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The Linguistic Characteristics In The Morphology ( Nominal Suffixes ) Of a Number Of ( Khoryat or Hoyrat ) Printed By The Poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli: Kemal Mustafa Dakuk ̕ lunun Basılmayan Bazı Hoyratlarında Şekil Bilgisi Özelliklerin ( İsim Durum Ekleri )
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The present study, entitled “ linguistic characteristics (the morphology - nominal suffixes ) of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ) by the poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli, aims at studying and making a comparison between  Turkmen dialect written and spoken forms that show many of the hidden language structures. Similarly, the study sheds light on the poet as one of the most prominent literary figures in Turkmenistan literature.

Turkman Quriyat is one of Turkman blank verse significant forms. Apart from (songs and Quriyat) and until the 19th C., folk poetry has been stalled for a long time but reclaimed its literary high position in the middle of the 20th C.

The study introduction briefly discusses Turkman literature and traces its variant forms, studies the morphology - nominal suffixes of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ), and  makes a comparison between Turkman and Turkish language through number of given examples. Moreover, it presents a faithful reproduction of a number of unpublished original Quriyat with the necessary alterations to suit Turkman language. During the course of the dictionary writing, a special importance is given to the meanings of Quriyat words that have different form and meaning in modern Turkish language.

The conclusion sums up the basic characteristics of Turkman language.


          Şiirimizin başlangıcı sayılan hoyrat bir duygu ve düşünceyi özgün yollarıyla dile getiren, yedi heceli, dört veya daha fazla mısralı bir halk şiiri türüdür. Hoyrat kendine özgü (özel) müzüğü ile mertlik havası uyandıran, sevda gurbet, sevinç keder, yas, yurt sevgisi, kin ve benzer duyguları işleyen, sanat kavramının klasik unsurlarıyla beslenmiş bir halk edebiyatıdır. Hoyrat bizim Irak Türkmen Edebiyat̕ında çok geniş yer tutar yüksek sanat anlayışı ve aynıca duygusunun bir sonucu olarak edebi sanatların varlığını kayıt eder. Irak Türkmen halk edebiyatının kimliği sayılan hoyrat şüphesiz halk şiirinin en güçlü örneğidir. Fakat halk edebiyatı mahsülleri arasınd bölge halkının tapmacalar dediği bilmeceler önemli bir yer tutar. Bir kısmı manzum olan tapmacalar gibi eskiler sözü, yani atasözü de Irak mensur Türkmenlerinin yaşadığı alanlarda  canlılığını sürdürür. Halk edebiyatı mahsulleri arasında nükteler, Molla Nasrettin nükteleri, dualar, beddualar, dilek ve temenni  sözler ilgi çeker. Ancak  Halk  edebiyatının nesir örnekleri için, bölge halkı arasında matal denilen  masallar  başta gelir. Uzun hikâye, destan veya efsâne türü açısından. Türkmenler arasında yaşayan ve günümüze ulaşan örneklere tesadüf edilmemiştir. Bilinen tek uzun hikâye Arzu ile Kanber atalıdır.

          Kerkük Türkmen ağzının güzel nesir örneği olan bu masal, Halk edebiyatı metinleri arasında verilmiştir. Türkmen Halk edebiyatı çocuk masalları  bakımından  da zenginlik arzeder. Kemal Mustafa Dakuk̕ lu yıllar boyu içli hoyratlar kaleme almıştır, yazdığı basılmayan hoyratları toplayarak ve akrabaları ile görüşüp hayatı hakkında bilgi toplayı, hoyratları topluyup bir çalışma olarak hazırladım. Çalışma giriş, dil özelliklerinde isim durum ekleri, basılmayan hoyratlar ve sözlükten oluşmaktadır .Girişte Türkmen edebiyatı hakkında bilgiler vermeye çalıştım , basılmayan hoyratları yazdım , daha sonra Kerkük ağzının şekil bilgisinin (isim işletme eklerinin) özelliklerini verip çalışmaya esas olmakla birlikte karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Karşılaştırmada standart Türkiye Türkçesi esas alınmış, Anadolu ağızlarına değinilmiştir. Son olarak hoyratlada geçen kelimelerden standart Türkiye Türkçesine göre önemli şekil ve anlam ayrılıkları gösterenlerle yazı dilinde bulunmayanlar yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmayı yazdığım sürede maddi ve manevi desteklerini üzerimdem esirgemiyen ailem bana her konuda yardım ettiklerinden minnattarım. Bu çalışmanın gerçekleşmesinde değerli bilgilerini benimle paylaşan kendilerine ne zaman danışsam bana  zamanlarını ayırıp sabırla ve büyük bir ilgiyle bana faydalı ola bilmek için ilk olarak Kemal DAKUK̕LUNUN gelini olan (Zeynep Abbas) öğrencime , şairin kendi özel defterinden basılmamış hoyratlarını bana getirdiği için sonsuz şukranlarımı sunmaktayım.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 21 2024
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The Effect of Maternal Blood Glucose on Umbilical Cord Blood Fibrinogen in Women With Gestational Diabetes
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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This work deals with the nematode parasitesfrom the midgut of (16) specimens of Green
toad (Bufo viridis) Laurenti, 1768 collected from Baghdad area,central Iraq.
The parasites are:Cosmocercoides variabilis (Cosmocercidae) that considered as the first
report in Iraq on it and Oswaldocruzia filiformis (Molineidae).

