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The Broken Wings: The character of the Arab Christian |Woman in Sami Michael's Novel "Trumpet in the Wadi" versus "Jasmine" by Eli Amir: הכנפיים שנשברו דמות האישה הערבית הנוצרית ברומן " חוצוצרה בוואדי " של סמי מיכאל לעומת דמותה ב " יסמין " של אלי עמיר
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Sami Michael and Eli Amir - two Israeli writers born in Iraq and of the same generation (Sami Makhail was born in Baghdad in 1926 and Eli Amir in 1937). They wrote in their novels, among other things, about Orientalism , love and femininity. They both lived wild, extroverted lives. They did not shy away from experiencing anything new that came their way, rebelled against conventions and acted provocatively; they enjoyed the shock and amazement that evoked around them. While trying to find their place in different family settings, they chose to present two Arab Christian heroines. The narrator in Jasmine is the speaker Noori-Eli himself. While the narrator of “Trumpet in the Wadi” is Huda the heroine herself. Both are independent and both have a hobby in which they invest a lot; which is reading.

 The families of the two protagonists undergo social changes during the plot, and when necessary they both work to provide the family needs. First, the study sheds light on the importance of the Arabs in Israeli literature as reflected in Sami Michael's book: "Trumpet in the Wadi" "(2008) and Eli Amir's: Jasmine (2005).  It, also, provides summaries of the two novels and discusses the character of the Arabic Christian woman as described in both novels.

Chapter two debates the characters of Huda and Jasmine and similarities of the two in representing their time. The chapter also compares the recurring image of the Christian Arab character in the two novels, the concept of racism, characters description, as well as the subjects discussed throughout the books with an number of citation taken from the book.


סמי מיכאל ואילי עמיר - שני סופרים ישראליים ילידי עיראק ובני אותו דור (סמי מכאיל נולד בבגדד בשנת 1926 ואלי עמיר ב-1937). כתבו ברומניהם, בין השאר, על המזרחיות ועל האהבה ונשיות.ושניהם חיו חיים פרועים, מוחצנים. לא נרתעו מהתנסות בכל דבר חדש שנקרה בדרכם, מרדו במוסכמות ונהג באופן פרובוקטיבי, הם נהנו מהזעזוע והתדהמה, שהם מעוררים סביבם. מנסים למצוא את מקומם במסגרות משפחתיות שונות, לכן הם בחרו להציג שתי גבורות ערביות .ושתי הגיבורות הן בחורות נוצריות ערביות והן והדובר ברומן "יסמין" הוא דובר- בגוף ראשון , ב"חצוצרה בוואדי" הדוברת היא הודא הגיבורת , אך ביסמין הדובר הוא נורי – אלי עצמו. שניהם עצמאיים ולשניהם יש תחביב שהם משקיעים בו רבות; הקריאה. המשפחות של שתי הגיבורים עוברות שינויים חברתיים במהלך העלילה, ובשעת הצורך שניהן עובדות  לממן צרכים שהמשפחה אינה יכולה לממן. ברומנם במחקר זה ואתעניין בספרם של סמי מיכאל: "חצוצרה בוואדי"" (2008) ובין ספרו של אלי עמיר: יסמין( 2005). מחקר זה מבקש לבדוק כיצד מצטיירת דמותה של האישה הערבית הנוצרית בשני רומנים מפורסמים של השניים . תחילה אתייחס למקומו של הערבי בספרות הישראלית ,  ואציג את תמצית שני הרמנים עם חיי הסופרים, ואדון בדמות האישה ודרכי איפיונה בהסתמך על ספרות תיאורטית.     
בפרק השיני אתעניין לדמותיוהן של הודא ויסמין כמייצגות את התקופה, ולבחון את הקווים הבולטים בדרכי עיצובה. ,ואשווה בין הדמות הערבית הנוצרית החוזרת בשני הרומנים, ואבדוק מהי עמדת המוצא שלהם, כיצד הם מתארים את שתי הדמויות ובמה הם בוחרים להתמקד.מפאת תחומו המצומצם של הדיון, העיסוק בנושא יתמקד במבחר דוגמאות נבחרים מן שני הרומנים.



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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal
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Psychosocial Alienation is a modern concept that arises from the capitalist and materialistic conceptions of individuals. The evergrowing competitive nature of domestic societies crystallised the concept in its modern form. The intensity of the rapid changes in the urbanised societies prevents the individuals from exploring their inner selves. Thus, a new generation is created with an alienation crisis which is reflected inward towards the self and outwards toward society. Alan Ayckbourn (1939), A British playwright, presents Alienated characters inspired by his life on and off stage. He explores their Alienation and their path toward recovery and self-realization. A Brief History of Women (2017) Ayckbourn explores the depth of the individu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl blue by TiO2 Nanoparticles Incorporated in Cement
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In this study, titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles incorporated with cement were synthesis by a simple casting method as a function concentration of TiO2 (0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1, and 2 wt%). The prepared samples were characterized using the technique of Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and UV-Visible spectrophotometer, which was used to measure the adsorption spectra. The observed photocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) incorporated with cement was investigated by decomposing the dye methyl blue (MB) solution under sunlight irradiation. According to the slope, the value of the k constant at the best sample is 0.8wt%, k=0.8265 min-1. FESEM image of the TiO2

