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The Linguistic Characteristics In The Morphology ( Nominal Suffixes ) Of a Number Of ( Khoryat or Hoyrat ) Printed By The Poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli: Kemal Mustafa Dakuk ̕ lunun Basılmayan Bazı Hoyratlarında Şekil Bilgisi Özelliklerin ( İsim Durum Ekleri )
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The present study, entitled “ linguistic characteristics (the morphology - nominal suffixes ) of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ) by the poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli, aims at studying and making a comparison between  Turkmen dialect written and spoken forms that show many of the hidden language structures. Similarly, the study sheds light on the poet as one of the most prominent literary figures in Turkmenistan literature.

Turkman Quriyat is one of Turkman blank verse significant forms. Apart from (songs and Quriyat) and until the 19th C., folk poetry has been stalled for a long time but reclaimed its literary high position in the middle of the 20th C.

The study introduction briefly discusses Turkman literature and traces its variant forms, studies the morphology - nominal suffixes of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ), and  makes a comparison between Turkman and Turkish language through number of given examples. Moreover, it presents a faithful reproduction of a number of unpublished original Quriyat with the necessary alterations to suit Turkman language. During the course of the dictionary writing, a special importance is given to the meanings of Quriyat words that have different form and meaning in modern Turkish language.

The conclusion sums up the basic characteristics of Turkman language.


          Şiirimizin başlangıcı sayılan hoyrat bir duygu ve düşünceyi özgün yollarıyla dile getiren, yedi heceli, dört veya daha fazla mısralı bir halk şiiri türüdür. Hoyrat kendine özgü (özel) müzüğü ile mertlik havası uyandıran, sevda gurbet, sevinç keder, yas, yurt sevgisi, kin ve benzer duyguları işleyen, sanat kavramının klasik unsurlarıyla beslenmiş bir halk edebiyatıdır. Hoyrat bizim Irak Türkmen Edebiyat̕ında çok geniş yer tutar yüksek sanat anlayışı ve aynıca duygusunun bir sonucu olarak edebi sanatların varlığını kayıt eder. Irak Türkmen halk edebiyatının kimliği sayılan hoyrat şüphesiz halk şiirinin en güçlü örneğidir. Fakat halk edebiyatı mahsülleri arasınd bölge halkının tapmacalar dediği bilmeceler önemli bir yer tutar. Bir kısmı manzum olan tapmacalar gibi eskiler sözü, yani atasözü de Irak mensur Türkmenlerinin yaşadığı alanlarda  canlılığını sürdürür. Halk edebiyatı mahsulleri arasında nükteler, Molla Nasrettin nükteleri, dualar, beddualar, dilek ve temenni  sözler ilgi çeker. Ancak  Halk  edebiyatının nesir örnekleri için, bölge halkı arasında matal denilen  masallar  başta gelir. Uzun hikâye, destan veya efsâne türü açısından. Türkmenler arasında yaşayan ve günümüze ulaşan örneklere tesadüf edilmemiştir. Bilinen tek uzun hikâye Arzu ile Kanber atalıdır.

