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Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis: Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза
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          The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial ects that be ar the spec ifics of the wo rld picture of a cer tain people. The article, also, considers the ma in features of a certain literary te xt as an obj ect of the trans lation activity, and deter mines the ma in differences bet ween a lite rary text trans lation and ot her types of trans lation. It provides an analysis of the lingu istic and styl istic features of the wo rk that al lows creating a trans lation me ets most of the crit eria given in the arti cle and sheds light on   the rea sons for unders tanding a for eign cultural wo rk of ar t.


 Статья посв ящена рассмотрению про блем перевода  художес твенного текста  в лингвокульту рологическом аспекте. В ней рассмат риваются вопросы лингвокульту рологического подхода к проб леме понимания инояз ычного текста и факт оров, влияющих на пер евод художественного тек ста.  В дан ной статье перево дческий процесс рассмат ривается сквозь при зму культурологической направл енности. В пере воде в максим альной степени дол жны передаваться авто рский стиль и национальн окультурное своеобразие нар ода, куда вхо дят средства выразите льности, образность и интон ация. Помимо автор ского стиля дол жно еще удел яться особое вним ание тропам, фразеол огизмам, просторечным сло вам и диале ктам, что не сут в се бе специфику кар тины мира опреде ленного народа. Рассмат риваются так же осно вные особенности художес твенного текста, как объ екта переводческой деятел ьности и опреде ляются главные отл ичия перевода художес твенного текста от дру гих видов пере вода.  Анализ ируются  лингвостилистические особе нности произведения, позво ляющие создать пере вод, соответствующий больш инству приведенных в ста тье критериев , и прово дится ан aлиз при чин понимания инокуль турного художественного произв едения.


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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
РОЛЬ СРЕДСТВ НАГЛЯДНОСТИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ КАК ИНОСТРАННОМУ В ИРАСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ The Role of the Use of Visual Aids in the Process Of Learning Russian Language in Lraq as a Foreign Language
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В статье рассматриваются понятие наглядности и ее классификация, эффективное применение принципа наглядности, возможность и преимущество использования наглядности и современные инструменты ее реализации в ираке.


Вследствие глобальных изменений во всем мире изменилась и роль иностранного языка в системе образования. Современный человек, шагающий в ногу со временем, не мыслит себя без зна

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Split and Merge Regions of Satellite Images using the Non-Hierarchical Algorithm of Cluster Analysis
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يعد التقطيع الصوري من الاهداف الرئيسة والضرورية في المعالجات الصورية للصور الرقمية، فهو يسعى الى تجزئة الصور المدروسة الى مناطق متعددة اكثر نفعاً تلخص فيها المناطق ذات الافادة لصور الاقمار الصناعية، وهي صور متعددة الاطياف ومجهزة من الاقمار الصناعية باستخدام مبدأ الاستشعار عن بعد والذي اصبح من المفاهيم المهمة التي تُعتمد تطبيقاته في اغلب ضروريات الحياة اليومية، وخاصة بعد التطورات المتسارعة التي شهد

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
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Color works in highlighting the functional and aesthetic aspects of interior designs
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Color is one of the most important elements involved and contributing mainly to designs and visual works, whether they are fixed or mobile, for internal spaces through what color gives it the possibilities on the physical and intellectual level, if the process is linked to the functional performance or the aesthetic value, which is thus included within the system of processors and basic works in Designing the interior spaces and highlighting the functional and aesthetic aspects of them through the executed designs that are linked to certain techniques and mechanisms. Therefore, they are processed according to the references and pressure structures or the creation and modern dealing with materials and designs to implement operations in hi

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Decorative aesthetic aspects and their use in Islamic architecture
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The architecture of the richly decorated mosques demonstrated that the Islamic culture is one of the most significant and greatest civilizations in the history of humanity. The plant decorative units are one of the key areas in which the Muslim artist excelled. As a result, he created various plant forms that he took from nature, which led him to invent the arabesque art consisting of plant motifs with curved and rounded lines or wrapped between them. These shapes with curved borders include leaves, twigs, and flowers. Buildings and artefacts from the nineteenth century AD have this shape. they achieved their objectives during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. There was another kind of vegetable decorative unit, made up of stems and

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the efficiency of quality health services in the province of Karbala: Models using the Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
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  The research aims to measure  the efficiency of health services Quality  in the province of Karbala, using the Data Envelopment analysis Models in ( 2006). According to these models the degree of efficiency ranging between zero and unity. We estimate Scale efficiency  for two types of orientation direction, which are input and output oriented direction.

  The results showed, according Input-oriented efficiency that the levels of Scale efficiency on average is ( 0.975), in the province of Karbala. While the index of Output-oriented efficiency on average is (o.946).

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Study of the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system using the factorial analysis: (principal components)
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The tax system, like any other system, as a set of elements and parts that complement each other and are interrelated and interact to achieve specific goals, and is a natural  reflection of the economic, social and political conditions prevailing in society, and therefore the objectives of tax policy formulated in line with the objectives of economic policy in general, which means that any change in economic policy clearly affects fiscal policy measures and fiscal policy in particular.

The problem of searching for the impact of foreign direct investment in the Iraqi tax system was focused on the study  the of foreign direct investment and therole played in developing and improving the economic reality and its implicatio

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Econometrics analysis of the impact of external shocks on foreign direct investment in Iraq for the period (1995-2016)
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The external shocks are one of the phenomena that the Iraqi economy is exposed to over a period of time. It is referred to as changes and events that come from outside the economic system and extends to many economic variables. However, foreign direct investment may be severely affected due to the extreme sensitivity to changes and local and international developments. This type of trauma and its characteristics to help manage and cope with external shocks, and in order to avoid the standard problems experienced by some models of simple linear regression, multi-linear regression models were used with variables Scientific and other dummy variables .

        The study foun

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Theoretical Analysis of Seepage through Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous Saturated-Unsaturated Soil
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In this research, the program SEEP / W was used to compute the value of seepage through the homogenous and non-homogeneous earth dam with known dimensions. The results show that the relationship between the seepage and water height in upstream of the dam to its length for saturated soil was nonlinear when the dam is homogenous. For the non-homogeneous dam, the relationship was linear and the amount of seepage increase with the height of water in upstream to its length. Also the quantity of seepage was calculated using the method of (Fredlund and Xing, 1994) and (Van Genuchten, 1980) when the soil is saturated – unsaturated, the results referred to that the higher value of seepage when the soil is saturated and the lowe

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of a Mono PV Cell with Five Parameters, Simulation Model Compatible with Iraqi Climate
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The present work included study of the effects of weather conditions such as solar radiation and  ambient temperature on solar panels (monocrystalline 30 Watts) via proposed mathematical model, MATLAB_Simulation was used by scripts file to create a special code to solve the mathematical model , The latter is single –diode model (Five parameter) ,Where the effect of ambient temperature and solar radiation on the output of the solar panel was studied, the Newton Raphson method was used to find the  output current of the solar panel and plot P-V ,I-V curves, the performance of the PV was determined at Standard Test Condition (STC) (1000W/m2)and a comparison between theoretical and experimental results were done .The best efficiency

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Special Education
Cultural Perspective of Male Outfit in the Text of the Play of Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the Application of (the Status of Apparels) Textual Analysis
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