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משבר הזהות במודרניזם של יהושע עיון בנובלה " שתיקה הולכת ונמשכת של משורר "* Identity crisis in modernity of Yahoshaa Study of “continuous silence of the poet"
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   המשבר הוא מצב מצוי רב בחברת המדינות אחרי המלחמות  והשינויים הגדולים במאה העשרים, ומשבר הזהות הוא ממשברי המאה העשרים שזכה בהתעניינות רבה בכל תחומי המדעים האנושיים, ומהם תחום הספרות. ובספרות העברית היה הסופר א. ב. יהושע מהסופרים החשובים שהתעניין בנושא הזהות בישות הציונית, הוא התווכח בנושא ביצירותיו, ראיוניו ורוב הכנסים התרבותיים והפוליטיים שנכח אותם, הוא השתמש באסכולה ספרותית מאופיינת בנושא המשברים, והוא סגנון המודרניזם. והנובלה "שתיקה הולכת ונמשכת של משורר" יצירה רבת המשמעות מבקרת את השכבה העילית בישות ובעולם, ומעודדת את הדור הצומח בישות שמנסה להחיות עברם לפי דעתו של יהושע. הדמות הראשית היא הדמות של האנט גבור המובס שמנסה לברוח מהמציאות שלו, הדמות המשנה שהיתה תלויה נהפכה להנהיג את האירועים אחר כן, יש עירפול רב משום שהוא אופי של היצירה המודרניסטית וגם יצירותיו של יהושע. ובסוף זכרתי חשבותה של  הנובלה והייחוד במודרניזם של יהושע, ואיך הוא השתמש במודרניזם בסיפור וגם מפרש את רעיונו בזהות כי הנושא הזה מגוון ועמוק מאד בישות הציונית.


   The crisis  is considered as a matter that appears in the societies owing to  wars  and huge changes; the  crisis  of identity  is one of the  20th century crises that being hugely concerned with  in respect to the human sciences , definitely the literature .   In the Hebrew literature , the literary man  and intellectual man  A. B. Yahoshaa  has been considered as an outstanding figure in this respect  after establishing their entity in Palestine . Yahoshaa  has discussed this matter in his works  and his interviews  even in the political and cultural conferences  that he attended.  He used a literary school  characterized by the subject of crises  and production. The continuous silence of the poet  carries many meanings , where  the educated  criticized  in the entity  and in the world  and attributing to the newly-established generation in the entity  that tries to  call-back their past . The main character  in the text is defeated  and conquered, and endeavors to escape away from his reality, while the sub-character  has  been led at the first time , but later it has led the events . The ambiguity   has swept  the  productions of Yahoshaa . In conclusion,  characterizations in his  works   make his production outstanding  and how he employed  such aspects  for discussing his thought about the identity  since latter has been considered an essential  subject  in the Zionist Entity.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using a novel approach to determine the pore pressure of West Qurna 15 oil well in South of Iraq
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Pore pressure means the pressure of the fluid filling the pore space of formations. When pore pressure is higher than hydrostatic pressure, it is named abnormal pore pressure or overpressure. When abnormal pressure occurred leads to many severe problems such as well kick, blowout during the drilling, then, prediction of this pressure is crucially essential to reduce cost and to avoid drilling problems that happened during drilling when this pressure occurred. The purpose of this paper is the determination of pore pressure in all layers, including the three formations (Yamama, Suliay, and Gotnia) in a deep exploration oil well in West Qurna field specifically well no. WQ-15 in the south of Iraq. In this study, a new appro

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Aqueous Crude Extract of Carrot Seeds ( Daucus carota L.) and it Role in Fertility of Male Albino Mice
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This study was designed to test the effect of the treatment with aqueous extract of carrot seeds( Daucus carota) on fertility of male albino mice by effected on Body weight , testis weight ,secondary sex organs (prostate , seminal vesicle) and sperms properties .This experiment used (24) albino male mice aged(8-10)weeks. these animals were randomly divided into three groups contain two doses (200,400mgkg) were used from both extracts ,they were daily and orally given for (35)days ,and control group was given physiological saline. After the end of the experiment the animals were sacrificed after taken their body weights. The results were show: 1. A significant (p<0.05) increase in body weight and reproductive organs. 2

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Development of Two New Spectrophotometeric Methods for the Determination of Amitriptyline in Pharmaceutical Preparation Using Univariate and Simplex Optimization
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 Two simple and sensitive spectrophotometric methods are proposed for the determination of amitriptyline in its pure form and in tablets. The first method is based on the formation of charge- transfer complex between amitriptyline as n-donor and tetracyano-ethylene (TCNE) as Ï€acceptor. The product exhibit absorbance maximum at 470 nm in acetonitrile solvent (pH =9.0 ) . In the second method the absorbance of the ion- pair complex, which is formed between the soughted drug and bromocresol green (BCG), was measured at 415 nm at ( pH=3.5) . In addition to classical univariate optimization, modified simplex method (MSM) was applied in the optimization of the variable affecting  the color producing reaction by a geometric simple

