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Modal Component in Meaningful Structure of the Utterance with the Semantics of “Disappearance” in Russian
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The article is devoted to the study of modal framework of the utterance with the semantics of “disappearance” in modern Russian language. The empirical basis of the study was the works of Russian writers, such as M.A. Bulgakov, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.I. Kuprin., L.M. Leonov, B.L. Pasternak, K.G. Paustovsky, L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev and others. The author focuses special attention on the role of the modal component in the formation of the sentences and its modal semantics. A lot attention is paid to the analysis of the reasons of productivity / low productivity in the functioning of the temporal forms of the verbs that form these utterances. The nature of the material of study determined the choice of the following research methods and techniques: a descriptive method, in which the methods of observation, generalization and classification; structural method using the techniques of component analysis and statistical method using the technique of quantitative analysis. It was revealed that the “lexical meaning of the verb, the mode of action and the minimum or maximum (lexical indicators) context play an essential role in revealing the actuality or non-actuality of time.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Biannual Journal By Department Of Linguistic And Translation Studies In Bayt Al Hikma
Metaphorical meaning of parts of the human body in Russian
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This article discusses some of the metaphorical use of language units. Here we will define the basic concepts and underline the causes of this phenomenon. Through research it is proven that through the application of names of some body parts achieves the variety of metaphorical meanings.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Parasitology International
Genetic polymorphism of Baylisascaris procyonis in host infrapopulations and component populations in the Central USA
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 07 2022
Journal Name
في مجلة الدراسات الللغوية والترجمية
Semantic and cultural analysis of phraseological units with the names of wild animals in Russian and Arabic
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Summary:This article discusses the topic of phraseological units with the names of wild animals in the Russian and Arabic languages in the aspect of their comparative semantic and cultural analysis, since a comparative analysis of the meanings of phraseological units of the Arabic and Russian languages, detection of coincidences and differences in the compared languages, is an important method for studying linguoculturology, since phraseological units represent a reflection of culture in the language

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The term that is verbally agreed and different is meaningful Between grammar and fundamentalists
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Science is linked to each other bonds assets, branches and even close to each other; to become a link of this type of patterns of scientific integration, and perhaps the most prominent science that saw the overlap and interdependence of science and jurisprudence and its origins, and this interdependence did not stop at the epistemological foundations of knowledge; To the branches, methods of extraction, and diligence to extend to the terminology; to find similar terms in both flags; to become those terms similar in the word and meaning and even the end, but we do not lack terms similar in pronunciation and differing in meaning; and this difference is imposed by the specificity of each science and what M E; however, approached many terms

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
الدراسات اللغوية والرتجمية
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Phraseological or phraseological turn - unchanged in structure and composition, integral in meaning and lexically indivisible phrase or sentence, performing the function of a separate dictionary unit - lexemes. Idioms are found in any language of the world. But such a number of winged phrases, as in Russian, is nowhere else. Idioms play a role in displaying the national-cultural characteristics of any language. They very clearly and accurately reflect the characteristics of the perception of the world, the characteristic features of the material and spiritual life of native speakers, his mentality.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2010
Journal Name
Bayt Alhekma
the problem of the relationship between phraseology and words in modern Russian
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Abstract The study aimed at reviewing translation theories proposed to address problems in translation studies. To the end, translation theories and their applications were reviewed in different studies with a focus on issues such as critical discourse analysis, cultural specific items and collocation translation.

Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of energy's policy in the strategy of restoring the Russian global role
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Abstract : This research has tackled about the role of Russia in the international policies which concerning with energy , So the most important states in the world that possesses huge energy resources to be more able in the control over the reality and future production programs and the distribution of global energy alike , the latter had effectively influence on the economic and developmental aspects within many countries in the world and its impacts on political decisions and perhaps effected too much in the dimensions of strategic policies . In this context of research , Russia has been developed a high energy policy of strategic planning in order to restoring Russia position and its global role by using its potential powerful streng

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
Semantic and stylistic characteristics of the category of the species in modern Russian
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هذه الدراسة مكرسة للخصائص الوظيفية والدلالية المعقدة للفئات اللفظية من التوتر والنوع في اللغة الروسية سيتم الكشف في هذه الدراسة عن السمات الدلالية والأسلوبية للفرق بين الأفعال المكتملة وغير المكتملة، قد تكون الاختلافات مرتبطة بخصائص المعاني المعجمية للكلمات، وكذلك معاني اللواحق المكونة للكلمات) السوابق واللواحق). يعكس استخدام هذه الفئة النحوية في أنماط مختلفة بوضوح تفاصيل كل منها، لأن درجة واقعية ال

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Processing of missing values in survey data using Principal Component Analysis and probabilistic Principal Component Analysis methods
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The idea of ​​carrying out research on incomplete data came from the circumstances of our dear country and the horrors of war, which resulted in the missing of many important data and in all aspects of economic, natural, health, scientific life, etc.,. The reasons for the missing are different, including what is outside the will of the concerned or be the will of the concerned, which is planned for that because of the cost or risk or because of the lack of possibilities for inspection. The missing data in this study were processed using Principal Component  Analysis and self-organizing map methods using simulation. The variables of child health and variables affecting children's health were taken into account: breastfeed

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2023
Journal Name
Brazilian Journal Of Physics
An Analysis of the Tensor Force and Pairing Correlation on the Disappearance of Nuclear Magicity at N = 28 Region
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The effect of the tensor term in the Skyrme interaction has been estimated in calculating the static and dynamic nuclear properties in sd and fp-shell model spaces nuclei. The nuclear shell gaps have been studied with different Skyrme parameterizations; Skxta and Skxtb with tensor interaction, SkX, SkM, and SLy4 without tensor interaction, and Skxcsb with consideration of the effect of charge symmetry breaking. We have examined the stability of N = 28 for 42Si and 48Ca. The results showed that the disappearance of the magicity occurs in the shell closure of 42Si. Furthermore, excitation energy, quadrupole deformation, neutron separation energy, pairing energy, and density profile have also been calculated. Quadrupole deformation indicates a

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