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The Broken Wings: The character of the Arab Christian |Woman in Sami Michael's Novel "Trumpet in the Wadi" versus "Jasmine" by Eli Amir: הכנפיים שנשברו דמות האישה הערבית הנוצרית ברומן " חוצוצרה בוואדי " של סמי מיכאל לעומת דמותה ב " יסמין " של אלי עמיר
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Sami Michael and Eli Amir - two Israeli writers born in Iraq and of the same generation (Sami Makhail was born in Baghdad in 1926 and Eli Amir in 1937). They wrote in their novels, among other things, about Orientalism , love and femininity. They both lived wild, extroverted lives. They did not shy away from experiencing anything new that came their way, rebelled against conventions and acted provocatively; they enjoyed the shock and amazement that evoked around them. While trying to find their place in different family settings, they chose to present two Arab Christian heroines. The narrator in Jasmine is the speaker Noori-Eli himself. While the narrator of “Trumpet in the Wadi” is Huda the heroine herself. Both are independent and both have a hobby in which they invest a lot; which is reading.

 The families of the two protagonists undergo social changes during the plot, and when necessary they both work to provide the family needs. First, the study sheds light on the importance of the Arabs in Israeli literature as reflected in Sami Michael's book: "Trumpet in the Wadi" "(2008) and Eli Amir's: Jasmine (2005).  It, also, provides summaries of the two novels and discusses the character of the Arabic Christian woman as described in both novels.

Chapter two debates the characters of Huda and Jasmine and similarities of the two in representing their time. The chapter also compares the recurring image of the Christian Arab character in the two novels, the concept of racism, characters description, as well as the subjects discussed throughout the books with an number of citation taken from the book.


סמי מיכאל ואילי עמיר - שני סופרים ישראליים ילידי עיראק ובני אותו דור (סמי מכאיל נולד בבגדד בשנת 1926 ואלי עמיר ב-1937). כתבו ברומניהם, בין השאר, על המזרחיות ועל האהבה ונשיות.ושניהם חיו חיים פרועים, מוחצנים. לא נרתעו מהתנסות בכל דבר חדש שנקרה בדרכם, מרדו במוסכמות ונהג באופן פרובוקטיבי, הם נהנו מהזעזוע והתדהמה, שהם מעוררים סביבם. מנסים למצוא את מקומם במסגרות משפחתיות שונות, לכן הם בחרו להציג שתי גבורות ערביות .ושתי הגיבורות הן בחורות נוצריות ערביות והן והדובר ברומן "יסמין" הוא דובר- בגוף ראשון , ב"חצוצרה בוואדי" הדוברת היא הודא הגיבורת , אך ביסמין הדובר הוא נורי – אלי עצמו. שניהם עצמאיים ולשניהם יש תחביב שהם משקיעים בו רבות; הקריאה. המשפחות של שתי הגיבורים עוברות שינויים חברתיים במהלך העלילה, ובשעת הצורך שניהן עובדות  לממן צרכים שהמשפחה אינה יכולה לממן. ברומנם במחקר זה ואתעניין בספרם של סמי מיכאל: "חצוצרה בוואדי"" (2008) ובין ספרו של אלי עמיר: יסמין( 2005). מחקר זה מבקש לבדוק כיצד מצטיירת דמותה של האישה הערבית הנוצרית בשני רומנים מפורסמים של השניים . תחילה אתייחס למקומו של הערבי בספרות הישראלית ,  ואציג את תמצית שני הרמנים עם חיי הסופרים, ואדון בדמות האישה ודרכי איפיונה בהסתמך על ספרות תיאורטית.     
בפרק השיני אתעניין לדמותיוהן של הודא ויסמין כמייצגות את התקופה, ולבחון את הקווים הבולטים בדרכי עיצובה. ,ואשווה בין הדמות הערבית הנוצרית החוזרת בשני הרומנים, ואבדוק מהי עמדת המוצא שלהם, כיצד הם מתארים את שתי הדמויות ובמה הם בוחרים להתמקד.מפאת תחומו המצומצם של הדיון, העיסוק בנושא יתמקד במבחר דוגמאות נבחרים מן שני הרומנים.



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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Significance Of Maternal Total Serum Homocysteine Level In Iraqi Mothers Who Had Previous Babies With Neural Tube Defects
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Background: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are said to be inherited in a multifactorial fashion, i.e. genetic-environmental interaction. Maternal nutritional deficiencies had long been reported to cause NTDs, especially folate deficiency during early pregnancy. More attention had been paid to the exact mechanism by which this deficiency state causes these defects in the developing embryo. The most significant of all researches was that connecting reduced folate and increased homocysteine level in maternal serum on one hand and the risk of developing a NTD baby on the other hand. Objectives : to determine the significance of homocysteine level in Iraqi mothers who gave birth to babies with NTDs as compared to normal controls. Patients, Materials

