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The Argumentative Elements Of Discours In The Plague For Albert Camus: Les éléments argumentatifs dans le discours de La Peste d’Albert Camus
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Argumentation is not a contemporary, yet a deep rooted intellectual phenomenon dates back to Romans and Greeks times. The argumentative elements ,the author is trying to convey to the reader, are  linguistic procedures aim at persuading and being persuaded of what is true. The present study traces, through Camus’ novel The plague, the best method to construct argumentative techniques used to express the author’s deep philosophies.


          L’argumentation n’est pas un phénomène intellectuel nouveau, ses origines reviennent aux savants grecs et romains. Elle est une activité langagière ayant pour objectif de justifier un raisonnement en vue de persuader et convaincre l’autre. Cette argumentation est au centre des discours. Camus essaye juste de transmettre d’une manière argumentative un message au lecteur. C’est cette constatation qui sera l’objet de ce présent travail dans lequel nous allons savoir comment se construit le discours philosophique et argumentatif à travers le roman intitulé La Peste. Ensuite nous allons analyser les éléments argumentatifs que Camus met en scène pour transmettre sa philosophie à son lecteur.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The use of social networking sites (facebook) and its impact on social relations
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      Is the subject of Facebook of more topics that aroused interest and that it provides the features and services that allows users to direct communication and interaction and dialogue with others, and deals with the subject of research the use of Facebook and its effects left by the social relations, as the field study was conducted on a sample of 130 students from students Baghdad University of males and females in the Faculty of Political Science and Agriculture, Science and Education, Girls, and limited the sample to Facebook users exclusively to test the study hypotheses and relationships connectivity, and the results revealed the presence of a significant impact of Facebook in th

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works
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those affected by technological development risks within the scope of medical works. The unprecedented technological development the world witnesses nowadays has been providing brilliant medical service to the human being including examination, diagnosis and the treatment or follow up. However, such works hide behind potential risks threatening people's lives and such risks my be discovered within the limits of now – how and technical knowledge prevailing the time of rendering the medical service. Also this the question is raised on how to keep up between the safety of the patients and such risks are being unknown by the provider and questioning them contradicts the justices. subsequently, can the patients (affected) acquire the compensat

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Impact of Agile Methodologies and Cost Management Success Factors: An Empirical Study
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Software cost management is a significant feature of project management. As such, it needs to be employed in a project or line of work. Software cost management is integral to software development failures, which, in turn, cause software failure. Thus, it is imperative that software development professionals develop their cost management skills to deliver successful software projects. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of cost management success factors with project management factors and three agile methodologies – Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum and Kanban methodologies which are used in the Pakistani software industry. To determine the results, the researchers applied quantitative approach through an extensive survey on

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Study of Genomic DNA Extraction Protocols from Whole Blood for P53 Gene Polymorphism in Persons with and without Prostate Cancer
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In latest decades, genetic methods have developed into a potent tool in a number of life-attaching applications. In research looking at demographic genetic diversity, QTL detection, marker-assisted selection, and food traceability, DNA-based technologies like PCR are being employed more and more. These approaches call for extraction procedures that provide efficient nucleic acid extraction and the elimination of PCR inhibitors. The first and most important stage in molecular biology is the extraction of DNA from cells. For a molecular scientist, the high quality and integrity of the isolated DNA as well as the extraction method's ease of use and affordability are crucial factors. The present study was designed to establish a simple, fast

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Positive thinking and its relation to self academic motivation and the trend towards teaching profession among the students of education colleges
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The research aims to know the relation between positive thinking and self academic motivation, trend towards teaching profession. So a sample of (344) male and female student of the morning study of education colleges from the two universities of Baghdad and al Mustansria for the academic year 2012-2013.

So three tools had been used to achieve the procedures of the research which are: the scale of positive thinking constracted by Abdal satar Ibrahim year 2010, the scale of self academicmotivation constracted by (Gottfried) and adapted by Hanan Hussan year 2010, the scale of teaching profession trend constracted by Enayat Zaki year 1974.