          Kerkük Türkmen ağzının güzel nesir örneği olan bu masal, Halk edebiyatı metinleri arasında verilmiştir. Türkmen Halk edebiyatı çocuk masalları  bakımından  da zenginlik arzeder. Kemal Mustafa Dakuk̕ lu yıllar boyu içli hoyratlar kaleme almıştır, yazdığı basılmayan hoyratları toplayarak ve akrabaları ile görüşüp hayatı hakkında bilgi toplayı, hoyratları topluyup bir çalışma olarak hazırladım. Çalışma giriş, dil özelliklerinde isim durum ekleri, basılmayan hoyratlar ve sözlükten oluşmaktadır .Girişte Türkmen edebiyatı hakkında bilgiler vermeye çalıştım , basılmayan hoyratları yazdım , daha sonra Kerkük ağzının şekil bilgisinin (isim işletme eklerinin) özelliklerini verip çalışmaya esas olmakla birlikte karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Karşılaştırmada standart Türkiye Türkçesi esas alınmış, Anadolu ağızlarına değinilmiştir. Son olarak hoyratlada geçen kelimelerden standart Türkiye Türkçesine göre önemli şekil ve anlam ayrılıkları gösterenlerle yazı dilinde bulunmayanlar yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmayı yazdığım sürede maddi ve manevi desteklerini üzerimdem esirgemiyen ailem bana her konuda yardım ettiklerinden minnattarım. Bu çalışmanın gerçekleşmesinde değerli bilgilerini benimle paylaşan kendilerine ne zaman danışsam bana  zamanlarını ayırıp sabırla ve büyük bir ilgiyle bana faydalı ola bilmek için ilk olarak Kemal DAKUK̕LUNUN gelini olan (Zeynep Abbas) öğrencime , şairin kendi özel defterinden basılmamış hoyratlarını bana getirdiği için sonsuz şukranlarımı sunmaktayım.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Examine of Organizational Excellence by Corporation Performance Assessment Method; Case Study in Tikrit University
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The research started from the basic objective of tracking the reality of organizational excellence in educational organizations on the basis of practical application. The research in its methodology was based on the examination of organizational excellence in the way of evaluating institutional performance. Tikrit University was selected as a case study to study the reality of application to the dimensions of organizational excellence in it, The results of the analysis for ten periods during the year and month. For the accuracy of the test and its averages, it was preferable to use the T test to determine the significance of the results compared to the basic criteria.

The research found that there is an o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Immobilization of Nuclear Waste Using Carbon Nanotubes Prepared by Laser Ablation in Liquid Method
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In an attempt to disposal from nuclear waste which threats our health and environments. Therefore we have to find appropriate method to immobilize nuclear waste. So, in this research the nuclear waste (Strontium hydroxide) was immobilized by Carbon nanotubes (CNTs).  The Nd-YAG laser with wave length 1064 nm, energy 750 mJ and 100 pulses used to prepare CNTs. After that adding Sr(HO)2 powder to the CNTs colloidal in calculated rate to get homogenous mixing of CNTs-Sr(OH)2. The Sr(HO)2 absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to form strontium carbonate so, the  new solution is CNTs-SrCO3. To dry solution putting three drops from the new solution on the glass slides. To investigate the radi

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 05 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Local Study of blaCTX-M genes detection in Proteus spp. by using PCR technique
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n this study, 25 clinical isolates of Proteus spp. were collected from urine, wounds and burns specimens from different hospitals in Baghdad city, all isolates were identified by using different bacteriological media, biochemical assays and Vitek-2 system. It was found that 15 (60%) isolates were identifies as Proteus mirabilis and 10 (40 %) isolates were Proteus vulgaris. The susceptibility of P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris isolates towards cefotaxime was (66.6 %) and (44.4 %) respectively; while the susceptibility of P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris isolates towards ceftazidime was (20%). Extended spectrum β-lactamses producing Proteus was (30.7 %). DNA of 10 isolates of P. mirabilis and 4 isolates of P. vulgaris were extracted and de

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Anti-tumor Activity of Plantago lanceolata Aqueous Extract In Vitro and Genotoxicity by Micronucleus Assay In Vivo
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The study is designed to evaluate the effect of the aqueous extract of the P. lanceolata plant, as well as to know the effect of the drug CCl4 on the formation of micronucleus in vivo 48 female albino mice. In the study mice were separated into eight groups treated intraperitoneally for seven day first group Negative control, second positive control( CCl4 0.02%), third group aqueous extract (250 mg/kg), fourth group  aqueous extract (500 mg/kg), fifth group (CCl4 0.02%) plus aqueous extract (250 mg/kg), sixth group (CCl4 0.02%) plus aqueous extract (500 mg/kg), seventh group aqueous extract (250 mg/kg) plus (CCl4 0.02%), and eighth group aqueous extract (500 mg/kg) plus (CCl4 0.02%). The genetic-cellular asp