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Fri Nov 03 2023
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Journal Of Namibian Studies
Consciousness of Green Nanotechnology among Chemistry Scholars at the College of Education for Pure Sciences - Ibn Al-Haitham in Iraq
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The study's objective is to find out the difference between the scholar of the research sample in awareness Green nanotechnology on the scaleas a whole and in each of its fields. The research depended of (136) specimen mem and women scholars of the fourth stage scholars / Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Pure Sciences / Ibn Al-Haytham in Iraq for (2022-2023 AD) for the morning and evening studies, (65%) of the scientific community, It was picked at random with relation to the research instrument. it was a measure of awareness of green nanotechnology of (40) items, distributed in three areas (cognitive, skillful, emotional), and its validity and reliability were verified. Data analysis was completed for utilizing the s

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
The diagnostic validity of P16<inf>INK4A</inf> for cervical carcinoma in a group of Iraqi women infected with HPV
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Evaluation of the Salivary Levels of Interleukin-17 and Galectin-3 in Patients with Periodontitis and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Periodontitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus are both considered as a chronic disease that affect many people and have an interrelationship in their pathogenesis. Objective: The aim is to evaluate the salivary levels of interleukin-17 (IL-17) and galectin-3 in patients with periodontitis and type-2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: The samples were gathered from 13 healthy (control group) and 75 patients split into 3 groups, 25 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and healthy periodontium (T2DM group), 25 patients with generalized periodontitis (P group), and 25 patients with generalized periodontitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus (P-T2DM group). Clinical periodontal parameters were documented. The concentration of IL-17

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
J Bagh College Dentistry
Comparison of Immunoglobulin IgA level in the stimulated saliva of caries-free and caries-active children aged 7-10 year
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Background: Salivary immunoglobulin IgA plays an essential role in the immune response against dental caries. This studywas conducted to compare the salivary IgA levels and flow rate of stimulated saliva in caries active and caries free children. Materials and methods: The present study included sixty healthy children age 7-10 yearswho were divided into two groups. They were caries free and caries active children (30 children in each group). Assessment and recording of caries – experience were through the application of Decayed, Missing and Filled Tooth Index (DMFT) and (dmft) index, for permanent and deciduous teeth respectively. After dental examination, stimulated saliva samples were collected from the subjects and performed und

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of Neck Circumference Measurement among Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Identifying: Obesity and the Likelihood of Developing Metabolic syndrome.
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Background: Obesity is an evolving major health problem in both developed and developing countries. Traditional obesity indices as body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip-ratio are well known measures to identify obese subjects, however, neck circumference as an index of upper-body obesity was found to be a simple and time-saving screening measure that can be used to identify obesity and the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients.
Aim: to investigate the relationship of neck circumference (NC) to obesity and metabolic syndrome in Iraqi subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: The study group included 90 type 2 diabetic subjects (48 men and 42 women) aged 30-68 years. The subjects were those w

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The study of Bacteriocin of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Citrus limon effects against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis in acne patients
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Research was carried out antibacterial of (Citrus limon) juice on Acnevulgaris. Samples were obtained from individuals having (Pimples) by swabbing their faces. Substances natural from plants are promising to treat disease cause Acnevulgaris, the study in vitro biological activity of the juice, as well as bacterocin cultivated and fruits was investigated on two strain bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis). The new antimicrobial (bacteriocin and Citrus juice) is ongoing search. This study used s juice at different concentrations at (20%, 30%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%). The Bacteriocin produced from local P. fluorescens isolates from wound infection and majority of isolates were found to produce crude Bacteriocin were (

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Sun Jun 09 2019
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Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Prevalence of Acetabular Retroversion among Adult Patients Presenting with Hip Pain in Orthopedic Clinic of Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital
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Background: Acetabular retroversion has been proposed to contribute to the development of pain and osteoarthritis of the hip. Conventional anteroposterir (AP) pelvic radiographs may represent a reliable, easily available diagnostic modality.

Objective: To obtained a reproducible technique allowing the anterior and posterior acetabular rims to be visible for assessment

Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted from December 2015 to March 2017 targeting patients with hip pain in orthopedic clinic of Al-Kindy teaching hospital. The study sample consisted of 100 patients with hip pain who were investigated with Antroposterior pelvic plain x-ray, which was done for all

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Fri Mar 22 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences And Research
Evaluation of the efficacy of caries removal using papain gel (Brix 3000) and smart preparation bur (in vivo comparative study)‏
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The chemical composition of some kinds of local soybean Glycine max and its utilization in manufacturing supporting cereal baby foods
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This study was conducted on five kinds of local soybean seeds (Ibaa, Hawija, Taqa.2, Lee74 and Hassan). The chemical analysis results showed that Hawija soybean has the highest percent of protein which was 38-08%, The amino acid percent was also higher than the other kinds(lysine, Thereonine and Tryptopham), and being 389,250,81 mg/gm nitrogen respectively Both amino acids were important for child nutrition. Hawija was selected, being the best for proteins and basic amino acids, and was utilized in preparation of the adjunct baby food formula. Eighteen formulas had been prepared by using soybean flour kind(Hawija), wheat flour kind (Abu gharib) and full fat powder milk (NIDO). Each formula contained 20% protein as recommended by F.A.O, W.

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