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The Linguistic Characteristics In The Morphology ( Nominal Suffixes ) Of a Number Of ( Khoryat or Hoyrat ) Printed By The Poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli: Kemal Mustafa Dakuk ̕ lunun Basılmayan Bazı Hoyratlarında Şekil Bilgisi Özelliklerin ( İsim Durum Ekleri )
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The present study, entitled “ linguistic characteristics (the morphology - nominal suffixes ) of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ) by the poet Kamal Mustafa Daquqli, aims at studying and making a comparison between  Turkmen dialect written and spoken forms that show many of the hidden language structures. Similarly, the study sheds light on the poet as one of the most prominent literary figures in Turkmenistan literature.

Turkman Quriyat is one of Turkman blank verse significant forms. Apart from (songs and Quriyat) and until the 19th C., folk poetry has been stalled for a long time but reclaimed its literary high position in the middle of the 20th C.

The study introduction briefly discusses Turkman literature and traces its variant forms, studies the morphology - nominal suffixes of a number of (Quriyat or koyrat ), and  makes a comparison between Turkman and Turkish language through number of given examples. Moreover, it presents a faithful reproduction of a number of unpublished original Quriyat with the necessary alterations to suit Turkman language. During the course of the dictionary writing, a special importance is given to the meanings of Quriyat words that have different form and meaning in modern Turkish language.

The conclusion sums up the basic characteristics of Turkman language.


          Şiirimizin başlangıcı sayılan hoyrat bir duygu ve düşünceyi özgün yollarıyla dile getiren, yedi heceli, dört veya daha fazla mısralı bir halk şiiri türüdür. Hoyrat kendine özgü (özel) müzüğü ile mertlik havası uyandıran, sevda gurbet, sevinç keder, yas, yurt sevgisi, kin ve benzer duyguları işleyen, sanat kavramının klasik unsurlarıyla beslenmiş bir halk edebiyatıdır. Hoyrat bizim Irak Türkmen Edebiyat̕ında çok geniş yer tutar yüksek sanat anlayışı ve aynıca duygusunun bir sonucu olarak edebi sanatların varlığını kayıt eder. Irak Türkmen halk edebiyatının kimliği sayılan hoyrat şüphesiz halk şiirinin en güçlü örneğidir. Fakat halk edebiyatı mahsülleri arasınd bölge halkının tapmacalar dediği bilmeceler önemli bir yer tutar. Bir kısmı manzum olan tapmacalar gibi eskiler sözü, yani atasözü de Irak mensur Türkmenlerinin yaşadığı alanlarda  canlılığını sürdürür. Halk edebiyatı mahsulleri arasında nükteler, Molla Nasrettin nükteleri, dualar, beddualar, dilek ve temenni  sözler ilgi çeker. Ancak  Halk  edebiyatının nesir örnekleri için, bölge halkı arasında matal denilen  masallar  başta gelir. Uzun hikâye, destan veya efsâne türü açısından. Türkmenler arasında yaşayan ve günümüze ulaşan örneklere tesadüf edilmemiştir. Bilinen tek uzun hikâye Arzu ile Kanber atalıdır.

          Kerkük Türkmen ağzının güzel nesir örneği olan bu masal, Halk edebiyatı metinleri arasında verilmiştir. Türkmen Halk edebiyatı çocuk masalları  bakımından  da zenginlik arzeder. Kemal Mustafa Dakuk̕ lu yıllar boyu içli hoyratlar kaleme almıştır, yazdığı basılmayan hoyratları toplayarak ve akrabaları ile görüşüp hayatı hakkında bilgi toplayı, hoyratları topluyup bir çalışma olarak hazırladım. Çalışma giriş, dil özelliklerinde isim durum ekleri, basılmayan hoyratlar ve sözlükten oluşmaktadır .Girişte Türkmen edebiyatı hakkında bilgiler vermeye çalıştım , basılmayan hoyratları yazdım , daha sonra Kerkük ağzının şekil bilgisinin (isim işletme eklerinin) özelliklerini verip çalışmaya esas olmakla birlikte karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Karşılaştırmada standart Türkiye Türkçesi esas alınmış, Anadolu ağızlarına değinilmiştir. Son olarak hoyratlada geçen kelimelerden standart Türkiye Türkçesine göre önemli şekil ve anlam ayrılıkları gösterenlerle yazı dilinde bulunmayanlar yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmayı yazdığım sürede maddi ve manevi desteklerini üzerimdem esirgemiyen ailem bana her konuda yardım ettiklerinden minnattarım. Bu çalışmanın gerçekleşmesinde değerli bilgilerini benimle paylaşan kendilerine ne zaman danışsam bana  zamanlarını ayırıp sabırla ve büyük bir ilgiyle bana faydalı ola bilmek için ilk olarak Kemal DAKUK̕LUNUN gelini olan (Zeynep Abbas) öğrencime , şairin kendi özel defterinden basılmamış hoyratlarını bana getirdiği için sonsuz şukranlarımı sunmaktayım.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Russian foreign policy towards the Arab Gulf For the post-2001
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The Russian foreign policy of the post-cold-war era faced dilemmas in the light of the international and regional realities of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the formation of a new unipolar international order led by the United States of America. Thus, Russian foreign policy-making was divided over the nature of the foreign policy to be followed. The achievement of the Russian goals, especially as the objectives of Russian foreign policy have been set within the framework of trying to regain the status and leading role, as well as the establishment of some fundamental changes to be consistent with the new international situation of the post-one The Russian Federation has adopted in the sphere of its foreign policy to the vari

