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The Role Of Historical Memory In Promoting The Concept Of Belonging To The Homeland In A Novel "Mazurka For Two Dead Men" Of The Spanish Novelist Camilo Jose Cela: El Papel De La Memoria Histórica En El Apoyo Del Concepto De Pertenencia A La Patria , En La Novela “Mazurca Para Dos Muertos”, De Camilo José Cela
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       The present study discusses the significant role of the historical memory in all the Spanish society aspects of life. When a novelist takes the role and puts on the mask of one of the novel’s protagonists or hidden characters, his memory of the events becomes the keywords of accessing the close-knit fabric of society and sheds lights on deteriorating social conceptions in  a backwards social reality that rejects all new progressive ideas and  modernity. Through concentrating on the society flawing aspects and employing everything of his stored memory, the author uses sarcasm to criticize and change such old deteriorating reality conceptions.   

        Through reminding his community of the glories of their ancestors’ bright legacy, Cela’s work could be considered a wakeup call to bring life to, to revive the remains of the past and to save his country from the horror and miseries of the wars. Hence, the present study stresses all the author’s teachings and constant lessons reflecting and filling the novel with symbols of the Spanish patriotism.


        En esta investigación discutimos el gran e importante papel de la memoria histórica en todos los aspectos de la vida de la sociedad española, ya que el propio autor encarnaba a uno de los protagonistas de la novela a través de su memoria o llevaba la máscara de uno de los personajes de la novela. Personajes ocultos, pues su memoria de los hechos representó la clave para acceder a ese tejido social entrelazado, arrojó luz sobre muchos conceptos atrasados ​​a la luz de una realidad social en deterioro, que vive lejos de la cultura y el conocimiento, y carece de lógica en su comportamiento, e incluso no quiere conocer ni siquiera tratar nuevas ideas que pidan desarrollo o lo que se llama modernidad. El autor empleó todo lo que almacenaba su memoria en criticar esa realidad, con el fin de cambiar algunos de los conceptos a los que estaba acostumbrado durante largas épocas, presentando las situaciones e imágenes miserables y vergonzosas de esa sociedad, además de utilizar frases mezcladas con ironía. El trabajo de Cela fue como un grito para despertar a la comunidad, ya que presentamos sus muchos intentos de revivir los restos del pasado que podrían beneficiar a su sociedad, y brindarles respuestas y consejos para salir de esa realidad deterioro, además de salvar a su país de los horrores y miserias de la guerra, recordándole las grandes actitudes y elevados valores que narran las glorias de sus antepasados ​​y su gran herencia. Por tanto, nuestro foco en esta investigación estuvo en aquellas lecciones y sermones que fueron repetidos por el autor en fórmulas que sugieren y portan simbólicos que reflejan los significados de pertenencia y la identidad nacional española que llenaron las páginas de la novela.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of using active learning model in the achievement of fourth -grade material in the de partment of physics teaching aids students and the development then critical thinking
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Goal  of  research  is  to  investigate  the  impact  of the  use  of  effective  learning  model in the  collection  of  the  fourth  grade  students/Department of  physics in the material  educational methods  and the  development  of  critical thinking  .to teach  this goal  has  been  formulated  hypothesis cefereeten zero  subsidiary  of the second hypothesis  .To  investigate  the  research  hypothesis  were  selected  sample  of  fourth-grade  students of the  department  of physics at the univers

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Stress-Inducible Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSPA1A) as A Novel Biomarker in Lung Tumors: A Promoting Study
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     Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of intracellular proteins that promote proteins folding and unfolding under normal and/or stress conditions. In addition to their intracellular location, HSPs are found on the plasma membranes of stressed, but not normal, cells and in the extracellular milieu where they can trigger an immune response. For instance, the inducible form of heat shock protein 70 (HSPA1A) was found to be overexpressed, intra or extracellularly, by many types of stressed cells. In our study, we aim to investigate the levels of HSPA1A in the serum of untreated lung tumor patients and its expression in the tissues derived from lung tumors and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and healthy

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Normalize and De-Normalize of Relative Permeability Data for Mishrif Formation in WQ1: An Experimental Work
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In many oil-recovery systems, relative permeabilities (kr) are essential flow factors that affect fluid dispersion and output from petroleum resources. Traditionally, taking rock samples from the reservoir and performing suitable laboratory studies is required to get these crucial reservoir properties. Despite the fact that kr is a function of fluid saturation, it is now well established that pore shape and distribution, absolute permeability, wettability, interfacial tension (IFT), and saturation history all influence kr values. These rock/fluid characteristics vary greatly from one reservoir region to the next, and it would be impossible to make kr measurements in all of them. The unsteady-state approach was used to calculate the relat