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Publication Date
Wed May 22 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Religion
Torn by War: Fragmented Individuals in Sam Shepard's States of Shock
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Sam Shepard is considered as one of the modern American playwrights who combined the individual and the social in his plays to draw an image of a postmodern American society, and American family in particular by focusing on uniquely American aspects of culture. He is concerned with the individual in America rather than the institution. Shepard investigates, in almost all of his plays, the functions and dysfunctions of his characters, as well as the connections of individuals within the context of the family system and other social structures. The majority of his plays center on the struggle and conflict that occurs between father and son, husband and wife, and brother and brother as they strive for supremacy or for survival in a fra

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 09 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Formulation and Evaluation of Silymarin Microcrystals by In- Situ Micronization Technique
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Silymarin (SM) is a plant extract obtained from Silybum marianum( milk thistle) . It is class II type drug according to  Biopharmaceutics Classification System with low bioavailability due to its low solubility.

Micro/nanonization during crystallization, surface modification and crystal structure modification may improve the dissolution rate of poorly water-soluble drugs.

The aim of this study was to increase the water solubility and dissolution rate of SM by in-situ micronization using solvent change either by stirring or ultrasonic method. Stabilizers like Gelatin, PVP-K30, HPMC15, Pulullan were used to stabilize the prepared ultrafine crystals. Effect of type and concentration of hydrophilic polymer, solv

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Assessment of vegetable cover in south Iraq by remote sensing methods
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The vegetable cover plays an important role in the environment and Earth resource sciences. In south Iraq, the region is classified as arid or semiarid area due to the low precipitations and high temperature among the year. In this paper, the Landat-8 satellite imagery will be used to study and estimate the vegetable area in south Iraq. For this purpose many vegetation indices will be examined to estimate and extract the area of vegetation contain in and image. Also, the weathering parameters must be investigated to find the relationship between these parameters and the arability of vegetation cover crowing in the specific area. The remote sensing packages and Matlab written subroutines may be use to evaluate the results.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Behavior of asymmetrical castellated composite girders by gap in steel web
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Clinical Analysis of Four Maternity Deaths in Iraq by COVID-19
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This study aims to identify maternal death cases caused by Coronavirus infection 2019 pneumonia, including disease progression, fetal consequences, and the fatality cause.

Patients and methodology: A retrospective case collection of Iraqi pregnant women in their second and third trimesters diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia and died due to it.

The four cases were all of a young age, had a brief complaint period, and had no comorbidities. Fever, dyspnea, and fatigue were the most common symptoms. Hypoxia was present in all cases and was the cause of mortality in three cases, with thromboembolism being a potential cause in the fourth. Prelabour membrane breakup, fetal growth restriction, and fetal death are al

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 11 2023
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الامام الاعظم
Provisions for inheritance of agricultural lands (transfer of the right to dispose of)
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Agricultural lands have great importance in people's lives, and their exploitation has a great impact on strengthening the national economy. Therefore, countries have given great importance to this sector, and because of the importance of this sector, the state has given large areas of these lands to the farmers to invest in agriculture, and among these farmers are those who died and left behind children who took up crafts. Agriculture, for fear that these agricultural lands would be abandoned and turned into waste lands, a land system was introduced called (regular distribu- tion), which corresponds to (legitimate inheritance). Under this system, these lands were trans- ferred to the children of farmers who died so that the process of inve

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Traducción de los dos verbos auxiliares ser y estar del español al árabe en la frase nominal
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       La traducción de los dos verbos ser y estar no es una tarea tan simple como piensan muchas personas, sino es una de las complicadas y difíciles tareas, ya que el traductor tiene que saber y perfeccionar los correctos casos gramaticales relacionados con esos dos verbos auxiliares  tanto el verbo ser como el verbo estar, especialmente en la frase nominal para que pueda dar una clara y correcta traducción. Usados con el mismo adjetivo, "ser" comunicará una cualidad que es parte de la identidad o naturaleza del sujeto, mientras que "estar" comunicará un estado o circunstancia del mismo. Este e

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Pure Sciences
Synthesis of the integer FIR filters with short coefficient word length
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The integer simulation and development finite impulse response (FIR) filters taking into account the possibilities of their realization on digital integer platforms are considered. The problem statement and solution of multifunctional synthesis of digital FIR filters such a problem on the basis of the numerical methods of integer nonlinear mathematical programming are given. As an several examples, the problem solution of synthesis FIR-filters with short coefficient word length  has been given. The analysis of their characteristics is resulted. The paper discusses issues of modeling and synthesis of digital FIR filters with provision for the possibilities of their implementation on digital platforms with integer computation arithme

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