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Comparison between Ghassan Kanafani's Novel " Ma tabaqa lakom" and William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" from the Perspective of the American School (the methodology of the novelistic theme and style): مقایسة دو رمان "ماتبقّي لكم"کنفانی و " خشم و هياهو"ی فاکنر بر اساس مكتب آمريكا (بررسی روش شناختی محتوایی و سبکی )
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     Being the meeting points of the world different languages and out of a scholarly perspective, comparative literature represents a cultural leap as well as an artistic and intellectual development or a global literary movement of both prose and poetry. Such homogenous literary structure requires a systematic and coherent study of the literary output of the people different cultures and civilizations. It also represents the theoretical approach of the present study that debates a systematic comparison between Ghassan Kanafani’s All That's Left to You and William Faulkner’s. The Sound and the Fury.  Within the perspective of the descriptive analysis approach, the present paper discusses the points of similarities and differences of the two novels and explains the artistic achievements of both novelists that have always been the center of the conceptual and methodological studies for the scholars and researchers of comparative studies. The importance of the present study lies in adapting the systematic and the theoretical aspects that have deliberately or accidentally marginally been included in the previous comparative studies. One of the basic similarities of the two novels lies in the use of the poetic dictions expressed within the psychological novel pattern and described through stream of consciousness. Hence, it is necessary to approach the two works in dialogue with the American school that have always taken the interest in studying different literary genres of different cultures. Of the most important findings of the systematic studies based on theoretical aspects of comparative study of the two novels: 1. stylistically speaking, both novels follow the stream of consciousness approach but it is less obvious in Ghassan Kanafani’s novel where the effect of his shrewd style cannot be ignored. 2. Thematically speaking, Ghassan Kanafani’s creativity lies in the touch of the optimism employed rather than the pessimistic characteristics expressed in Faulkner’s novel which is the very essences of the modern psychological novel.


ادبیات تطبیقی نه فقط نقطة تلاقی زبان ها، فرهنگ‏‏ها و ملیت‏های گوناگون بلکه به تعبیر پژوهشگران این اثر، نقطة کانونی یک خیزش فرهنگی، یک نهضت تمدنی و یک جنبش ادبی جهانی است که گاه در لباس نثر و دیگرگاه در زیور شعر خودنمایی می کند و چنین شاکله‏ای اندام‏وار، طبیعتا بررسی روش‏مند و منسجم‏تر دستاوردهای ادبی ملل مختلف  را اقتضا می کند. همین دغدغه پژوهشگران را  برآن داشت تا دو رمان "ما تبقّي لكم" غسان كنفاني و "خشم و هياهو" ويليام فاكنر را با تکیه بر روش توصیفی – تحلیلی بررسی  کنند و هم با بيان وجوه تشابه و تفاوت ميان اين دو اثر، سبك روايي و خلاقيت دو نويسنده را نشان دهند و هم پژوهشگران و دانش اندوزان حوزة ادبیات تطبیقی را با اصول روش‏شناختی پژوهش کیفی آشنا سازند. ضرورت و اهمیت پژوهش در این است که مطالعات پیشین انجام شده –خواه یا ناخواه- از بررسی روشمند و نظری در مقام مقایسة رمان‏های مورد مطالعه غافل بوده اند. دستاوردهای اصلی پژوهش اینکه وجه اشتراک اين دو رمان در به کارگيري زبانی شاعرانه و داشتن ويژگي‏هاي رمان روان‏شاختي مدرن و صبغه سیال ذهنی متبلور است و همین ویژگی ها بررسی تطبیقی با رویکرد آمریکایی را در پژوهش اقتضا می‏کند که قائل به مطالعة ادبیات در فراسوی مرزهای خاص یک کشور است . سرانجام بررسی روش‏مند دو رمان و کاوش در مطالعات پیشین، یافته ها و نتایج استواری را ارائه می دهد از جمله اینکه: 1- کنفاني با خوش‏بيني، بدبيني‏هاي موجود در رمان روان‏شاختي نو را مي‏زدايد؛ ولي فاکنر نسبت به اين امر همچنان امانت­دار بوده و روح بدبيني و ناکامي بر رمانش حکم­فرماست. 2- ويژگي‏هايِ سبكيِ جريانِ سيّالِ ذهن بر هر دو اثر حکمفرماست و در رمان کنفاني رگه‏هایی از تأثیرپذیری وجود دارد  والبته خلاقیت سبکی کنفانی امری انکارناپذیر است.  

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الحل الكينزي للازمة الاقتصادية الرأسمالية " النشوء الجنيني للعسكرة و الارتقاء البربري للأمركة"
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Humanity has Suffered Greatly from the Economic crisis and instability, Before the Emergence of the rule of the Capitalist System, However, the reaons were Different. But almost Completely Contradictory. At a time When the Causes of the Crisis was due to the time Factor is the product of failure of productie forces, Bears modern Crises resoled by the progress that is in the embrace of the abundance, and as far as lies in the nature and content of the capitalist system itselfas a system based on the creation of productive capacities in excess unable to accomplish through demand by the chaos of production based,  on the logic of the market on one hand, and the nature of the output and direction. On the other hand the relations

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Fabrication Mind And The Effect With American Dision –adopt
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Is the subject of the mind took a dimension in philosophy and psychology , and has cared psychologists this topic to a large extent , I started education institutions interest in the capabilities of intelligence since the early twentieth century , and the development of interest in them until he arrived to find Standards and Criteria to identify the degree IQ of any individual , and began to educational institutions interested in mental talent and talented .