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Corporate And Business Strategy Review
The role of entrepreneurial leadership strategy in promoting organizational sustainability: A descriptive and analytical study
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The paper aims to build a model that supports organizational sustainability by analyzing the correlations and revealing the impact between the two main variables (entrepreneurial leadership) with its dimensions of proactive outlook, risk, and creativity (Van Zyl & Mathur-Helm, 2007), and (organizational sustainability) with its economic, environmental, and societal dimensions (Hansmann et al., 2012). As well as identifying the level of awareness and informing managers in the General Company for the Automotive and Equipment Industry, of the theoretical implications and performance, and its vital importance to society and the surrounding ecological environment, and drawing attention to that and improving performance, and indicatin

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 15 2021
Journal Name
Drug Delivery And Translational Research
Breast intraductal nanoformulations for treating ductal carcinoma in situ II: Dose de-escalation using a slow releasing/slow bioconverting prodrug strategy
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 26 2014
Journal Name
Engineering Optimization
A new modified differential evolution algorithm scheme-based linear frequency modulation radar signal de-noising
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The main intention of this study was to investigate the development of a new optimization technique based on the differential evolution (DE) algorithm, for the purpose of linear frequency modulation radar signal de-noising. As the standard DE algorithm is a fixed length optimizer, it is not suitable for solving signal de-noising problems that call for variability. A modified crossover scheme called rand-length crossover was designed to fit the proposed variable-length DE, and the new DE algorithm is referred to as the random variable-length crossover differential evolution (rvlx-DE) algorithm. The measurement results demonstrate a highly efficient capability for target detection in terms of frequency response and peak forming that was isola

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 24 2020
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The Use of Ergative Verbs to Background the Role of the Agent in two Selected Short Stories: A Syntactico-Semantic Study
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The study explores the use of ergative verbs in constructing clauses and their impact on the backgrounding of the agent's role in two selected short stories. Contrary to hypothesis No. 1, the research indicates that changes in sentence patterns don't affect the meaning of the process. Additionally, hypothesis No. 2 is refuted as the middle structure is found to highlight the agent's role in the science fiction short story, Terra Infirmum, rather than concealing it as hypothesized for "The Invisible Man." The analysis uncovers that writers utilize ergative processes to narrate stories in various ways, including transitive/active voice, intransitive/active voice, and transitive/passive voice. Furthermore, the findings suggest that writers emp

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of strategic memory in the successful use of the COSO model for auditing human resource management
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The main purpose of the research is to diagnose the importance of the role that strategic memory plays with its three variables (content, structure, and processes) in helping the human resource department to use the COSO model with its five components (culture and governance, strategy and objectives, performance, communications and information, and feedback) in auditing activities and tasks Her own. As the research problem emphasized the existence of a lack of cognitive perception, of the importance of strategic memory, and the investment of its components in the rationalization of the application of the COSO model. and therefore it can be emphasized that the importance of the research is to provide treatments for problems relate

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Documentation et imagination dans les vols de Saint-Exupéry
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The writings of famous French novelist Antoine de Saint- Exupery being describes his life and his career as a pilot. That's where aviation and modern means of transport at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is also through his writings that tainted documentary chronicled the history of occupied France by the Germans in World War II. Has contributed to the publication of documents and real events and attended by military missions. However, before he died, wrote us a novel immortal  "The Little Prince ", which is quite different from previous writings in terms of dependence entirely on the imagination. And are almost close to science fiction to fact that the hero falls to the ground in a vague, of a small asteroid. We are tryi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’Unité descriptive dans le roman Une Vie de Maupassant
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La description, est une mode discursive et une forme d’écriture, consiste à rendre un objet en quelque sorte visible par l’exposition vive et animé des propriétés et des circonstances les plus intéressantes.

Elle occupe au XIXe ([1]) siècle une place centrale dans les œuvres littéraires. Cette technique a une place privilégiée chez les écrivains qui veulent représenter la vie telle quelle est.

Ce type de la représentation littéraire apparaît avec l’avènement du roman réaliste où se trouve de longs passages descriptifs dans les œuvres littéraires « Tout récit comporte…, quoique intimement mêlées et en proportions très vari

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