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Magic comparative study of the Old Testament mediator
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Magic is an attempt to affect people or events either by cheating and charlatanry means or by expecting devil powers in order to bring advantage or to avoid a harm or to bring harm to others or to for see the future and divition .

     Magic is either real by the devil like writing majic works to prevent the marriage of someone and to depart the husband and his wife , causing someone to be distressed the physical and nervous diseases and stopping the stories and the project; majic can be artificial by being intellect and legerdemain and different types of triks and to cancel the magic by using magic or by protecting the self by using Talismans as well as presenting or offering sacrificers to the masters and the devil, all these are by using magic because it is exploiting the devil.

      Majic is condueted by repeating some specific terma or expressions or doing some specific works or both of them , including directing curses or using Talismans or by breaking a sample of an enemy that is made of wax oe wood or mud ( such as punching a paper by the bridegroom to prevent envy ) or other things to control the world powers and to be subjected to the will of Man.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Magic Realism: The Story of "An Old Man With Enormous Wings" as An Example
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This research work considers one of the authentic and most modern modes of storytelling, as employed by Garcia Marquez in one of his famous stories "An Old ManWith Enormous Wings" (1972). Technically, the work is divided into four parts: the first serves as an introduction to his literary works, his use of magic realism, and addresses mainly the interests of Arab readers; the second handles the development of modern short story through the perspective of realism, until the emergence of magic realism as a new style; the third deals with the origin, nature and development of this style, and his mastery of it; the fourth part tries to analyze the story and its plot, thoughts, characters, symbols and metaphors, in the light of the artistic p

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adultery in the Ancient near east from the standpoint of the customs and traditions and the old laws
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical inductive study on   Ground forces of the army during the first Abbasid era
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This study sought to give a general picture of the organizations and formations of the ground forces of the Abbasid army in its first era, in preparation and armament and continuous development of the mechanisms to help maintain the moral and spiritual morale in the fighting.
Therefore, the caliphs' interest in building the army, organizing it, arming it, choosing competent leaders, and providing them with various weapons in terms of production and storage, as well as taking care of fortifying the cities and gaps in determination and determination, and embarked on construction and restoration, where amazing speed and acted according to the circumstances. During the first Abbasid era, there were significant developments in the military

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Authority control and its role in uniting old arabic authors entries at the Central Library of the University of Baghdad and the Al-Mustansiriya: A Comparative Study
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The research aims to identify the positives formulation entrances authors depending on the setting retaining the names of the authors of Arab veterans and cons of setting the entrances to Arab authors ancient depending on the nickname by desktop diligence without reference to a setting retaining the potential to benefit other libraries disciple of retaining existing in sober university libraries. Use the survey method and adopted a questionnaire distributed to the research sample consisting of employees working in the libraries in question and the total number of forms that have been distributed (50) form .tousel search phrase conclusions from them .

1-The lack of authority control depends on it to find a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Magic square
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In this paper we introduce two Algorithms, the first Algorithms when it is odd order and how we calculate magic square and rotation for it. The second Algorithms when it be even order and how to find magic square and rotation for it.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Judicial Legislations and the Tribal Claims System in the Royal Period: A Documentary Study: احمد عبدالواحد عبد النبي
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The present research tackles a number of historical facts and incidents with a purely legal dimension in an important stage in the contemporary history of Iraq, especially the era of the British occupation. This resulted in innumerable social, political and legal problems, particularily the judicial legislation problems in Iraq. These legislations included a set of civil laws and in force governmental procedures that will be discussed historically by examining documents issued by the Ministries of Justice and Interior Affairs in the governments of monarchy for the period from 1921-to-1958. The data of the present paper relied on the Iraqi Library and Archives, (hence DKW). The study adopted the narrative historical methodology when inves

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi formation
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 The current research (technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi painting) dealt with the concept of technical mediator in contemporary arts and its role in the qualitative transformation in art, the diversity of discoveries in technical media that artists use in their artistic achievement, and the extent of their impact on contemporary Iraqi painting, where the research problem was identified (what is The nature and role of technical media in showing works in contemporary Iraqi painting) and (What are the intellectual and aesthetic concepts of media and techniques as references for contemporary art in Iraq). The second topic dealt with technical media and their impact on the plastic arts, and the third topic focused on the technical med

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 02 2023
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
A Study of the Weakly Bound Structure of Nuclei Around the Magic Number N=50
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An investigation of the quadrupole deformation of Kr, Sr, Zr, and Mo isotopes has been conducted using the HFB method and SLy4 Skyrme parameterization. The primary role of occupancy of single particle state 2d5/2 in the existence of the weakly bound structure around N=50 is probed. Shell gaps are performed using a few other calculations for the doubly magic number 100Sn using different Skyrme parameterizations. We explore the interplays among neutron pairing strength and neutron density profile in two dimensions, along with the deformations of 100Sn.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Extent and limits of the judge's power to the contract (Comparative study)
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The contractual imbalance is perceived today by the majority of the doctrine as being one of the pitfalls to the execution of the contracts. As a result, most legislations grant judges the power to intervene to restore it. Granting the judge the power to complete the contract raises the question of the extent to which the judge can obtain such power. Is it an absolute authority that is not limited? If so, is it a broad discretion in which the judge operates in his conscience, or is it a power of limited scope by specific legal texts and conventions? This is what we will try to answer in this research.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
السحر السحر وعقوبته في المجتمع الإسلامي من خلال القرآن والسنة النبويةالشريفة
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إن المعتقدات الخاصة بالسحر والعرافة قديمة جدا كون الإنسان عرف الكثير منها ومارس أنواع من الأساليب السحرية منذ أقدم العصور ومن أكثر العلوم التي حرم تعليمها ونشرها هو علم السحر والسيمياء أو الكيمياء والشعبذة والحيل . ومع ذلك عرف السحر من قبل سكان بلاد وادي الرافدين ولاسيما في بابل والسحر يمثل أقدم مرحلة في تطور العقل البشري .

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