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The Broken Wings: The character of the Arab Christian |Woman in Sami Michael's Novel "Trumpet in the Wadi" versus "Jasmine" by Eli Amir: הכנפיים שנשברו דמות האישה הערבית הנוצרית ברומן " חוצוצרה בוואדי " של סמי מיכאל לעומת דמותה ב " יסמין " של אלי עמיר
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Sami Michael and Eli Amir - two Israeli writers born in Iraq and of the same generation (Sami Makhail was born in Baghdad in 1926 and Eli Amir in 1937). They wrote in their novels, among other things, about Orientalism , love and femininity. They both lived wild, extroverted lives. They did not shy away from experiencing anything new that came their way, rebelled against conventions and acted provocatively; they enjoyed the shock and amazement that evoked around them. While trying to find their place in different family settings, they chose to present two Arab Christian heroines. The narrator in Jasmine is the speaker Noori-Eli himself. While the narrator of “Trumpet in the Wadi” is Huda the heroine herself. Both are independent and both have a hobby in which they invest a lot; which is reading.

 The families of the two protagonists undergo social changes during the plot, and when necessary they both work to provide the family needs. First, the study sheds light on the importance of the Arabs in Israeli literature as reflected in Sami Michael's book: "Trumpet in the Wadi" "(2008) and Eli Amir's: Jasmine (2005).  It, also, provides summaries of the two novels and discusses the character of the Arabic Christian woman as described in both novels.

Chapter two debates the characters of Huda and Jasmine and similarities of the two in representing their time. The chapter also compares the recurring image of the Christian Arab character in the two novels, the concept of racism, characters description, as well as the subjects discussed throughout the books with an number of citation taken from the book.


סמי מיכאל ואילי עמיר - שני סופרים ישראליים ילידי עיראק ובני אותו דור (סמי מכאיל נולד בבגדד בשנת 1926 ואלי עמיר ב-1937). כתבו ברומניהם, בין השאר, על המזרחיות ועל האהבה ונשיות.ושניהם חיו חיים פרועים, מוחצנים. לא נרתעו מהתנסות בכל דבר חדש שנקרה בדרכם, מרדו במוסכמות ונהג באופן פרובוקטיבי, הם נהנו מהזעזוע והתדהמה, שהם מעוררים סביבם. מנסים למצוא את מקומם במסגרות משפחתיות שונות, לכן הם בחרו להציג שתי גבורות ערביות .ושתי הגיבורות הן בחורות נוצריות ערביות והן והדובר ברומן "יסמין" הוא דובר- בגוף ראשון , ב"חצוצרה בוואדי" הדוברת היא הודא הגיבורת , אך ביסמין הדובר הוא נורי – אלי עצמו. שניהם עצמאיים ולשניהם יש תחביב שהם משקיעים בו רבות; הקריאה. המשפחות של שתי הגיבורים עוברות שינויים חברתיים במהלך העלילה, ובשעת הצורך שניהן עובדות  לממן צרכים שהמשפחה אינה יכולה לממן. ברומנם במחקר זה ואתעניין בספרם של סמי מיכאל: "חצוצרה בוואדי"" (2008) ובין ספרו של אלי עמיר: יסמין( 2005). מחקר זה מבקש לבדוק כיצד מצטיירת דמותה של האישה הערבית הנוצרית בשני רומנים מפורסמים של השניים . תחילה אתייחס למקומו של הערבי בספרות הישראלית ,  ואציג את תמצית שני הרמנים עם חיי הסופרים, ואדון בדמות האישה ודרכי איפיונה בהסתמך על ספרות תיאורטית.     
בפרק השיני אתעניין לדמותיוהן של הודא ויסמין כמייצגות את התקופה, ולבחון את הקווים הבולטים בדרכי עיצובה. ,ואשווה בין הדמות הערבית הנוצרית החוזרת בשני הרומנים, ואבדוק מהי עמדת המוצא שלהם, כיצד הם מתארים את שתי הדמויות ובמה הם בוחרים להתמקד.מפאת תחומו המצומצם של הדיון, העיסוק בנושא יתמקד במבחר דוגמאות נבחרים מן שני הרומנים.



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Publication Date
Thu Jun 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculations of the Electron Transport Parameters in CH4-Ar and CH4-Ne Mixtures Gases Using Monte Carlo Method
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    The result of concentration varying of mixture methane with argon and neon gas are believed to study the change in electrons energy distribution function and then the change of the electrons transport parameters including the drift velocity, the mean energy, characteristics energy and diffusion coefficient. In the present work,a contemporary developed computer, simulation program known as Bolsig+ is being used for calculating the electron transport parameters.