The United States is the country chock first of these research projects , but they devoted all their attention on the wish talent mental and Gifted , until I got to the projects, the so-called time ( ( wars of the mind ) ) and projects Schools gifted

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Geographical Analysis of Health's Field for Families in Al-Adhamiyah and Rusafa Districts in 2016: سمر حسين عكله, و صلاح محسن جاسم
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This research aims to analyze the indicators of spatial variation in the guide of health field in both Al-Adhamiyah and Rusafa districts according to the environmental and administrative units in 2016. The analysis was done by groups of health guide indicators. The objectives of the study were to identify the spatial variation of health services and assess the health situation for families following the environmental and administrative units of the studied area. Such objectives can be done by specifying the extent of the families’ consent to the type of services, measuring the cases of deprivation, and identifying the most deprived areas. The study has finally concluded that there is a clear spatial variation between the indicators and

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
U.S. occupation of Iraq and its relationship to the psychological and political culture and social among university students
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The culture of the daily necessities of life of the individual in any society, whether advanced or simple, and the concept of multiple aspects of culture, including what is culture and education there holds that art is culture, and there are those who are classified according to human societies .. Some also go to it is not related to the study and learning .. And has been Iraq as a symbol of Arab culture, but they declined because of what passed by political crises and social in its modern history, and aims Current search to study culture psychological, political and social among the students of the university after the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the researcher prepared a questionnaire and after hold the appropriate statistical met

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The art of patchwork in designing and making night gowns and their supplements: The art of patchwork in designing and making night gowns and their supplements
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If we neglect the value of historical fashions as a source of inspiration for
contemporary fashion designers we will neglect a treasure of original designs.
In neglecting such a treasure how could we then know what is original. Today
the most famous fashion designers are often inspired, in the outwardly from
and internal lines of their fashions, by fashion designed during the ages of the
Designers can find such fashions in books of history and museums. But
the historical ages are not equal in the fertility of the originality and novelty of
their fashions. Thus the contemporary designer may not find the old designs
inspiring so he invents them.
The researcher was keen in this paper to inclu

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Conflict of Active Regional and International Powers over Nagorny Karabakh Region: وداد حسين خضير علي , و مهيمن عبد الحليم طه الوادي
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      The current study is descriptive; it focuses on studying the contemporary geopolitical problem, and sectarian differences in Caucasus. Nagorno-Karabakh is considered an important disputed region nowadays. Many parties and states participated in this dispute, especially after the conflict had developed into an open war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Thus, the study aims to examine the causes of the conflict in this region, analyze the international positions on this conflict, and find if Armenia was able to occupy this region. The methodology adopted by the researchers is the functional approach, and the theory of power analysis that Cohen created for analyzing all strengths that drove each of the parties t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of Adipocytokines, Vitamin D, and C in Colorectal Cancer
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Colorectal cancer is the world's 3rd most frequent malignant neoplasm and the 4th most common cancer in Iraq. Leptin and Adiponectin are two major Adipocytokines produced by adipose cells that have opposite effects on the formation of colorectal tumors. Leptin induces tumor growth and metastasis, whereas Adiponectin inhibits it. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D controls and limits cancer cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Vitamin C deficiency, on the other hand, has been regularly detected in cancer tissues and has potent anti-cancer properties. The purpose of this study was to look at the biochemical role of circulatory Adipocytokine levels (Adiponectin and Leptin) as well as the anti-cancer potentials of Vi

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Environmental dimensions and administrative mechanisms for the territory planning in Algeria, between theory and reality.
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     In front of the serious deterioration of the elements of the environment, new convictions arose the need to integrate into the global environmental concerns as being one and the issue of shared responsibility and the impact of this conviction, the evolution of the environment protection law in many countries, including Algeria. Due to the multiplicity of perceptions about the environmental result of multiple scientific disciplines, the legislative concept emerged to protect the environment, which includes prevention and rational management and conservation and restoration and repair.

    Environmental planning for the various governments and countries aims to avert disasters and achieve the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spread of Private Education: An Analytical Geographical Study of the Factors of their Appearance, Prevalence and Functional Competence in Baghdad: سيناء عدنان عبد الله, و أريج بهجت أحمد
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يهدف البحث إلى تقييم الكفاءة الوظيفية لمؤسسات التعليم الأهلي في أداء وظيفتها بمستوى عالٍ لتشبع حاجة سكان المدينة الذين فضّلوا التعليم الأهلي على التعليم داخل المؤسسات الحكومية مما أدى إلى انتشارها، وصولا إلى أهم الآثار المترتبة على ذلك الانتشار إذ نافست فيه مؤسسات التعليم الحكومي، بل وتنافست المؤسسات الأهلية فيما بينها لتقديم أفضل خدمة تعليمية للصراع من أجل البقاء، وتهدف أيضا إلى  إظهار الوجه السلبي ا

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between shyness and depression among Baghdad University students
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study aimed to recognize the relationship shyness and depression and to recognize the differences between the genders, according to the variable of shyness and depression, the sample consisted (214) students, (141) female (73) male, and the sample responded scale of shyness and Inventory beck for depression, The Results of this study show that: the sample has a low degree shyness and a high degree depression, . There are no statistically significant differences according to gender variable in shyness, and there are statistically significant differences according to gender variable in depression favor for male, and there are statistically significant relationships between the variables of the study at lev

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