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Stratigraphy and Nannofossil Biozonation of Sarmord Formation on the Qaywan Anticline in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Northern Iraq
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The Sarmord Formation is one of the overlooked formations that require more investigations than that achieved before. There are many problems in its definition, age, stratigraphy and aerial distribution. Previously in most parts of the Sulaymaniyah, it is not mapped and its outcrops combined with Balambo Formation while in the present study it is differentiated, mapped in the field on the Qaywan anticline and its problems discussed in details with a suggestion of solutions. For laboratory studies, 31 samples are taken on the Qywan Mountain (anticline) at 23 km north of the Sulaimani city for nannofossils biozonation. This study identified 19 species of the recorded calcareous nannofossils, the studied section reveals three biozones

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Energy Spectra and Heat Capacity of GaAs Gaussian Quantum Dot in an External Magnetic Field
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In this paper, a theoretical study of the energy spectra and the heat capacity of one electron quantum dot with Gaussian Confinement in an external magnetic field are presented. Using the exact diagonalization technique, the Hamiltonian of the Gaussian Quantum Dot (GQD) including the electron spin is solved. All the elements in the energy matrix are found in closed form. The eigenenergies of the electron were displayed as a function of magnetic field, Gaussian confinement potential depth and quantum dot size. Explanations to the behavior of the quantum dot heat capacity curve, as a function of external applied magnetic field and temperature, are presented.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Focus groups strategy and its impact on the achievement of primary school students in art education
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Art education is one among the fundamental subjects for elementary school students, because it contributes to assembling learners’ personalities and developing their technical skills. For this reason, this research comes, which aims to understand the effect of the task groups’ strategy in developing the performance of elementary school students in art education. to realize the goal of the research, the researcher put the subsequent hypotheses:
-There is not any statistically significant difference at the amount (5%) between the typical many students between the experimental group that studied consistent with the strategy of task groups and therefore the control group that studied in keeping with the same old method that they obt

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Synergy of Modern Technology and Artistic Aesthetics in the Cinema and Television Achievement: براق انس المدرس
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       Most of the cinema and television production relies on the use of modern digital technologies, which today become the as ideal as the artistic expressive style that sends aesthetic values ​​through the use of electronic elements of the language of cinema and television to achieve aesthetic dazzling, and design the digital production for the purpose of persuasion, as well as the use of digital effects and graphics to activate the aesthetic pleasure. The research tries to subject all these aspetcs to study and apply them to a modern sample in order to get the results that confirm this technical and artistic aesthetic synergy that leads to the emergence of a cinema and television achievement the leas

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of Iraqi weather parameter in FSO communication using different wavelength (650, 532) nm
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Light has already becomes a popular means of communication, and the high-bandwidth data into free space without the use of wires. A great idea took us to design a new system for transmitting sound through free space at (650, 532) nm wavelengths using reflective mirrors under different atmospheric conditions. The study showed us the effect of various weather factors (temperature, wind speed and humidity) on these wavelengths for different distances. As well as studying the attenuation caused by long-distance laser and beam divergence, A reflective dish was used to focus the spot of the laser beam on the photocell. Results were discussed under the effect of these factors and the attenuation resulting from the beam divergence. Thus, the sys

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The level of IL-1?, IL-10 and IL-17A in Alzheimer's disease patients: Comparative study
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of cytokines IL-1?, IL-10 and IL-17A in the serum of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), vascular dementia (VD) and down syndrome (DS). The results showed that Serum level of IL-1? was significantly increased in AD patients (3.79 ± 0.26 pg/ml) as compared with DS patients (2.78 ± 0.39 pg/ml) or controls (2.78 ± 0.22 pg/ml), while no significant difference was observed between AD and VD (3.25 ± 0.20 pg/ml) patients or between VD patients, DS patients and controls. The serum level of IL-10 was approximated in VD and DS patients and controls (3.39 ± 0.24, 2.77 ± 0.39 and 3.41 ± 0.35 pg/ml, respectively), but was significantly (P ? 0.05) increased in AD patients (5.73 ± 0.55 pg/ml

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Effects of Annona sp. Extract on Some Physiological Parameters and Fertility in Diabetic Mice
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     The current study was conducted to investigate Annona fruit pulp effects on the levels of various physiological biomarkers linked with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus after disease induction in mice, as well as indications of oxidative stress and male hormones. The rats were separated into four groups, three of which were given Alloxan (90 mg/kg body weight) to induce diabetes, while the fourth served as a negative control. The first group of diabetic mice received no therapy, the second received metformin (600 mg/kg body weight) and the third received Annona fruit puree. The mice were sacrificed at the end of the experiment, to acquire blood and tissue samples from the liver, kidneys and spleen. The first untreated gro

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Voluntary Obedience for Tthe Taxpayers to Find End to Tax Evasions in Iraq
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The Voluntary Obedience has great importance for the modern taxes systems and its management and this is meant the taxpayer whom in charge to pay of his taxes obligations voluntarily , he is very known of himself whereas he prepared his finishing accountings and present them as samples prepared by taxes management and settle the tax sum directly according to specified income , which has an impact to find end to tax evasion as result lead to increase the tax income and achieve the justice for the taxpayer and the state treasury

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