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Comparison between Ghassan Kanafani's Novel " Ma tabaqa lakom" and William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury" from the Perspective of the American School (the methodology of the novelistic theme and style): مقایسة دو رمان "ماتبقّي لكم"کنفانی و " خشم و هياهو"ی فاکنر بر اساس مكتب آمريكا (بررسی روش شناختی محتوایی و سبکی )
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     Being the meeting points of the world different languages and out of a scholarly perspective, comparative literature represents a cultural leap as well as an artistic and intellectual development or a global literary movement of both prose and poetry. Such homogenous literary structure requires a systematic and coherent study of the literary output of the people different cultures and civilizations. It also represents the theoretical approach of the present study that debates a systematic comparison between Ghassan Kanafani’s All That's Left to You and William Faulkner’s. The Sound and the Fury.  Within the perspective of the descriptive analysis approach, the present paper discusses the points of similarities and differences of the two novels and explains the artistic achievements of both novelists that have always been the center of the conceptual and methodological studies for the scholars and researchers of comparative studies. The importance of the present study lies in adapting the systematic and the theoretical aspects that have deliberately or accidentally marginally been included in the previous comparative studies. One of the basic similarities of the two novels lies in the use of the poetic dictions expressed within the psychological novel pattern and described through stream of consciousness. Hence, it is necessary to approach the two works in dialogue with the American school that have always taken the interest in studying different literary genres of different cultures. Of the most important findings of the systematic studies based on theoretical aspects of comparative study of the two novels: 1. stylistically speaking, both novels follow the stream of consciousness approach but it is less obvious in Ghassan Kanafani’s novel where the effect of his shrewd style cannot be ignored. 2. Thematically speaking, Ghassan Kanafani’s creativity lies in the touch of the optimism employed rather than the pessimistic characteristics expressed in Faulkner’s novel which is the very essences of the modern psychological novel.


ادبیات تطبیقی نه فقط نقطة تلاقی زبان ها، فرهنگ‏‏ها و ملیت‏های گوناگون بلکه به تعبیر پژوهشگران این اثر، نقطة کانونی یک خیزش فرهنگی، یک نهضت تمدنی و یک جنبش ادبی جهانی است که گاه در لباس نثر و دیگرگاه در زیور شعر خودنمایی می کند و چنین شاکله‏ای اندام‏وار، طبیعتا بررسی روش‏مند و منسجم‏تر دستاوردهای ادبی ملل مختلف  را اقتضا می کند. همین دغدغه پژوهشگران را  برآن داشت تا دو رمان "ما تبقّي لكم" غسان كنفاني و "خشم و هياهو" ويليام فاكنر را با تکیه بر روش توصیفی – تحلیلی بررسی  کنند و هم با بيان وجوه تشابه و تفاوت ميان اين دو اثر، سبك روايي و خلاقيت دو نويسنده را نشان دهند و هم پژوهشگران و دانش اندوزان حوزة ادبیات تطبیقی را با اصول روش‏شناختی پژوهش کیفی آشنا سازند. ضرورت و اهمیت پژوهش در این است که مطالعات پیشین انجام شده –خواه یا ناخواه- از بررسی روشمند و نظری در مقام مقایسة رمان‏های مورد مطالعه غافل بوده اند. دستاوردهای اصلی پژوهش اینکه وجه اشتراک اين دو رمان در به کارگيري زبانی شاعرانه و داشتن ويژگي‏هاي رمان روان‏شاختي مدرن و صبغه سیال ذهنی متبلور است و همین ویژگی ها بررسی تطبیقی با رویکرد آمریکایی را در پژوهش اقتضا می‏کند که قائل به مطالعة ادبیات در فراسوی مرزهای خاص یک کشور است . سرانجام بررسی روش‏مند دو رمان و کاوش در مطالعات پیشین، یافته ها و نتایج استواری را ارائه می دهد از جمله اینکه: 1- کنفاني با خوش‏بيني، بدبيني‏هاي موجود در رمان روان‏شاختي نو را مي‏زدايد؛ ولي فاکنر نسبت به اين امر همچنان امانت­دار بوده و روح بدبيني و ناکامي بر رمانش حکم­فرماست. 2- ويژگي‏هايِ سبكيِ جريانِ سيّالِ ذهن بر هر دو اثر حکمفرماست و در رمان کنفاني رگه‏هایی از تأثیرپذیری وجود دارد  والبته خلاقیت سبکی کنفانی امری انکارناپذیر است.  

