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Logical Semantic and Figurative Modeling of Phraseological Units in Arabic: Логико-Семиотическое И Образное Моделирование Фразеологизмов В Арабском Языке
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The present article is devoted to the analysis of Arabic phraseological units with a component hand, selected by continuous sampling from the “Training Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary: about 900 phraseological units” by G. L. Permyakov. Arabic phraseological units with a component hand are modeled as invariant situations (by logical-semiotic models) and figurative statements are expressed by phraseological variants (according to the figurative characteristic of the hand component). The artical focuses on the fact that somatism in Arabic phraseology has a symbolic and symbolic nature, marking various situations of Arabs' behavior, their actions, deeds, rituals, emotional and psychological states, etiquette, in particular etiquette formulas of congratulations and politeness. Thus, Arabic phraseology encodes these situations as invariants, for which phraseological variants are used with the component hand, which is the figurative and symbolic center of formation of their intended phraseological meaning. 


Статья посвящена анализу арабских фразеологизмов з компонентом рука, отобранные путем сплошной выборки из «Учебного русско-арабского фразеологического словаря: около 900 фразеологизмов» Г. Л. Пермякова арабские фразеологизмы с компонентом рука смоделированы в качестве инвариантных ситуаций (по логико-семиотическим моделям) и как образные высказывания, выраженные фразеологическими вариантами (по образной характеристике компонента рука). Автор акцентирует внимание на том, что соматизм рука в арабской фразеологии имеет знаково-символическую природу, маркируя различные ситуации поведения арабов, их действия, поступки, обряды, эмоциональные и психологические состояния, этикет, в частности этикетные формулы поздравления и вежливости. Таким образом, арабская фразеология кодирует эти ситуации как инварианты, для обозначения которых используются фразеологические варианты с компонентом рука, который является образно-символическим центром образования их фразеологического значения.




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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Environmental pollution of solid waste and methods of managing it Study in Ramadi Municipality Case
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The current research aims at finding out how to properly and correctly manage waste and solid waste and reduce the difficulties faced by all countries. However, it is becoming increasingly acute in developed cities because their economies are growing rapidly. It is necessary to identify the modern methods used in developed countries in managing wastes. The use of modern waste management techniques is a coordinated effort by international agencies within the borders responsible for them. The problem of the study can be identified in the lack of clarity of environmental management procedures in place. The importance of the research contributes to providing greater capacity to the administrative and technical leadership in the municipality

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dimensions of binding and non-binding social responsibility and its relationship to organizational performance / Field Study in telecommunications companies in the Republic of yemen
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The study aims at measuring the dimensions of binding and non-binding social responsibility and its relation to the organizational performance in telecommunication companies in the Republic of Yemen using analytical descriptive approach and questionnaire as a main tool for data collection and comprehensive inventory method.

It has been found  that there is a positive effect and significant moral relation between social responsibility with its binding and non-binding dimensions  and the organizational performance of telecommunication companies in the Republic of Yemen at a level of significance below (0.05). It has also been found that the correlation between the non-binding social responsibilit

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Strategic Planning and its Importance in Building Institutional Work in the National Insurance
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The aim of the research is to identify the reality of strategic planning in the National Insurance Company and its importance in building institutional work and to identify the requirements that enable this company to successfully implement strategic planning and the obstacles that limit its application and then achieve the marketing objectives of this company. This study started from the fact that there is a problem represented by the main question that was stated.                                            &nbsp

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Leader: His Qualifications and Attributes in the Quranic Perspective in Light of Surat Al-Naml - An Objective Study
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Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after :
For the Holy Qur’an is the constitution of this nation, and it has included everything that the nation needs, and it has appropriate solutions for all the problems it faces, and for a long time the nation has its vision for the future, waiting for a leader who carries the concerns of this nation and proceeds towards progress and progress, so that it rises to the glory and glory. He brings it out from what it is today, from its deterioration in all levels.
The world has witnessed in recent decades the development of programs and curricula, and books have been prepared showing how to prepare leaders and their industry, and what programs they should adopt

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Analytical Study of Bending Stresses and Deflections in Curved Beam Made of Laminated Composite Material
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Theoretical and experimental methodologies were assessed to test curved beam made of layered   composite material. The maximum stress and maximum deflection were computed for each layer and the effect of radius of curvature and curve shape on them. Because of the increase of the use of composite materials in aircraft structures and the renewed interest in these types of problems, the presented theoretical assessment was made using three different approaches: curved beam theory and an approximate 2D strength of material equations and finite element method (FEM) analysis by ANSYS 14.5 program for twelve cases of multi-layered cylindrical shell panel differs in fibe

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Federal Board of Supreme Audit and Role in the Assessment of Tax Performance: An Applied Research in The General Commission of Taxes
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The success of any institution must be based on means to protect its resources and assets from the waste, loss, misuse and the availability of accurate and reliable data by accounting reports to increase its operational efficiency, namely, that the internal control system is considered as a safety valve for top management in any economic unit. The problem is represented by the need for an efficient system, so to ensure its success, there must exist external parties which monitor and evaluate the performance because of its importance by following clear criteria. So, the research problem came to address performance evaluation indicators which are set by the Federal Board of Supreme Audit (FBSA) and identify the extent of its contribution t

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Samples of Al Samarqandi’s Selection in some of Washing Laws and the touch of the Grecians Quran in his book (The scholars’ Masterpiece)
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The Research is interested in the detailed comparative study of certain selection of
Imam Alsamarqandi in some subjects of washing and touching the Gracious Quran.
The value of this study is that it is related to one aspect of the duties obliged on Muslim
like parity.
The study has tried to collect certain scholars’ opinions of eight doctrines with the
selection of Alsamarqandi to make a comp arson between them and to show how
Alsamarqandi is able to create legal laws from his sources to lead the researchers nto have
knowledge about the syllabi of the famous scientists.
Finally we ask God to bless to what is right and to accept this study and make it part of
our good deeds, Ameen.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 29 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The net effect of the nominal protection coefficients in the production of table eggs and poultry meat in Iraq For the period 1990- 2013.: The net effect of the nominal protection coefficients in the production of table eggs and poultry meat in Iraq For the period 1990- 2013.
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The research aims to measure the net nominal protection coefficients for the products table eggs and poultry meat and the extent of its impact on domestic production volume for the period of 1990- 2013 has been the use of mathematical formulas simplified in the calculation of the transaction process with a view to the extent of support and protection offered by the state pricing policy for products Resources Sector Animal in Iraq and reach search Highlights and most important, there are volatile price state policy with regard to eggs and poultry meat, as it ranged net nominal protection coefficients between the larger and less than the right one, which means that values are unstable to support local producers or consumers, and can be The

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 24 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study): The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study)
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The e-commerce is one of the best achievements of the twentieth century, since the conduct commercial transactions via the Internet may be the consumer easy selection process and purchase convenient manner different from traditional methods, and with the beginnings of the new millennium impose the emergence of e-commerce term significant challenges to the insurance industry as an important economic sectors Generally, and insurance companies in particular as a result of scientific development, which has led to a reduction in costs and innovation in the production, which led to intense competition on both levels local or global. The insurance industry is a vital part of the economy and it has a varied impact to the community and individual

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Ecology, Environment And Conservation
Measurement of the concentration of lead in gasoline stations and in air battery factories and their effect of cytogenetic and hematological parameter in workers
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