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Genetic diversity of Capsicum annuum L. in local and imported samples in Iraq by using RAPD-PCR
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Genetic variation was studied in 22 local and imported samples collected from local Iraqi market by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR). Five randomly primers set were used in this study. These primers produced 292 bands. Molecular weights of these bands ranged between 1.8 Kb (1800 bp) to 150 bp. The percentage of polymorphic bands is 100%, with one distinguished band which is produced by using C52 primer. The other primers did not produce any distinguished band. The results of Dendrogram of the studied samples depended on RAPD-PCR results by using Jaccard coefficient for genetic similarity was distributed the samples into 8 groups. This Dendrogram revealed a higher similarity between Iraqi/Yousifia green bell pepper and Jo

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
A Survey of Diabetes Mellitus in a Sample of Children below 15 Years Attending Child Welfare Hospital
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Objectives: Determine the age and gender distribution of children who experience diabetes mellitus (DM) under
the age of 15 years and the presence of some associated factors that might be a predisposing factor for the
disease including obesity.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at diabetic clinic in Children Welfare Teaching Hospital
in Baghdad City during 2006. The study sample included diabetic children less than 15 years of age. Data were
taken from the patients' record and by direct interview with the patients' parents. Information included
demographic data, as well as past history of the patient and his/her family relative to diabetes and other immune
Results: Data analysis showed t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Uric Acid as a Natural Scavenger of Peroxynitrite in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with decreased antioxidant state .This study aim to investigate the status of oxidant/antioxidant in a sample of  Iraqi patients with RA and the role of peroxynitrite and its natural scavenger uric acid in them .This case-controlled study was conducted at Baghdad teaching hospital /Baghdad from December 2010-May 2011 . Twenty-five patients with mean age 39 years and 25 apparently healthy subject as controls with mean age 29 years were included in the study .Investigations include estimation of serum levels of nitric oxide (NO)  ,peroxynitrite (PN) , malondialdehyde (MDA)  , and uric acid (UA) .Serum PN levels were significantly elevated in RA patients a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Medical Journal V
Acceleration of Tooth Movement in Orthodontics: A Review of Literature
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Objectives: The demand for orthodontic treatment is nowadays increasing significantly for aesthetic improvement and to correct various kinds of malocclusion, yet the prolonged treatment time remains the main obstacle. This review aimed to demonstrate various orthodontic techniques and highlight the evidence-based successful approaches used for acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement. Materials and Methods: Data and sources of information pertaining to accelerated orthodontic tooth movement premised on English-written articles were searched using electronic databases including Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed and MEDLINE. Results: This review demonstrated the availability of different surgical and non-surgical methods to enhance tooth movem

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine
Evaluation of intraductal delivery of poly(ethylene glycol)‐doxorubicin conjugate nanocarriers for the treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)‐like lesions in rats
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Abstract<p>Ductal carcinoma in situ is the most commonly diagnosed early stage breast cancer. The efficacy of intraductally delivered poly(ethylene glycol)‐doxorubicin (PEG‐DOX) nanocarriers, composed of one or more DOX conjugated to various PEG polymers, was investigated in an orthotopic ductal carcinoma in situ‐like rat model. In vitro cytotoxicity was evaluated against 13762 Mat B III cells using MTT assay. The orthotopic model was developed by inoculating cancer cells into mammary ducts of female Fischer 344 retired breeder rats. The ductal retention and in vivo antitumour efficacy of two of the six nanocarriers (5 kDa PEG‐DOX and 40 kDa PEG‐(DOX)<sub>4</sub>) were investigated based o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The First Record of Three Monogenean Species of Gyrodactylus in Iraq from Gills of Some Fishes in Tigris River, Al-Shawwaka Region, Baghdad Province
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    Three monogenean species of the genus Gyrodactylus viz. G. cotti Roman, 1956 on gills of Planiliza abu, G. mikailovi Ergens & Ibragimov, 1976 on gills of Chondrostoma regium and G. prostae Ergens, 1963 on gills of Alburnus caeruleus were recorded from Tigris river at Al-Shawwaka region, Baghdad. The description and measurements of these parasites as well as their illustrations where given. All these parasites are recorded here for the first time in Iraq.  

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