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Practical Steps For Literal Translation: گــام¬های عـملی یک ترجــمهء حرفه¬ای
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The present paper, practical methods of professional translation, discusses the most important methods to achieve an accurate effective translation from the source language text  to the equivalent target language text.

The present study suggests that practical translation like any literary activity is of six main stages that follow sequential order to achieve an accurate translation: (choosing the foreign text to be translated, the author of the text permission, the text translation, considering the title contextual meaning, reviewing the text translation, and finally finding a good publisher).


پژوهش حاضر که با عنوان گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­­­­­­­­ای يك تلاش فروتنانه به دنبال بررسی وتحلیل گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای است، كه هر مترجم برای ارائه یک ترجمه خوب و درست از زبان مبدأ به زبان مقصد باید ان را دنبال کند.

        پژوهش از شش مطلب تشکیل یافته است, كه مجموع آن گام­های عملی یک ترجمهء حرفه­ای به شمار می روند .از میان مهمترین نتایجی که پژوهشگر به آن رسیده: ترجمه هم مانند هر فعالیت ادبی باید طبق مرحله­هایی یا با گام­های مرتب ویکی پس از دیگری انجام شود وگرنه کار کم اهمیت خواهد بود, و گام­های عملی ترجمه حرفه­ای عبارتنداز: انتخاب کتاب،گرفتن اجازه از صاحب اثر،شروع به ترجمهء متن اثر،ترجمهء عنوان کتاب ، ویرایش وانتخاب ناشر.



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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative reading of the social and political satire in the works of Abu al-Fadl Zrui Nasrabad and Ahmad Rajab (The tadhk: خوانش تطبیقی طنز اجتماعی – سیاسی در آثار ابوالفضل زرویی نصرآباد و احمد رجب(مورد مطالعه: تذکرة المقامات زرویی و نصف كلمة احمد رجب)
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           Satire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because  it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Spe/iatmi Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Influence of miscible CO2 flooding on wettability and asphaltene precipitation in Indiana Lime Stone
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding is an EOR technique in which carbon dioxide is injected into the reservoir to improve the oil recovery. The reservoir oil and rock properties are altered when carbon dioxide interacts with the oil and rock present in the reservoir. Carbon dioxide injection alters the oil and rock properties by causing reduction in oil viscosity, oil swelling and wettability alteration of the rock. This paper will present a proposal to study the wettability alteration in carbonate formations during miscible carbon dioxide flooding. In miscible carbon dioxide flooding, the injection pressure of carbon dioxide would be kept above the minimum miscibility pressure. Thus carbon dioxide is miscible with the oil present in the reservoi

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Planning the Production of the Electrical Distribution Converter (400KV/11) Using Time Series Methods and Goal Programming in the Fuzzy Environment
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This Paper aims to plan the production of the electrical distribution converter (400 KV/11) for one month at Diyala Public Company and with more than one goal for the decision-maker in a fuzzy environment. The fuzzy demand was forecasting using the fuzzy time series model. The fuzzy lead time for raw materials involved in the production of the electrical distribution converter (400 KV/11) was addressed using the fuzzy inference matrix through the application of the matrix in Matlab, and since the decision-maker has more than one goal, so a mathematical model of goal programming was create, which aims to achieve two goals, the first is to reduce the total production costs of the electrical distribution converter (400 KV/11) and th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Selection of the initial value of the time series generating the first-order self-regression model in simulation modeAnd their impact on the accuracy of the model
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In this paper, compared eight methods for generating the initial value and the impact of these methods to estimate the parameter of a autoregressive model, as was the use of three of the most popular methods to estimate the model and the most commonly used by researchers MLL method, Barg method  and the least squares method and that using the method of simulation model  first order autoregressive through the design of a number of simulation experiments and the different sizes of the samples.