And by using the statistical means of person

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 08 2015
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham J. For Pure & Appl. Sci.
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Resistance of Lycopersicon esculentum Roots Against Fusarium oxysporum Wilt Disease
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The objective of this investigation was to study the effects of amixture of three arbuscular mycorrhizal species : Glomus etunicatum , G. leptotichum and Rhizophagus intraradices on the induced resistance of Lycopersicon esculentum roots infected with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici which is causal agent of wilt in the presence of organic matter peatmose (O). The work was achieved in aplastic house ( Shed) using pot culture planted for 10 weeks. Results indicated significant increase of all mycorrhizal colonization parameters ( F% , M% , m% , a% , A% ) . Highest percentage of mycorrhization was detected in roots infected with the pathogen 4 weeks after mycorrhizal colonization . On the other hand least colonization was shown in the dual

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Electrochemical Society
Electrochemical Incineration of Oxalic Acid at Manganese Dioxide Rotating Cylinder Anode: Role of Operative Parameters in the Presence of NaCl
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A detailed experimental study was devoted to the anodic oxidation of oxalic acid using manganese dioxide rotating cylinder anode with the objective to evaluate in a systematic way the effect on the oxalic acid oxidation process of several relevant parameters, including the presence of sodium chloride, the current density (J), the rotation speed, the temperature, and the initial concentration of oxalic acid. Thin manganese dioxide film on graphite substrate has been prepared by electrochemical oxidation from MnSO4-H2SO4 electrolyte. The morphology of this electrode was investigated by XRD, SEM, EDS and AFM techniques. The results show that a firm γ-structure of MnO2 film on graphite rod can be obtained successfully. The results indicate tha

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala For Agricultural Sciences
Evaluation of the effectiveness of spore suspension and fungal filtrate of Metarhizium anisopliae fungus in controlling Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
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This study evaluated the effect of spore suspension and fungal filtrate against different developmental stages of Tribolium castaneum third and fifth larval instars and adults. Two isolates of entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae were used (commercially (Met 52 EC), and domesticly). For the two isolates, the effectiveness of various conidial concentrations were (1 × 104 ; 1 × 106 ; 1 × 108  conidia/ ml) and various concentrations of fungal filtrate (100,75,50%) were evaluated. It is observed that the fungal filtrate at a concentration of 75% and the conidial concentration of 1 x 108 conidia /ml for both isolates were the most effective in causing the highest mortality rates to the third and fifth instar larva and adult

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of different concentration of Gibberellic and Proline acid in the growth and production of pea plant Pisum sativum L.
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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of foliar spraying with gibberellic acid concentrations (0,50,100)mg.L­¹ and proline acid concentrations (0, 25, 50)mg.L­¹ and their interactions on some growth parameters of pea plant using clay pots in the botanical garden of Biology Department College of Education for pure science Ibn –Al-Haitham ,Baghdad University, for the growing season 2012-2013 the experiment involved the studing of some growth parameters as plant?s height, dry weight, wt. of pods.plant­¹, biology yield and the concentration of some major elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium) in plant?s seeds. The experiment was designed according to Completely Randomized Desig(CRD) with three replications. R

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Enhancing Resistance of Lycopersicon esculentum Roots Against Fusarium oxysporum Wilt Disease
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   The objective of this investigation was to study the effects of amixture of three arbuscular mycorrhizal species : Glomus etunicatum , G. leptotichum and Rhizophagus intraradices on the induced resistance of Lycopersicon esculentum roots infected with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.lycopersici which is causal agent of wilt in the presence of organic matter peatmose (O). The work was achieved in aplastic house ( Shed) using pot culture planted for 10 weeks. Results indicated significant increase of all mycorrhizal colonization parameters ( F% , M% , m% , a% , A% ) . Highest percentage of mycorrhization was detected in roots infected with the pathogen 4 weeks after mycorrhizal colonization . On the other hand least colonization was s

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