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Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Testing the ability of Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt 1833) Isopoda Crustaceans to decompose and consume cellulosean wastes in different ecosystems
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The present study was undertaken to use individual terrestrial crustacean from Isopoda such as the species Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt 1833) as environmental cleaner and that through the test of their abilities in decomposition of residues of some cellulosean wastes such as wood pieces which contain high ratio of urban wastes, and residue of Zea mays and particularly leaves as plant waste in agricultural fields and residue of Cynodon dactylon plants which compose the main wastes in most of gardens and parks. Experiments were conducted relatively in stable laboratory conditions to ensure environmental conditions similar to crustaceans' life. The results showed presence of good efficiency of these individuals in treating such wastes as

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The reliability of insertion torque as an indicator for primary stability in immediate dental implant: A prospective clinical study
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Background: The primary stability of the dental implant is a crucial factor determining the ability to initiate temporary implant-supported prosthesis and for subsequent successful osseointegration, especially in the maxillary non-molar sites. This study assessed the reliability of the insertion torque of dental implants by relating it to the implant stability quotient values measured by the Osstell device. Material and methods: This study included healthy, non-smoker patients with no history of diabetes or other metabolic, or debilitating diseases that may affect bone healing, having non-restorable fractured teeth and retained roots in the maxillary non-molar sites. Primary dental implant stability was evaluated using a torque ratc

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 14 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Comparing the histological effect of Thymol from multiple sources with blood lipids profile and liver enzymes in Albino Mice
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The therapeutic value of the phenolic component and pure thymol was well known; this study comprised the extraction of crude phenol from two plants (Thymus vulgaris and Artemisia annua) which contain thymol with pure thymol and evaluate their effect on hematological and histological by using three different concentrations of each plant extract and pure thymol to tested them on lab mice. All the mice were allowed free access to water and feed for 21 days in laboratory conditions; orally, pure water was administered to the control mice (group I), while groups II, III, and IV were given orally with T. vulgaris, A. annua, combination of last two crude phenol plant extract 50:50 and pure thymol respectively. The levels of CHO, TRI, and HDL were

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Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
A comparative study of resistance training on land and in the aqueousTo develop some capacity for three Al Wathba
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أن التطور العلمي الحاصل فيما يخص المجال الرياضي أرسى آفاق جديدة لمواكبة التطور الكبير في مجا ل الألعاب والفعاليات الرياضية المختلفة ,و أن تحقيق النتائج الجيدة في فعاليات العاب القوى بشكل عام والثلاثية بشكل خاص في التدريب الرياضي يتطلب إتباع الأساليب العلمية الدقيقة والموضوعية بشكل سليم ومخطط له،فضلا عنة تطبيق نظريات ومنحى جديد لمواكبة الاتجاهات الحديثة في تحقيق النتائج الجيدة للوصول إلى المستويات العالية

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Fri Dec 07 2018
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Clinical Research
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Objectives: With the advent of ongoing novel modalities toward the treatment of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)/NEU - positive malignancies, the serious side effects of chemoradiotherapy have been minimized. Hence, this study was conducted to identify the patterns of immunohistochemical expression of the promising therapeutic target (HER2/NEU) among Iraqi patients with medulloblastoma in an attempt to provide basic histological information’s that would help in future clinical researches.Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, 42 formalin - fixed paraffin - embedded tissue blocks represent cases of surgically removed medulloblastomas were retrieved from the archived materials in a specialized surgical ho

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Fri Jun 18 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (ijet)
The Effectiveness of Educational Pillars Based on Vygotsky's Theory in Achievement and Information Processing Among First Intermediate Class Students
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The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of the educational pillars strategy based on Vygotsky's theory in mathematical achievement and information processing of first-grade intermediate students. In pursuit of the research objectives, the experimental method was used, and the quasi-experimental design was used for two equivalent groups, one control group taught traditionally and the other experi-mental taught according to the educational pillars strategy. The research sample consisted of (66) female students from the first intermediate grade, who were inten-tionally chosen after ensuring their equivalence, taking into account several factors, most notably chronological age and their level of mathematics, and they we

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Fri Apr 01 2022
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International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
Digital culture skills among chemistry students at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn al-Haytham in Iraq
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Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
Rock facies classification and its effect on the estimation of original oil in place based on petrophysical properties data
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The most significant function in oil exploration is determining the reservoir facies, which are based mostly on the primary features of rocks. Porosity, water saturation, and shale volume as well as sonic log and Bulk density are the types of input data utilized in Interactive Petrophysics software to compute rock facies. These data are used to create 15 clusters and four groups of rock facies. Furthermore, the accurate matching between core and well-log data is established by the neural network technique. In the current study, to evaluate the applicability of the cluster analysis approach, the result of rock facies from 29 wells derived from cluster analysis were utilized to redistribute the petrophysical properties for six units of Mishri

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Effects of Conductance on Metastable Switches in Memristive Devices Based on Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) Learning Rules
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     In the last few years, the literature conferred a great interest in studying the feasibility of using memristive devices for computing. Memristive devices are important in structure, dynamics, as well as functionalities of artificial neural networks (ANNs) because of their resemblance to biological learning in synapses and neurons regarding switching characteristics of their resistance. Memristive architecture consists of a number of metastable switches (MSSs). Although the literature covered a variety of memristive applications for general purpose computations, the effect of low or high conductance of each MSS was unclear. This paper focuses on finding a potential criterion to calculate the conductance of each MMS rather t

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