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Logical Semantic and Figurative Modeling of Phraseological Units in Arabic: Логико-Семиотическое И Образное Моделирование Фразеологизмов В Арабском Языке
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The present article is devoted to the analysis of Arabic phraseological units with a component hand, selected by continuous sampling from the “Training Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary: about 900 phraseological units” by G. L. Permyakov. Arabic phraseological units with a component hand are modeled as invariant situations (by logical-semiotic models) and figurative statements are expressed by phraseological variants (according to the figurative characteristic of the hand component). The artical focuses on the fact that somatism in Arabic phraseology has a symbolic and symbolic nature, marking various situations of Arabs' behavior, their actions, deeds, rituals, emotional and psychological states, etiquette, in particular etiquette formulas of congratulations and politeness. Thus, Arabic phraseology encodes these situations as invariants, for which phraseological variants are used with the component hand, which is the figurative and symbolic center of formation of their intended phraseological meaning. 


Статья посвящена анализу арабских фразеологизмов з компонентом рука, отобранные путем сплошной выборки из «Учебного русско-арабского фразеологического словаря: около 900 фразеологизмов» Г. Л. Пермякова арабские фразеологизмы с компонентом рука смоделированы в качестве инвариантных ситуаций (по логико-семиотическим моделям) и как образные высказывания, выраженные фразеологическими вариантами (по образной характеристике компонента рука). Автор акцентирует внимание на том, что соматизм рука в арабской фразеологии имеет знаково-символическую природу, маркируя различные ситуации поведения арабов, их действия, поступки, обряды, эмоциональные и психологические состояния, этикет, в частности этикетные формулы поздравления и вежливости. Таким образом, арабская фразеология кодирует эти ситуации как инварианты, для обозначения которых используются фразеологические варианты с компонентом рука, который является образно-символическим центром образования их фразеологического значения.




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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
From Structure to the Signal (Text and Discourse in the Semiotic Analysis)
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Care and attention to the structure in the sixties of the last century replaced the mark, and if the structure of Ms. pampered in research and studies, it has become the mark is also a spoiled lady .. But the relationship between the structure and the mark was not a break and break, but the relationship of integration, His themes are structural analysis, and these are intellectual themes that can not be surpassed in contemporary research, especially since semiotics have emerged from the linguistic inflection.

We have tried to distinguish between text and speech, which is a daunting task, as it seems that whenever the difference between them is clear and clear, we come back to wonder whether the text is the same discourse, and is

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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In this research, a selection of some mineral water was selected on the basis of being the most marketed by the owners of shops in Najaf province, with six types, where daily samples of this water were taken by 50 ml for two months from (1/11/2018 -1/1/2019). The following ions concentrations were measured (Br-, Cl-, F-, NO3-, SO42-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), pH and the electrical conductivity were measured and the results were compared with the allowable rates according to the international organizations. It was noted that they conform to international and Iraqi standards.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Return in the gift and its contraindications in Islamic jurisprudence and Iraqi law
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In his life, a person engages in different types of verbal and actual dispositions that result in various effects, some of which are necessary and not valid, such as selling, and some are not necessary for one of the two contracting parties, such as a mortgage or both, such as lending and agency. However, there are some actions that are sometimes necessary and not necessary at other times, such as a gift that indicates in its simplest sense. Owning money for another without compensation, it is one of the doors of benevolence and benevolence, and it is one of the attributes of perfection with which God, may He be glorified and exalted be He, described Himself. - And if this analogy is the difference - and distanced himself from greed, the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 09 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News in Brief and Their Role in Public Understanding of News Content in Iraqi Satellite TV
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News feeds are at the forefront of news forms that are close to the public's attention for their rapid news content in two directions:

  1. its speed in summarizing events in one or two sentences easy to be understood and realized.
  2. highlight the most important contents of screenings or news broadcast.

The researchers felt that the importance of these brief news compared to news broadcast, breaking news and news subtitle are still ambiguous, as well as their contents.

The researchers selected the city of Baghdad as a community to research and prepare a questionnaire form containing (11) questions.

The questionnaires were distributed to a non-relative stratified

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 03 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rulings of magic  and its treatment in Islam
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best of prayers. He has completed the delivery of our master Muhammad, his family, and all his companions. O God, bring us out from the darkness of illusion, honor us with the light of understanding, open us with knowledge of knowledge, facilitate our morals with dreams, and make us who listen to the saying and follow their best.
And after ..

Since ancient times, magic was mentioned in many books in the history of the civilizations of ancient peoples, where the first emergence of human civilizations, the oldest of which is the Mesopotamian civilization, the Chinese civilization, and the Pharaonic civilization in Egypt, where concepts prevailed based on the charlatans and sorcery an

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality and dilemmas of higher education in IraqAnalytical vision in knowledge economies
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The subject of education, and since time immemorial, gripe the attention of the religious, intellectual, political, social and economic elites. This attention not only in Iraq, but in different countries in the world. There is a close correlation between the educational level of the societies and the edginess of its rising and advancement in all fields.

In order to achieve the research objectives, the research has   been divided into three sections: section I include the historical, scientific, humanitarian evolution of education, starting from the first economic revolution (The Agricultural revolution) through the second economic revolution (The Industrial Revolution) and till the Third Economi

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of strategic approach in the effectiveness of small and medium Enterprises in Iraq
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The purpose of this research highlight the achievement of the effectiveness of small and medium enterprises dimensions and conformable to analyze the relationship between business strategies and human resources management strategies , and launched search of a dilemma thought provoking fundamental questions revolve around the search is the lack of appropriate strategies in these enterprises to help them continuity and permanence in business and markets , as these enterprises lack the human resources management strategies appropriate , as well as business strategies that make them withstand the changes in the market environment is changing and volatile . It was to

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of Protein Concentration in Red and White Muscles in Two Species of Bony Fish
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The current study deals with estimating the protein concentration and the effect of fish weight on protein concentration values in red and white muscles in two different regions ( R1 : Anterior region lies 2 cm behind the head and R2: posterior region lies 2cm from caudal fin  (in  two types of bony fish, namely common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Samples were collected from Karmat Ali river- north of Basrah between October 2019 and February 2020. The protein was extracted using protein extraction buffer, the current study show that the average of  protein concentration in red muscles of Nile tilapia ranged between  7.74-7.4 mg / ml  and ( 6.8-8.85 mg / ml) in R1 and R2 region re

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Employment of Folk Games and Tales in Developing the Skills of Spontaneous Acting in Kindergartens
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Some may think that the games, especially the folk games, are just a means of entertainment and fun and children may resort to them to alleviate the tension they are experiencing at home or school, but the truth is that they carry values and meanings that can be invested in education because they contribute to the development of the personality of the child and enhance self- confidence. The objective of the research is to learn how to use folk games to develop children's acting and   performance skills in the   kindergartens.

The research included a theoretical introduction of three sections: the first section: education through play. The second section: the folk tale and the development of imagination and the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Supervisory and Training Practices in The Field Education Programmes in Achieving the Course Objectivesfrom the Perspective of the Student Teachers in the Faculty of Science and Arts in Sharourah
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The present study aimed at identifying the role of supervisory and training practices in the field   education program in achieving course objectives from the perspective of the student teachers in the Faculty of Science and Arts in sharourah, and its relationship to some variables (gender, specialization,estimation). To achieve this, the researcher used the descriptive-analytical method, and the study tool was designed, which consists of (24) items distributed on two axes: the objectives of field education and supervisory and training practices.Then, the study tool was applied to the research sample represented in the entire study community, which consists of (65) male and female students in the Faculty of Sciences and Arts in

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