect, it was confirmed that the currency Auction for selling the currency had a major role in adjustment the exchange rate and controlling inflation levels, due to the market’s dependence

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