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Dimension feminine in The Respectful Prostitute’s Jean- Paul Sartre and The Blind Prostitute’s Badr Shaker al-Sayyabe: La dimension féminine dans La P….respectueuse de Jean-Paul Sartre et La Prostituée Aveugle de Badr Shaker al-Sayyabe
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      Jean-Paul Sartre and Badr Shakir al-Sayyabe are among the most prominent writers that critiqued the destructive role of capitalism and the patriarchal power system in the period of the Post-World War II crisis. Divided into three chapters, the present study examines two of the most eminent literary works in the history of the Western and Eastern societies in the fifties of the last decade: Jean Paul Sartre’s play : The Respectful Prostitute and Badr Shaker al-Sayyabe’s poem: The Blind Prostitute.

       Chapter one discusses the position of the prostitute in a patriarchal societies. Chapter two linguistically analyzes the prostitute’s behavior with men and evaluates the nature of a relationship when based on profit and loss. Such a relationship exposes the male dominance system on this social level through stigmatizing, marginalizing and depriving of her family establishing rights. Chapter Three sheds light on the prostitute’s ego and the other. In the two works, the society double standard is presented in dealing with status of a woman, rather than a man, as a prostitute, something that leads to uncover the individuality of such a character. Thus, and in addition to justly picturing prostitution as a human setback in all the western and Eastern societies, Sartre and al – Sayyab succeed in visualizing humanity decay within the perspective of the preceding decades.


 Jean-Paul Sartre et Badr Shakir al-Sayyabe font partie des écrivains qui ont contribué à travers leurs œuvres à critiquer le système capitaliste et la société masculine dans la période de l'après-guerre. En lisant les deux ouvrages, nous avons choisi comme sujet commun de cette étude d'analyser le statut de prostituée dans les sociétés orientale et occidentale au cours des années 1950 du siècle dernier. L'étude est divisée en trois chapitres :

Le premier chapitre est basé sur la présentation du statut de la prostituée dans les communautés masculines des deux auteurs. Le deuxième chapitre analyse linguistiquement le comportement de la prostituée envers les hommes et la nature de la relation basée sur le principe du profit ou de la perte. Cette relation met d'abord en évidence la domination du système masculin sur cette partie social, le problème de la stigmatisation sociale, de la marginalisation et de la privation de son droit d'avoir et de fonder une famille. Le troisième chapitre traite la position de la prostituée entre le moi et l'autre. Dans les deux œuvres, le point de vue de la société semble être un double standard dans la condamnation de la femme comme prostituée plutôt que comme homme. Ce mécanisme nous amène à retrouver l'identité de la prostituée. Nous arrivons à conclure que le succès de Sartre et d'al-Sayyabe en présentant cette profession comme un échec humain pour les sociétés orientales et occidentales et la décadence de l'homme ou de la femme et en les dépeignant avec une perspective qui correspond aux crises du siècle dernier.


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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computing And Digital Systems
The Perception of Information Security Threats Surrounding the Cloud Computing Environment
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Additives on The Performance of Hydrostatic Thrust Bearings
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The paper is concerned with, the behavior of the hydrostatic thrust bearings lubricated with liquid-solid lubricants using Einstein viscosity formula, and taking into account the centrifugal force resulting from high speed.  Also studied is the effect of the bearing dimensions on the pressure, flow rate, load capacity, shear stress, power consumption and stiffness.

The theoretical results show an increase in load capacity by (8.3%) in the presence of solid graphite particles with concentration of (16%) by weight as compared with pure oil, with increasing shear stress.  .