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Factors Influence the Development of Dysrhythmia after Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Admitted to CCU of Alkindy Teaching Hospital
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Objective The incidence of rhythm and conduction abnormalities during acute myocardial infarction may approaches 100%; most are seen during the pre-hospital and coronary care unit phases, leading to deleterious effect on morbidity and mortality, this study conducted to find important persistent dysrhythmia found during CCU admission of acute myocardial infarction patients.Method A retrospective observational study of 553 patients who were admitted to the Coronary Care Unit of Alkindy Teaching Hospital during Year 2011 with diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, Information and data extracted from case sheets and associated 12 leads daily ECGsResults only 25% of our patients had dysrhythmia on examining the present 12 leads ECGs , the

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention
Cytotoxic Activity of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of Iraqi Carica papaya Leaves in Breast and Lung Cancer Cell Lines
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Romanian Neurosurgery
Mobilization of the temporal pole as integrated step in microsurgical clipping of pure posteriorly directed posterior communicating artery aneurysm
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A pure posteriorly posterior communicating artery (PCoA) aneurysm represents a surgical challenge. This is mainly when there is a need for good exposure of the aneurysmal neck, sac, PCoA, and anterior choroidal arteries. Ruptured pure posteriorly directed PCoA aneurysm imposes significantly extra challenge as the surgeon undergoes dissection through a tight brain. Even with measures commonly used to attain brain relaxation like the lumbar drain and cisternal fenestration. Here, we describe a technique for posterior temporal pole mobilization (TPM) as an integrated part of microsurgical clipping of ruptured pure posteriorly directed PCoA aneurysms. This technique is implicated in twenty-three successive cases of ruptured PCoA aneurys

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 06 2021
Journal Name
Comparison of the Genetic Structure of Invasive Bigheaded Carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) Populations in Central-European Lacustrine and Riverine Habitats
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Bigheaded carps (bighead carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, and silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and their hybrids play an important ecological and economic role in their original habitat, while their introduced stocks may pose serious ecological risks. To address questions about the persistence and invasiveness of these fish, we need to better understand their population structures. The genetic structures of bigheaded carp populations inhabiting Lake Balaton and the Tisza River were examined with ten microsatellite markers and a mitochondrial DNA marker (COI). The Lake Balaton stock showed higher genetic diversity compared with the Tisza River stock. Based on hierarchical clustering, the Tisza population was characterized o

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2022
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Effect of using the simultaneous electronic presentations strategy in teaching basic skills of basketball to second-grade intermediate students
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The primary aim of this study was to identify the effect of using the simultaneous electronic presentations strategy in teaching basic skills of basketball to second-grade intermediate students. The present study had a parallel group, pre-post experimental design. In the present study the students of the Salah al-Din Intermediate School for the academic year 2020-2021 constituted the research community. A total of 75 students were present in the research community. Out of 75 students 16 students were selected as the participants for the study. The students falling within the age group of 13-14 years were recruited as the study participants, making up a percentage of 21.33 of the total number. Based on the results of th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering And Radiation Oncology
The Use of Left Ventricular Myocardial Stiffness Index as a Predictor of Myocardial Performance in Patients with Systemic Hypertension
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Our aim was to investigate the changes in the myocardium stiffness index for patients suffering from systemic hypertension, and to assess their left ventricular performance. We studied 263 hypertensive patients and 166 healthy subjects as a control group. By using conventional Doppler echocardiography, the following parameters were measured—Left ventricular end diastolic diameter, left ventricular end systolic diameter, transmitral early velocity, isovolumic relaxation time, and isovolumic contraction time. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) was used in the measurements of the early mitral annular velocity (Ea) and the diastolic stiffness was obtained by calculating the ratio E\Ea\LVIDd. Index myocardial performance (IMP) was calculated

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Hardening to drought Tolerance on the Moisture Content of Sunflower Plant. III. Moisture Percentage in Whole Plant
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The study was conducted during spring seasons of 2000 and 2001.The aim was to study the changes in the moisture content of sunflower plants during growth stages under hardening conditions to drought tolerance .Agricultural practices were made according to recommendation. Asplit-split plots design was used with three replications. The main plots included irrigation treatments:irrigation to100%(full irrigation),75and50%of available water. The sub plots were the cultivars Euroflor and Flame.The sub-sub plots represented four seed soaking treatments: Control (unsoaked), soaking in water ,Paclobutrazol solution(250ppm),and Pix solution(500ppm). The soaking continued for 24 hours then seeds were dried at room temperature until they regained t

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