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The comparative method in Maupassant’s (A woman’s Life): Le système comparatif dans Une vie de Maupassant
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The comparative method plays a major role in Maupassant’s novel (A woman’s Life).This is due to a good theme choice and smooth writing style characterized by simplicity, spontaneity and brevity.

The author uses the comparative method in the introduction of his novel where he compares the monastery’s closed world to the open world of the countryside of La Normandie, which represents the dream life of the heroine Jeanne.

The present paper is an attempt to answer the question regarding the importance of applying the comparative method in the novel (A Woman’s Life) by Maupassant. The paper stresses the fact that the novelist employs the comparative method in his book for certain features .One of these features is the brief yet far-reaching meaning that brings out the things’ sensory sides and adds the text an aesthetic touch that cannot be found in any other style.

La comparaison joue un rôle important dans le roman Une vie de Guy de Maupassant. La supériorité de Maupassant dans le genre littéraire revient au type de sujet qu’il choisit et à sa manière d’écrire ; car il a excellé dans son style simple, bref et naturel. Il a utilisé le procédé de la comparaison à l’entrée de son roman qui correspond au passage d’un lieu clos représenté par le couvent à l’espace ouvert des campagnes Normandes, image de la liberté retrouvée chez son héroïne Jeanne.

 Cette recherche répond aux questions concernant l’importance du système comparatif dans le roman Une vie de Maupassant. Nous avons trouvé que l’auteur l’a utilisé pour ses fonctions variées ; comme la concision qui résulte et facilite la narration des faits, ainsi que la comparaison sert à nous rapprocher du coté sensuel et nous donne un aspect d’ornement contribué infiniment à la beauté du style.



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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
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The Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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A field experiment was conducted on the form of the Dept. of Field Crop Sci. / College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad in spring and fall seasons of 2009 and 2010 . Ten inbreds of maize were planted and crossed to each other to produce single crosses . In the second season, single crosses were planted along with thin parent to produce three – way and double crosses . In the third seasons panet and crosses were planted . Crosses were selfed to produce F2 seeds and increase seeds of inbreds . In the fourth season, all grin types were planted , and their agronomic traits were evaluated . Values of P of inbreds , F1 and F2 were calculated for agronomic traits . The new formula to predict inbreeding depression ( ID ) F2 plant without gr

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Recent Development In Oxine Complexes And Their Medical Application: A Review.
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This review is concluded of 8-Hydroxyquinline (8HQ) compound and derivatives which has a very significant interests with a strong fluorescence , furthermore the relationship between divalent metal ions and characteristic of chelating . In the same way coordinated features have increase of its organic action and inorganic behavior by giving many samples of compounds which are a good chelating agents ligands with more capable of forming very stable complexes.Therefore, the role of (8HQ) is not limited on complexes only but its applications in different fields so this review will focus on demonstration preparation methods and properties of (8HQ) derivatives with their complexes and applications, hopefully that we will cover a part of scientifi

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 17 2021
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7th International Conference On Multidisciplinary Sciences (7th Icomus)
A Critical Pragmatic Study of Sarcasms in American and British Interviews
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APDBN Rashid, 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences (7th ICOMUS), 2021

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
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A treatment strategy for recurrent (ankle injuries) in Muay Thai athletes
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Objective: An efficient solution for stabilization is the mobilization of the joints for the arthrokinematics affected by the positional defect of the CAI (i.e. chronic ankle instability). This study put to comparison the impacts of ankle dorsi flexion range of motion (DFROM) as well as dynamic balance ability (DBA) in the patients who have CAI using PJM (i.e. passive joint mobilization), a technique typically been used in previous works, and active joint mobilization (AJM), a technique which could have a greater impact on cortical excitability with the spontaneous movement. Design: rehabilitation program to treat recurrent ankle. Methods: A total of 10 players from the Iraqi clubs Muay Thai team were registered, 5 from each of

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
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Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a Video Buffer Framework for Video Streaming in Cellular Networks
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This work proposes a new video buffer framework (VBF) to acquire a favorable quality of experience (QoE) for video streaming in cellular networks. The proposed framework consists of three main parts: client selection algorithm, categorization method, and distribution mechanism. The client selection algorithm was named independent client selection algorithm (ICSA), which is proposed to select the best clients who have less interfering effects on video quality and recognize the clients’ urgency based on buffer occupancy level. In the categorization method, each frame in the video buffer is given a specific number for better estimation of the playout outage probability, so it can efficiently handle so many frames from different video

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
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Route Educational And Social Science Journal
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Psychosocial Alienation is a modern concept that arises from the capitalist and materialistic conceptions of individuals. The evergrowing competitive nature of domestic societies crystallised the concept in its modern form. The intensity of the rapid changes in the urbanised societies prevents the individuals from exploring their inner selves. Thus, a new generation is created with an alienation crisis which is reflected inward towards the self and outwards toward society. Alan Ayckbourn (1939), A British playwright, presents Alienated characters inspired by his life on and off stage. He explores their Alienation and their path toward recovery and self-realization. A Brief History of Women (2017) Ayckbourn explores the depth of the individu

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
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Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Notes are given regarding new record species of the braconid parasite short note in Iraq. That is Apanteles angalcti it is found to parasitize early larval instaxs of Ectomyslois ceratontae, one of the most serious pests of pomegra- nate fruit.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
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Journal Of Toxicology
Acute β - N -Methylamino-L-alanine Toxicity in a Mouse Model
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The cyanobacterial neurotoxinβ-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) is considered to be an “excitotoxin,” and its suggested mechanism of action is killing neurons. Long-term exposure to L-BMAA is believed to lead to neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Objectives of this study were to determine the presumptive median lethal dose (LD50), the Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (LOAEL), and histopathologic lesions caused by the naturally occurring BMAA isomer, L-BMAA, in mice. Seventy NIH Swiss Outbred mice (35 male and 35 female) were used. Treatment group mice

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Research Express
Thermochromic and opacity behaviors in vanadium dioxide nanofilms: a theoretical study
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Abstract<p>Vanadium dioxide nanofilms are one of the most essential materials in electronic applications like smart windows. Therefore, studying and understanding the optical properties of such films is crucial to modify the parameters that control these properties. To this end, this work focuses on investigating the opacity as a function of the energy directed at the nanofilms with different thicknesses (1–100) nm. Effective mediator theories (EMTs), which are considered as the application of Bruggeman’s formalism and the Looyenga mixing rule, have been used to estimate the dielectric constant of VO<sub>2</sub> nanofilms. The results show different opacity behaviors at different w</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 07 2021
Journal Name
Jurnal Teknologi
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The power generation of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is being implemented in every nation worldwide due to its environmentally clean characteristics. Therefore, PV technology is significantly growing in the present applications and usage of PV power systems. Despite the strength of the PV arrays in power systems, the arrays remain susceptible to certain faults. An effective supply requires economic returns, the security of the equipment and humans, precise fault identification, diagnosis, and interruption tools. Meanwhile, the faults in unidentified arc lead to serious fire hazards to commercial, residential, and utility-scale PV systems. To ensure secure and dependable distribution of electricity, the detection of such ha

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