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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Jeder Lernende, der in der Fremdsprache Deutsch kommunizieren möchte, wird sich auch mit der deutschen Aussprache beschäftigen (müssen). Wer eine gute Aussprache hat, wird nicht nur oft und zu Recht bewundert, er hat es auch leichter, die deutsche Sprache zu verstehen, und er wird gut verstanden. Aussprachefehler beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation, sie führen zur Unverständlichkeit von Namen, Wörtern und Äußerungen oder Mißverständnissen, sie bewirken Ermüdung und Konzentrationsverluste und beeinträchtigen die Sprachverarbeitung durch Assoziationen und Emotionen, die beim Hörer entstehen können.’’[1]

Diese vorliegende Forschung befasst sich mit der Wic

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Some of Estimation methods of Stress-Strength Model: R = P(Y < X < Z)
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In this study, the stress-strength model R = P(Y < X < Z)  is discussed as an important parts of reliability system by assuming that the random variables follow Invers Rayleigh Distribution. Some traditional estimation methods are used    to estimate the parameters  namely; Maximum Likelihood, Moment method, and Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator and Shrinkage estimator using three types of shrinkage weight factors. As well as, Monte Carlo simulation are used to compare the estimation methods based on mean squared error criteria.  

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Technical methods in foreign language teaching as a new method in foreign language learning
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Unter dem Titel " Technische Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht als eine neueste Methode im Fremdsprachlernen, die Spiele als Muster"

versteht man, dass die Forschung  sich mit einer neuen Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht beschäftigt. Von den neuen Methoden im Unterricht sind die Spiele. So man sieht  in den letzten Jahren viele Artikel zum Thema Spiele im Fremdsprschunterricht. Davon gehen wir aus, dass die Spiele im Unterricht eine groβe Rolle spielt, denn diese Methode macht Lust, Spaβ im Lernenprozeβ. Die Spiele im Unterricht bezeichnen als ein Mittel, um Unterricht etwas Schönes , Nützliches und Lebendigs zu sein. Die Spiele sind vielfälltig und unterscheidet sich nach den Themen und Materialien. In dieser F

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Spe Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference And Exhibition
Effect of nanoparticles on the interfacial tension of CO2-oil system at high pressure and temperature: An experimental approach
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In the recent decade, injection of nanoparticles (NPs) into underground formation as liquid nanodispersions has been suggested as a smart alternative for conventional methods in tertiary oil recovery projects from mature oil reservoirs. Such reservoirs, however, are strong candidates for carbon geo-sequestration (CGS) projects, and the presence of nanoparticles (NPs) after nanofluid-flooding can add more complexity to carbon geo-storage projects. Despite studies investigating CO2 injection and nanofluid-flooding for EOR projects, no information was reported about the potential synergistic effects of CO2 and NPs on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CGS concerning the interfacial tension (γ) of CO2-oil system. This study thus extensively inves

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some innovative word-formation processes in popular Internet texts in Russian and Arabic: Некоторые Инновационные словообразовательные процессы в популярных интернет-текстах в русском и арабском языках
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       The present article discusses innovative word-formation processes in Internet texts, the emergence of new derivative words, new affixes, word-formation models, and word-formation methods. Using several neologisms as an example, the article shows both the possibilities of Internet word-making process and the possibilities of studying a newly established work through Internet communication. The words selected for analysis can be attributed to the keywords of the current time. (In particular, the words included in the list of "Words of 2019") there are number of words formed by the suffix method, which is the traditional method of the Russian word formation. A negation of these words is usually made thro

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Methods of Teaching Conversation in Russian Students Speaking Arabic: Методы преподавания говорения на русском языке в арабской аудитории
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      This paper tackles methods of teaching conversation in Russian to students speaking Arabic. It analyses the differences between the two languages, as well as the difficulties and major errors faced by Arabic speakers studying Russian. Particularly, it looks at the difficulty of transforming spoken language. Finally, the paper suggests ways for teaching spoken language and treating the reasons behind making errors.


          Данная статья рассматривает методы преподавания говорения на русском языке для носителей арабского яз

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