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Planning the main production tables using the correct binary programming method
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This research include building mathematical models for aggregating planning and shorting planning by using integer programming technique for planning master production scheduling in order to control on the operating production for manufacturing companies to achieve their objectives of increasing the efficiency of utilizing resources and reduce storage and  improving customers service  through  deliver in the actual dates and reducing delays.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
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In the spreading of the Internet, mobile smart devices, and interactive websites such as YouTube, the educational video becomes more widespread and deliberative among users. The reasons for its spread are the prevalence of technologies, cheap cost, and easy to use. However, these products often lack to the distinction in video production. By following videos of an educational channel on YouTube, some comments found to discuss the lack of the content presented to motivate the learners, which lead to reduce the viewers of the videos. Therefore, there is an important decision to find general standards for the design and production of educational videos. A list of standards has been drawn up to help those interested in producing educational

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Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
The Sgrafitto’s technique and its impacts on the contemporary ceramic art
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The current study deals with one of the ancient and modern techniques of ceramic art, which has evolved dramatically. This technique is interested in the muddy Body and its coloring, rather than interesting in the coloring of the layer on the surface of the glass port on the ceramic object. It is classified as ceramic techniques of the single heartburn, where use many coloring oxides. As well as, the use of (Pigment), which is often made of metal compounds, or metal oxides such as iron and manganese, copper and cobalt and more others.
The first chapter includes the problem, the importance, the goal, and the boundaries of the study. In addition, focuses on determining the terms such as (Sgrafitto). The second chapter consists of two to

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Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education (int-jecs)
Study of some visual functions and functional variables of the respiratory and nervous systems and their relationship to the level of achievement of air rifle shooting
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the relationship between some visual functions and the level of achievement of air rifle shooting among young Iraqi female, and identifying the relationship between some functional variables of the respiratory and nervous systems at the level of achievement of air rifle shooting among young Iraqi female. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the correlative relationships style for its suitability and the research problem. The researchers determined the research community by the intentional method represented by (10) young female shooters who represent the national team with air rifle shooting effectiveness, and who represent (100%) of the research community. One of the most important re

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Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Academic Accreditation From The point Of view The Teaching Staff Of Iraqi Expatriates And Its Impact On Strategic Performance Of Institutions Of Higher Education - Field Research
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Tue Jun 01 2010
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Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Women in isolation in the play's marriage to Edward Albee Marriage Play (1987)
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Edward Albee's career extends to more than fifty years during which he has exposed different images of male and female protagonists  mostly within the same frame; domestic instability.  Albee's men and women are middle-class couples who find themselves entrapped in a meaningless world. Most, if not all, of Albee's men are detached from their wives due to existential problems or middle- age crises. Women, therefore find themselves obliged to sustain their husbands and marriages alone. Women in Albee's élan are cynical, frustrated, articulate as well as brave, strong and domineering.

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Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Strategic Planning and its Importance in Building Institutional Work in the National Insurance
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The aim of the research is to identify the reality of strategic planning in the National Insurance Company and its importance in building institutional work and to identify the requirements that enable this company to successfully implement strategic planning and the obstacles that limit its application and then achieve the marketing objectives of this company. This study started from the fact that there is a problem represented by the main question that was stated.                                            &nbsp

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Return in the gift and its contraindications in Islamic jurisprudence and Iraqi law
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In his life, a person engages in different types of verbal and actual dispositions that result in various effects, some of which are necessary and not valid, such as selling, and some are not necessary for one of the two contracting parties, such as a mortgage or both, such as lending and agency. However, there are some actions that are sometimes necessary and not necessary at other times, such as a gift that indicates in its simplest sense. Owning money for another without compensation, it is one of the doors of benevolence and benevolence, and it is one of the attributes of perfection with which God, may He be glorified and exalted be He, described Himself. - And if this analogy is the difference - and distanced himself from greed, the

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Mann-Kendall Test for Temperature Trends in Some Selected Stations in Iraq
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   In this paper, Mann-Kendall test was used to investigate the existence of possible deterministic and stochastic climatic trends in (Baghdad,Basrah,Mosul,Al-Qaim) stations. The statistical test was applied to annual monthly mean of temperatures for the period (19932009). The values of S-statistic were (62, 44, 52, 64) by comparing these values with the table of null probability values for S we get a probability of (0.002, 0.026, 0.010, 0.002) this result is less than α for the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) indicating a significant result at this level of confidence. Concluded that an increasing trend in concentration is present at the 95% confidence level and the variance of the S-statistic is calculated and it is com

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