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Socialist Realism And The Situation Of Women In Society In The Works Of Maxim Gorky "Mother": Социалистический Реализм И Положение Женщины В Обществе В Произведении Максима Горького "Мать"
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            Maxim Gorky’s Mother is one of the most important literary genre in social realism, in which he depicts female characters with revolutionary fervor and enthusiasm, projecting his social ideologies and dreams. Though the novel unique importance lies in the fact that it has been thoroughly analyzed by many writers, historians and sociologists, there are almost no studies devoted to the role of women out of a Marxist and feminist point of view. The present paper sheds light on the Russian woman‘s important role in overcoming all adversity and gain her position on Social Realism.

Одно из центральных мест среди произведений, написанных в таком литературном жанре, как социалистический реализм, занимает произведение Максима Горького "Мать", в котором он изображал женские персонажи с революционным задором и энтузиазмом, проецируя через них свои социалистические мысли и мечты. Актуальность данной работы заключается в том, что произведение Горького "Мать" было анализировано многими литераторами, историками и социологами, однако почти отсутствуют исследования, посвящённые революционной роли женщин с марксистской и феминистской точки зрения.  В заключении делается вывод о том, что Максим Горький в романе "Мать" дал чёткий портрет русской женщине в рамках социалистического реализма, которая смогла преодолеть все невзгоды, переродиться и стать полноправным членом общества.

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Publication Date
Thu May 15 2014
Journal Name
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society
Gravitational lensing in WDM cosmologies: the cross-section for giant arcs
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The nature of the dark sector of the Universe remains one of the outstanding problems in modern cosmology, with the search for new observational probes guiding the development of the next generation of observational facilities. Clues come from tension between the predictions from Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) and observations of gravitationally lensed galaxies. Previous studies showed that galaxy clusters in the ΛCDM are not strong enough to reproduce the observed number of lensed arcs. This work aims to constrain the warm dark matter (WDM) cosmologies by means of the lensing efficiency of galaxy clusters drawn from these alternative models. The lensing characteristics of two samples of simulated clusters in the Λ warm dark matter and ΛCDM

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Overlap food for fish in the Haditha Dam Reservoir (Qadisiyah) Iraq
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Shehadt 683 fish of different fish present in the tank Haditha Dam during the period of February 1993 and the end Maes 1994 to identify the nutritional content of the digestive tract or the stomach for these fish and their impact on the environment of the tank and found that Fish fine linen and Alhalg animal feeding predators feed on small fish, mainly the fish brown plantnutrition

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal For Agricultural Sciences
First record to the spider Scytodes univittata (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad, Iraq
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This study is  the first and  new record  to the spider Scytodes univittata Simon, 1882  (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad /Iraq , the spiders Scytodes univittata  were collect from province Baghdad in Iraq , genus Scytodes belong to the  family Scytodidae  it is one of the most family are wide  distribution around the world have 6 eyes and are slow moving  , the genus Scytodes are known from the names spitting spiders ,.Female Scytodes univittata   can be characteristic by :large round cephalothorax length:4.45 mm , abdomen length 3.50, total body length  7.95 mm and V-shaped of  fovea, scutela triangle and large  with long  thin legs femur I have two row of spines then  spineless are in IV femur , coloration  is yello

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effective Width in Composite Steel Concrete Beams at Ultimate Loads
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A composite section is made up of a concrete slab attached to a steel beam by means of shear connectors. Under positive and negative bending moment, part of the slab will act as a flange of the beam, resisting the longitudinal compression or tension force. When the spacing between girders becomes large, it is evident that the simple beam theory does not strictly apply because the longitudinal stress in the flange will vary with distance from the girder web, the flange being more highly stressed over the web than in the extremities. This phenomenon is termed "shear lag". In this paper, a nonlinear three-dimensional finite element analysis is employed to evaluate and determine the actual effective slab width of the composite steel-concrete

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2020
Journal Name
Mintage Journal Of Pharmaceutical & Medical Sciences
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Complex Dynamics in a Food Chain Involving Different Functional Responses
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      A food chain model in which the top predator growing logistically has been proposed and studied. Two types of Holling’s functional responses type IV and type II have been used in the first trophic level and second trophic level respectively, in addition to Leslie-Gower in the third level. The properties of the solution are discussed. Since the boundary dynamics are affecting the dynamical behavior of the whole dynamical system, the linearization technique is used to study the stability of the subsystem of the proposed model. The persistence conditions of the obtained subsystem of the food chain are established. Finally, the model is simulated numerically to understand the global dynamics of the food chain un

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 11 2021
Journal Name
Environment, Development And Sustainability
Developing a system for assessing the sustainability in school building projects
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The common bacterial pathogenes isolated from blood culture in paediatric patients
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Fever is a common illness in the pediatric age group ,the causes could be viral ,bacterial and fungal , this study was focused on bacterial pathogens as gram positive like Staphylococci, coagulase positive or negative ,Streptococci and gram negative like E-coli , Klebsialla ,Proteus, Pseudomonas, Burkhoderia , Acinetobacter and others like Pusturella ,E-alkalescendiaper, Haemophillus influenza and yeast like candida . Four thousand and seventy eight blood samples (4078)were collected in a period between January 2011 and the end of May 2012 at the child welfare hospital ,all the samples were cultured on suitable culture media and then biochemical tests were done using API-E 20 and sugar fermentation tests ,sensitivity

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A systematical study about the genus Lycopus L. (Labiatae) in Iraq
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The study included gross morphology and pollen of plants – which collected during field trips , and dry ones for most specimen preserved with the Iraqi herbaria – related to the genus Lycopus L. , and to identify the unidentified species and rectify the error there in , so according to that the species L. europaeus L. only were specified for the genus . Through this work the varity L. europaeus var. glabrescens Schmidely were found at the first time , and suggested to record anew for Iraq . Pollen were of medium size, and had an ellipsoid shape in the equatorial view , and hexagonal in the polar view. The ecological and soil quality where these genus plants grows were specified , and were geographically distribut

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Significant Safety Factors Affecting the Safety Performance in Iraqi Construction Projects
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Despite recent attempts to improve safety in the construction sector, this sector is considered dangerous and unsafe. Iraq is one of the emerging nations that suffers from a lack of construction safety management. In 2018, the construction sector in Iraq was responsible for 38% of all industrial accidents. Creating a safety program minimizes this problem by making safety an intrinsic part of construction projects. As a result, this article aims to identify the crucial safety factors that affect the safety performance in Iraqi construction projects. After conducting a critical literature review of the related literature, a list of 35 sub-factors classified into nine categories of main factors was chosen to rank each facto

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