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stochastic Non-Linear Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator
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Many of the key stream generators which are used in practice are LFSR-based in the sense that they produce the key stream according to a rule y = C(L(x)), where L(x) denotes an internal linear bit stream, produced by small number of parallel linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), and C denotes some nonlinear compression function. In this paper we combine between the output sequences from the linear feedback shift registers with the sequences out from non linear key generator to get the final very strong key sequence

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Correlating Optimum Stage Pressure for Sequential Separator Systems
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Finite Time Disturbance Observer Based on Air Conditioning System Control Scheme
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A novel robust finite time disturbance observer (RFTDO) based on an independent output-finite time composite control (FTCC) scheme is proposed for an air conditioning-system temperature and humidity regulation. The variable air volume (VAV) of the system is represented by two first-order mathematical models for the temperature and humidity dynamics. In the temperature loop dynamics, a RFTDO temperature (RFTDO-T) and an FTCC temperature (FTCC-T) are designed to estimate and reject the lumped disturbances of the temperature subsystem. In the humidity loop, a robust output of the FTCC humidity (FTCC-H) and RFTDO humidity (RFTDO-H) are also designed to estimate and reject the lumped disturbances of the humidity subsystem. Based on Lyapunov theo

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Fri Jan 01 2016
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Bulletin Of Mathematics And Statistics Research
New Approximation Operators Using Mixed Degree Systems
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Fibrewise Bitopological Spaces
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We introduce and discus recent type of fibrewise topological spaces, namely fibrewise bitopological spaces, Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise closed bitopological spaces, fibrewise open bitopological spaces, fibrewise locally sliceable bitopological spaces and fibrewise locally sectionable bitopological spaces. Furthermore, we state and prove several propositions concerning with these concepts.

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classification coco dataset using machine learning algorithms
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In this paper, we used four classification methods to classify objects and compareamong these methods, these are K Nearest Neighbor's (KNN), Stochastic Gradient Descentlearning (SGD), Logistic Regression Algorithm(LR), and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Weused MCOCO dataset for classification and detection the objects, these dataset image wererandomly divided into training and testing datasets at a ratio of 7:3, respectively. In randomlyselect training and testing dataset images, converted the color images to the gray level, thenenhancement these gray images using the histogram equalization method, resize (20 x 20) fordataset image. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for feature extraction, andfinally apply four classification metho

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Fibrewise Fuzzy Topological Spaces
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     We introduce and discuss the modern type of fibrewise topological spaces, namely fibrewise fuzzy topological spaces. Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise closed fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise open fuzzy topological spaces, fibrewise locally sliceable fuzzy topological spaces and fibrewise locally sectionable fuzzy topological spaces. Furthermore, we state and prove several theorems concerning these concepts.

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Fibrewise Multi-Perfect Topological Spaces
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The essential objective of this paper is to introduce new notions of fibrewise topological spaces on D that are named to be upper perfect topological spaces, lower perfect topological spaces, multi-perfect topological spaces, fibrewise upper perfect topological spaces, and fibrewise lower perfect topological spaces. fibrewise multi-perfect topological spaces, filter base, contact point, rigid, multi-rigid, multi-rigid, fibrewise upper weakly closed, fibrewise lower weakly closed, fibrewise multi-weakly closed, set, almost upper perfect, almost lower perfect, almost multi-perfect, fibrewise almost upper perfect, fibrewise almost lower perfect, fibrewise almost multi-perfect, upper* continuous fibrewise upper topol

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Mon Jun 30 2014
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Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Anal Fissure: Is it becoming a medical disorder?
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An anal fissure which does not heal with conservative measures as sits baths and laxatives is a chronic anal fissure. Physiologically, it is the high resting tone of the internal anal sphincter that chiefly interferes with the healing process of these fissures. Until now, the gold standard treatment modality is surgery, either digital anal dilatation or lateral sphincterotomy. However, concerns have been raised about the incidence of faecal incontinence after surgery. Therefore, pharmacological means to treat chronic anal fissures have been explored.A Medline and pub med database search from 1986-2012 was conducted to perform a literature search for articles relating to the non-surgical treatment of chronic anal fissure.Pharmacological s

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Anal Fissure: Is it becoming a medical disorder? Review Article
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An anal fissure which does not heal with conservative measures as sits baths and laxatives is a chronic anal fissure. Physiologically, it is the high resting tone of the internal anal sphincter that chiefly interferes with the healing process of these fissures. Until now, the gold standard treatment modality is surgery, either digital anal dilatation or lateral sphincterotomy. However, concerns have been raised about the incidence of faecal incontinence after surgery. Therefore, pharmacological means to treat chronic anal fissures have been explored. A Medline and pub med database search from 1986-2012 was conducted to perform a literature search for articles relating to the non-surgical treatment of chronic anal fissure. Pharmacological

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