In general the performance of hydrostatic thrust bearings improve for load carrying capacity, volume flow rate,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of taking the mother's fare breastfeeding comparative jurisprudential study
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This study aimed to clarify the provisions of taking the mother for breastfeeding in Islamic jurisprudence, a comparative study between doctrines of jurisprudence. The ruling on forcing the mother to breastfeed, and the ruling on taking the mother for breastfeeding while she is in the infallibility of her husband, as well as in several reactionary divorces, and the ruling on breastfeeding in several divorced divorces. On breastfeeding in infallibility Face, as well as a several divorce reactionary, and worth the fare which is in several final divorces, and after the end of the marital relationship, has been proposed a number of recommendations, including it, is recommended to teach the provisions of the mother taking the taxi on breastfe

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The The Optimum Reservoir Performance of Nahr Umr/Ratawi Oil Field
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Reservoir study has been developed in order to get a full interesting of the Nahr Umr formation in Ratawi oil field. Oil in place has been calculated for Nahr Umr which was 2981.37 MM BBL. Several runs have been performed to get matching between measured and calculated of oil production data and well test pressure. In order to get the optimum performance of Nahr Umr many strategies have been proposed in this study where vertical and horizontal wells were involved in addition to different production rates. The reservoir was first assumed to be developed with vertical wells only using production rate of (80000–125000) STB/day. The reservoir is also proposed to produce using horizontal wells besides vertical wells with pr

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A simple voice communication using the modulation of the reflected light
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There is no adopt in the importance of the optical communications in scientific civil and military applications because of it’s simplicity in manufacturing and it's low cost. The method of optical communication depends upon bearing the light beam the translated informations by a method called the light modulation. This method depends upon changing some light properties as frequency, amplitude and pulse duration according to the translating informations. The changes in the first two properties are concerned optically with the analog modulation while the third one concern at most with digital modulation. All past methods are expensive with low efficiency and needs electrical or magnetic fields. In this technique the source of voice used

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education
Recognition the Arabic Characters Based on the Characteristics of Arabic Language
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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2006
Journal Name
Baghdad University
Unpublished Cuneiform Texts From The Reign Of The King Ammi Şaduqa
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The cuneiform texts considered one of the most important resources which play an important role help us to know how was the economic , politic and religious manner and every thing have relation of the history of Mesopotamia which contain many of information that enrich our knowldgement every side of Mesopotamia civilization since using writing as away to register the science and human knowldgement . The city of Sippar (Abu –Habba ) was one of most important city of ancient Mesopotamia which mentioned as one of first five Mesopotamian cities found before floating and it exposed through excavating rich one of them tablet which some of it dated to old Babylon period . The king Ammi-Saduqa has a big share of tablet we study number of thi

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Network Security & Its Applications
Evaluating the Performance of the Secure Block Permutation Image Steganography Algorithm
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Recently, a new secure steganography algorithm has been proposed, namely, the secure Block Permutation Image Steganography (BPIS) algorithm. The new algorithm consists of five main steps, these are: convert the secret message to a binary sequence, divide the binary sequence into blocks, permute each block using a key-based randomly generated permutation, concatenate the permuted blocks forming a permuted binary sequence, and then utilize a plane-based Least-Significant-Bit (LSB) approach to embed the permuted binary sequence into BMP image file format. The performance of algorithm was given a preliminary evaluation through estimating the PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of the stego image for limited number of experiments comprised hiding

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and D.C. conductivity investigation of the ternary alloy System a-AlXGa1-x As:H films prepared by new deposition method
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In this paper Alx Ga1-x As:H films have been prepared by using new deposition method based on combination of flash- thermal evaporation technique. The thickness of our samples was about 300nm. The Al concentration was altered within the 0 x 40.
The results of X- ray diffraction analysis (XRD) confirmed the amorphous structure of all AlXGa1-x As:H films with x  40 and annealing temperature (Ta)<200°C. the temperature dependence of the DC conductivity GDC with various Al content has been measured for AlXGa1-x As:H films.
We have found that the thermal activation energy Ea depends of Al content and Ta, thus the value of Ea were approximately equal to half the value of optical gap.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Innovation as an Entrance to Sustainable Financing A Case Study of Islamic Banks in the State of Qatar (2014-2018)
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While the impact of the fourth Industrial Revolution on the economy keeps accelerating, the signs of the fifth industrial revolution, whose key is innovation and creativity started to evolve. However, the challenge of achieving sustainable development and its goals remains faced by the global organizations; In this situation, Islamic banks are exposed to many challenges among which is the challenge of keeping themselves abreast of the latest developments in the modern technology which in turn is a tool for continuity and competition. On the flip side, to avoid the negative impact that these changes can have such as an increased gap between financial innovations and the requirements of sustainable development. Islamic banks in the

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